Can somebody redpill me on Chemtrails? What the fuck is the purpose...

Can somebody redpill me on Chemtrails? What the fuck is the purpose? Why are they spraying shit in Rural and Urban areas all over the fucking planet? Maybe its not toxic though. But, I Iive in cleveland, A very dense city and earlier the sky was blue with very little to no clouds, after about 2 hours I noticed white lines in a pattern. They just sat there, big white lines that werent even expanding. 3 hours after that the sun began to set and there was just one big cloud stretching over the entire fucking city into the suburbs. Not a god damn space open at all, no stars or moon, nothing, just one big fucking cloud. I looked at the lake and the cloud expanded over it too with no openings. Can they modify the weather? WTF.

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sorry didn't happen. post video or fuck off.

kill yourself.

Planet x

People actually believe this shit? Or is this a troll?

This is real I'm from kent Ohio and I see this constantly

It's true. It's happening all over the planet. Our stratosphere is full of shit.


Basically, global warming is being caused by big government in order to seat certain people in positions of power.

The purpose of chem trails is to increase the heat of the earth's atmosphere in order to cause a warming effect. It's only just now that it's starting to present itself.

That's how clouds and water vapor work. They expand until they dissipate. The water vapor doesn't just dissappear.
Source: education

Are you simple? That first jet is dumping fuel on emergency landing.

Watch the full video retard.

Go outside, when it's cold.

Breathe your hot air out..... Notice that condensation that makes you look like a badass smoker? (Cause your obviously 12)

Take the same theory, apply it to a machine trailing hot exhaust gases, high up in the cold cold air.

There's your weather modifying chemtrails in action.

Supposedly, they are spreading aluminum oxide to reflect UV from the sun to combat global warming (or make its effects appear less real) but the stuff gives people Alzheimer's so they keep it hush hush.

Why? So it can further insult my intelligence? Fuck yourself. First 25 seconds showed me all I needed to know about their fact checking abilities.

They are masking the sky as best they can because planet x. It's close and they don't want us to see. We see it=mass panic.

Dude... Watched this video called loose change? Or zeitgeist?

You'll shit brix. You've only scratched the surface of dodgy YouTube conspiracy videos.

And to think the illuminati leave it all there... Hidden in plain sight, for all of us to see.

Just admit you're wrong.


Chemtrails are for reals. The new world order is just around the corner.

Lol-max! If they were dumping aluminum oxide, no one's cell phone or satellite dish would function anymore.

Its bullshit, its so dumb considering the possibility is dumb.

>manifestation of negative energy around the murder weapon
>black energy shadowbeams
opinion discarded

Fucking kek'd

>People like this have an equal say in how your country is run

You're funny. In the head, I mean. Have that checked when you get your tinfoil hat prescription renewed.

this is either a really good bait or you and everyone else in this goddamn thread have eyes so fucking far apart you can see behind yourselves.

Must be all that aluminum oxide.

>thinking youtube videos prove anything


>Dark energy shadow beams being projected from the front of the plane

What the fuck?

You're fucking retarded. If that were the case you'd see the same lines from the same jets every day. That isn't happening. The temps are constant that high up. They aren't even denying it anymore, they are trying to say it's to stave off global warming.

>Still falling for "le current year everything must have changed" meme.

At the bare minimum, jet travel is changing the weather inadvertently. Chances are those in power are using it to change the weather on purpose. It's common sense.

Such a fucking idiot.


its all you see in colorado when theres no clouds. but im pretty sure its not as sinister as you think.

>Why do you think all the pictures from NASA are fake?

Jesus Christ I'm dying.

Imagine the infastructure needed to pull off a thing. Then all all the people involved; we're talking tons and tons of mechanics flight crew av gas.

You can't keep a secret..

>control the weather
>control the world
this is how the skull and bones secret society will take over the world

It's aerosolized lithium to lull the population. Niggers are immune apparently.


