Gimme your best rekt !

Gimme your best rekt !

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getting this one out of the way

When I was a kid i drew that for months, I liked spaceships..






Why are they burning it? African children could have eaten that guy.




come on ppl post your rekt shit why am i the only one posting

He is like he has no pain wtf. No sound tho, maybe he is screaming.



probably homos



Wait, so do Muslims just randomly explode without warning?


I love this video. I love seeing pakis and niggers fucked up

same here mudslimes and sandnigger scum


three guys 1 hammer
have fun with this its the rekinest rekt vid evah,-One-Hammer


i like his red balls


thank you i have been looking for this forever

thanks for that
thats so fucked up i need to puke soon

Of course he fucking died you retard

dude took it like a champ

atleast they left his thumb






Oh for fucks sake.

How do you let yourself get to this point?

Fucking nasty.

Would taste/10


Good kitty!

So did she end up winning the tredmill?


What happened here?

are those maggots or is that just what gangrene looks like?

Looks much more like maggots


Always wanted human soup

I have been in rekt threads where I post 80-90vidz and all you get is faggots claiming"Fake!" or complaining about trivial shit like misspellings



Fucking hell. Put it back in there or get some better acid.

clever bastard.




fucking insane that he's ok like that

?????????????? One monkey, one gook


He is athletic and used his legs properly. Most people wouldn't have known how to land or even if they did, wouldn't have the strength to keep the landing from tearing ligaments and breaking bone.



Open the door, get on the floor


Who won?



adrenaline is one hell of a drug

arent the femoral arteries a huge cause for bleeding out? why is he not in a pool of blood?

All the 4channers who get to kek and zozzle

>Meh, I didn't like them fingers anyway



Lost for real, the first time evr

Yeah, but who knows, man. There was a lot of damage there. A lot of tearing and ripping and grinding, so it's possible they are cauterized. Either way, it's a mortal mess of damage without immediate and prolonged medical attention.


crushed closed by the train wheel

What hit him?


Haha, I watched this exact same thing happen in hawaii. Some stupid blonde had never ridden anything with a motor, rents a scooter. gives it gas, panic sets in, blows red light and plows into car. Was glorious!



The train, you tripfag

Shit, did he died?

Little shit deserved it. Did he die?

Well, hopefully the rest of the kids there learned an important lesson from Mr Showoff.


A train - or any of a hundred things that could be hanging out the side

the monkey won

OP, you realize that's a fake, right?

> honestly the best thing that could of happened


I don't see how this guy would have been able to stop, let alone make the turn. Wasn't he out of control and heading straight through the curve and into the crowd/trees anyway?


did you check out the filename?
>I use a wheelchair and won a treadmill on The Price Is Right


his arrogance

Remember kids, don't text and drive.