1. Your country

1. Your country
2. Why you don't believe in anarchism yet

Other urls found in this thread:



WTF? I love anarcho-communism now

ITT: You make arguments against Anarcho-Capitalism and I'll dispel them.

>I'm not an anarchist

because ideology is for sheep

ah yes, Somalia, what a fine example of a great anarchic country

Primarily because it's retarded. Like all ideologies that are stupid, it relies on people being inherently good.

not an argument

not an argument

not an argument

But I'm Anarcho-Capitalist


Frankly I would like to see more old school western values reach Canada one day, all the work we do and it goes where?

What about a national Constitution, why don't we have proper gun rights?

Anarcho-capitalism wants to replicate most functions of the state. I'd go further and say that anarcho-capitalism doesn't actually want to abolish the state. It wouldn't be possible for property rights and so on to exist without the state. Ancaps believe in private courts, laws, private security etc. These are all necessarily parts of what could be called a state.

Cuz rotshield wields much power in a country that has all of its money dispensed by them bankers.

Hello /leftypol/

not an argument


Because I like the idea of having a state.

>I'm Anarcho-Capitalist

You don't reply to the post you're hatposting, Sven.

Uhm, what do I say?

Blade is joining buffi to slay Trump.

It's like making me choose between the best consistency shit. I really don't wan't to.

What did they mean by that?

Here in Brazil anarcho-capitalism is popular. It has channels with almost 1 million subscribers.


Marxism is better

Corporations can be just as bad as states

not an argument

>believe in anarchy

>only the government builds the roads meme

I'm no anarchist but private companies can make the roads. Many of the highways and roads in most countries are build by private companies too.

What stops me from violating the NAP?

It renders "anarcho"-capitalism completely useless

You'll be violating the NAP of course

the fear of retaliation

not an argument

But corporations depend in the apoval of the market. People have to like you so they buy your shit. The problem is when corporation are subsidised and don't really give a shit about the market.

I didn't know Molyneux was a Cappie.

not an argument


I don't fear retaliation.

Then why aren't you murdering people right now?

an argument

not an argument

>1. Your country
>2. Why you don't believe in anarchism yet
because i like having a country

because I have respect for the law and the bindings of a civil society, in a lawless society there would be incentive to be a cunt :~)

Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
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Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
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Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.

Can someone explain to me how all the no government systems are supposed to work?
What would stop the really rich people/corporations fro doing whatever they wanted?

not an argument

not an argument

Anarcho-capitalism is a fancy term for feudalism. Only teenagers fall for it

Libertarian socialism is just a fancy way of saying Utopianism. Only teenagers fall for it

this feels like it belongs on Sup Forums because it's literally politics

*argues with u*

To be fair you can't talk about politics on pol

completely wrong and in any case not an argument

not an argument

Feudalism was restrainted from total war and tribalism by the Divine Right of Kings.

anarcho-capitalism is tribalism or barbarism, ie classical-era germanics or scythians.

You would, just stop giving them money.

Can't dispute this desu, point taken

Libertarianism is the answer my niggs. Small government all they way. We do need security and shit.

what if they send a private army to take away your house/land/enterprise/money?

not an argument

Then they become an organized power. They dominate people. They make the rules. They impose taxes. They become a state. They are no longer a "corporation"

So you're saying not having a government wouldn't work

Ok so let me try to make a case, why aren't you a Mongol cause you're not in Mongolia the same goes for why is no anarchists any were not even Wesley Snipes can escape the man.

Yeah I do think we should have a government but it should have limited powers. In a society without government other groups would compete and make governments, it is inevitable. But I would not fear the rich.


U fear what u don't know.
Just dropped by too call u a poor person user nothing personal just an observation.



>anarchy wouldn't descend into constant killing over resources pretty much immediately

not an argument


No es argumento