Can someone give me a logical answer as to what they are and what causes it? I'm genuinely curious and this thread is filled with nothing but one-sided faggotry.

Those are used for subliminal messages. Better not to dive too deep.

Yep, you'll die in an absolutely blissful ignorance. I'm almost jealous.

trans-dimensional aliens are behind it all

the new world order is coming

Either this is bait or you should kill yourself as soon as possible

How skull and bones HAVE taken over the world*

google "morgellons"

chemtrails are filled with mico-machines that will enslave humanity

Hope I was able to enlight you.

Doesn't make your crazy theory anymore true, dumby dumb dumb.

Just look up DARPA along with the weather minipulation programme they do.

is this a joke?

Someone tell me if I'm wrong but wouldn't all the extra heat to the earth cause more water to evaporate, making more clouds, and since they're clouds, it's reflecting Solar energy, cooling down the earth and giving the opposite effect of what people are saying it's doing? I'm confuzzled pls halp a newfag like me

Lol. Same straight lines..... In a system controlled by convection and currents.

Off many types of vortices created off any number of different surfaces and materials of any possible number of wing and engine configurations.

Or its a global conspiracy, that every plane is loaded with your magic aluminum sparkly memory powder across the globe, without issue, with every pilot and fuel tech complying, without issue. Regardless of state, nation or border.

And IM the idiot.

Amierica can't even decide where boys who dress like girls can pee, yet somehow have spearheaded this massive conspiracy.

Will these micro-machines cause us to talk really fast?

Alex from philly (can give you my old address if you want. Don't live there anymore)

I saw the lines alot too but they wernt covering the sky or anything. I always assume it has something to do with the way that airplane jet engines work.

Another funny thing is, if it was Titanium Dioxide, it might even work a fraction of a little bit. Would still cause more trouble than it fixed, and be too expensive even for Magic Money in the defense appropriation bills. We're talking trillions of dollars you'd have to hide in soft, grey, and undisclosed ops. Secret death lasers are far more likely, and a lot easier to shuffle funding for.
Occam's Razor doesn't even need to come out of the cabinet for this one.

Welcome to 4gay

Look it up buddy, what do you just swallow every bit of information fed to you by lying government officials?


>That switch from chemtrails to 9/11

Or you know, it's just cold and hot air mixing, at the cost of zero dollars per hour.

population control kill off those stupid enough to not survive the natural selection of environmental awareness to this shit going on kills off people with weak tickers elderly (not properly insulated) etc etc

dunno about the connection between haarp, chemtrails and weather control, dunno if u need heavy metals for that shit but maybe could be ?

stay away from aspertame & fructose corn syrup and fluoride

the patriot act is still under effect

discussions involving chemtrails will most likely result in getting v&

the secret government will make you will disappear for many years while you're being systematically tortured for the rest of your life

knowing too much will cost you your freedom


you must be really bored with your life


Yes. People please look up the main ingredients of RAT POISON, and the experiments the FBI did with flouride in the 60's.

Contrails from wing tips and jet exhaust. Essentially, the airfoil of a wing causes low pressure on one side and high pressure on the other. Low pressure=lower temperature. If the humidity is high and temperature is already close to dew point, then a drop in pressure will cause the moisture in the air to condense into a cloud or mist, which appears as a contrail.

Engine exhaust is even easier to explain. The exhaust from jet engines is mostly carbon dioxide and water vapor. The environment that airliners fly in is usually -30c or less. Once the water vapor exhaust cools sufficiently due to the surrounding atmospheric temperature, you get a contrail.

extremely and im sober as fuck fruit juice is my high brrrrrooooooooo

OP they are called contrails and are just condensed water. Nothing to worry about.

dont buy into that crap, if you are bored go rob a bank

The fruit juice made by the plants that are covered in those chemicals from the chemtrails?

Damn bro, you've been had!

Thanks mang

I get the feeling you are not a man that is actively looking for the truth.

And that is ok.

