Graduating with my masters. Trips decides what I do when I get handed my diploma

Graduating with my masters. Trips decides what I do when I get handed my diploma

pull down pants and shit on it

Give a solid "Fuck You" to everyone, strip completely, and run out.

wipe your ass with it

finger up deans arse

Do a flip

Deepthroat it
Shit on the floor
Rub your dick on dean

Go apply at McDonald's

Snatch angrily and suck your teeth as you walk away. Wear really baggy pants and hold them up as you walk away with a swagger

Passionately French Kiss whoever's handing you the diploma while they're handing you the diploma.

Tear it up straight after being handed it then walk off like Liam Gallagher

thank the academy

Inb4 allahu akbar

grope the ass of each of the professors with a wink to each of them

Stick your hand deep in your ass. rub it around. get your stink on it. Give the person handing diplomas a firm hand shake

Shout allan ooh snackbar

You will do nothing because you are an attention seeking faggot with delivery issues. Eat shit.

Pretend like you don't want it, then take it and throw it.

Rolling for this

fart reallllllllly loud and say "i knew that was going to happen"

Straight up murder one of the professors

Start crying uncontrollably

Take a dump on stage

Kill the nearest nigger

Swear allegiance to ISIS

Nice school! Vanderbilt is legit

Whip out your dick and assault the dean

Look at it with a confused look on your face, and ask "what's this for?"


Shit, thought it was for dubs, not trips. My bad