Rat poison uses anticoagulants. Last time I brushed my teeth I didn't start bleeding out my ass.

I work for a major airframer and I always LOL at where people think this supposed chemical goes. Airlines will chop the tits of their dead grandmothers to save a pound....

People are just willfully ignorant.

Yeah, but that wouldn't get many yootoob hits, would it? How's Sparky gonna keep in tinfoil and vaseline if he can't monetize his rants?

They don't torture you man.

They take you to level 7 at dulce base and let the Grey's conduct all sorts of experiments on you.

>chop the tits of their dead grandmothers
Delta exec here, please elaborate.

Correct response.

You think they would make the dosage high enough so you would notice? so naive.

"The fact that sodium fluoride would control certain types of insects had been known for many years, but all attempts to use it and other fluorine compounds on plants failed because of plant injury. Progress along the line of utilizing the fluorine compounds in this connection really began with the discovery by Roark that the relatively insoluble fluorides would not injure the foliage and would control certain insects. About the time of this discovery, the Grasselli Chemical Company began to experiment with barium fluosilicate. The development of this material was held back for several years because of plant injury following its use, and it was not until the discovery, quite by accident, that the injury was due to an unsuspected impurity and that the pure compound was in reality safe to most foliage, that rapid progress was made."

Here you go, contrail whiskey:

Literally will dig up your grandmother and remove her breasts surgically at the behest of some CFO because of perceived reasons of financial saving.

I am, I believe the government does get together with the financial elite, because they do. But what they want isn't death to the world. They want a one world government with no war and no murder and only knowledge and freedom.

lets see a video of someone breathing in the winter, then it stays there all day and gets bigger...

You're like a christian that only knows and reads about the happy go lucky parts of the bible, and dishes anything else out that does not conform to his worldview.

Truth is stranger than fiction.

Peasant farm planes and Airliner planes dont have anything to do with chemtrails. Its government run operations, most likely UN operations. You can see close up video of Chemtrail planes, they look similar to military jets and usually dont have windows. Sometimes they can be disguised as Airliner jets though. There's plenty of people who would be willing to spray shit into the atmosphere for some good pay and keep quiet.

Makes sense - the people who control your food, water and medicines just can't find a better way of getting a mystery chemical into your body than by spraying off the wings of jet planes...
You know you're not supposed to chew thermometers, OP, right? They're just for sucking on, if you find time in between cocks.

Take the words knowledge and freedom and replace those with compliance and control, then I'll agree with you.

Not a chemtrail nut, nor conspiracy theorist.

But noone in the 1 percent wants the 99 having freedom or knowledge. Beyond pressing the buttons that make the machine keep rolling.

>lets see a video of someone breathing in the winter
>at 39,000 feet above sea level
>and the head rush gives them a boner
>then it stays there all day and gets bigger...

Peasant farmers don't generally use hot turbine engines on their crop duster, or fly at 25 thousand feet to spray their fields.

What are the projected savings? Do both tits have to be cut off or can we only cut off one and save on labor costs?

>There's plenty of people who would be willing to spray shit into the atmosphere for some good pay and keep quiet.

This. There are so many people who will do this. Too many. It sort of makes me think humanity kind of deserve this. We need a global awakening, nothing less. But i'm not seeing that happen any time soon.

You're like a guy that thinks their is chemicals everywhere. They drink the same water, breath the same air as we do why would they be killing themselves.

I already know that, but some faggot would come on and claim to be some major fucking pilot and say "nope chemtrails not real becuz herr derrr i fly crop dusters"

This is up to the CFO man. I'm just following orders.

Now scuse me, I've got to go load this fuel tanker with the requisite 10 to 1 fuel/brainwash mix.

The weather changes all the time because we live next to a giant body of water you fucking retards. Air that is warmer or colder than the lake picks up moisture and turns it into precipation, so you get clouds.

Now start telling people you're from Florida or something, you two fucksticks are making us look bad.