Im bored, ask a first generation immigrant in Sweden anything

Im bored, ask a first generation immigrant in Sweden anything

Känns det bra din jävla parasit?

Jo de känns väl helt ok

tjo bror

i dont really know how fast this board is, bump?

Bor du i botkyrka

wallah mannen tjo

How much money do you get each month?

Hur många bögar har du knackat idag?

why didn't you go to denmark?

How's the raping and pillaging going ?

ayyy familj


how many young teens girls have you raped so far?


You know almost every Swede hates your guts and would love to see you gone or dead, right?

- honest Dane

Din stinkande jävla arab queer MOTHERFUCKING faggot piece of shit. Living on the ASS of suciety, don't pay taxes, need food stamps, deals China cocaine. Om jag hade kunnat hade jag satt en kniv genom din arabhjärna.

lol is that all you have on us, roast me.

Boutta tree fiddy. Nah jk none.


You'll have to ask my parents

About 30k SEK, but im guessing you meant the government in which case none

0, i support that shit

This is the most accurate picture I've ever seen. Fuck the Danes, their sea king and all they stand for.

30 000. Kiss my ASS arabjävel. I så fall från att sälja kinapulver din stinkande, håriga arab.


When did I say that I'm arabic?

That's not true, I'm friends with a whole lotta Swedes

nån som vill gibba något? gäller inte dig svarteäckel

Oh förlåt min vän. Trodde du var en av de här håriga svartskallarna. Eller är du det bara att du inte är arab?


Are you with your family there? How old are you?
Are you in a relationship ?


Where are your parents from? What do you think of the political climate in Sweden at the moment?

Stay mad. That's the best you could come up with? Don't you understand what I mean? Pussy motherfucker.

>honest Dane
There is no such thing, Danes are of the most ill repute, liars and thieves, all.

Sandnigger liberal detected.

> Are you with your family there?
Well, my close family, father, mother, sisters.

>Are you in a relationship?
Nah, just got out of one though.

How old are you?

> Where are your parents from
>Political climate
Waaay too long to explain but I'm pretty okay with it, I don't really trust governments though, I think you can understand why. I do trust the Swedish more than any other though

Nä, halv vit halv mestizo ser ganska vit ut dock :) Du borde ge araberna en personlig chans dem är trevliga.

Vfan är gibba?

Oh right forgot to title that one P3 :) but yeah that's OP

Skiter väl om du ser vi ut eller var du kmr ifrån så länge du inte är en arab.

Jag har ett par kompisar vars päron kommer från Chile. Flydde dina föräldrar också på grund av Pinochet?

Will sweden win the euro?

Which city are your parents from? My mother is from antofagasta.

Have you had problems with "Syrian" refugees yet?

har du blivit nå bättre på cs sedan du kom hit då?

No, that's slavs, niggers and jews

sköt med lite viktiga frågor

Why would he, he has invested in them.
He's a filthy hybrid

Why is Mohammed a faggot? Plus, how many times were you buttfucked as a chai boy?

Father Talca, Mother Rancagua, you half breed?

Japp, eller, dem bodde i många andra länder än sverige på flykt

You mean eurovision or the euro? I hope to god that we dont get the Euro or that we win that fucking show god i hate so fucking much jesus christ

Believe it or not but i don't know a lot of syrians.

Hahaha ja fö fan men ännu bättre på quake

Is this you pic related

Skåne reporting

Swedish person living in Australia right now. Stay strong, immigrants are the backbone of a lot of societies. Without them, Sweden (for one) would have been FUCKED.

Pretty impressed with how OP is dealing with all of the white thrashes in this thread.

Ps. Not all Swedes are horrible at english, just the racist dicks. Sorry about that.


Robban is that you?





>ITT: Retards getting assblasted over the fact that people can move from one country to another


Fuck Sverige; I er en flok sorte svin.

And fuck you, filthy shitskin.

Edgy 15 year olds

Vad tycker du om Sverige?

U. de Chile, U. Católica or Colo Colo?

When are you leaving, rapist scum?


Inte OP, men också första generations invandrare.
Dock från storbritannien, så mja, känner mig inte jätte parasitig.


Are you one of those bad immigrants or one of the good ones?

Do you contribute to the country in any way or do you live off welfare?

that looks glorious, lingua franca would be English I assume

hur mycket stålar får du i månaden och när sticker du tillbaka till isis?

I think I had an EU4 game like that once

when are you going home

Migranter är inte ett problem. Trollfabriken förklädd till 'nationalister' å andra sidan.

Någon som har röka i Västerås?

at least someone who understands it

it's gotta be, everyone has a regional language, but everyone has to be bilingually English


Do you have any finnish friends or know any finns around?

>mfw I can read all the swedish comments too. thanks obligatory swedish studies...

we should be one country

I am 16 asshole. In your face.

Verkligen. Anledningen till att "Sverigevänner" är så mot invandring är ju förstås att de i stor utsträckning är outbildade med inga eller dåliga jobb, medan om man har en bra utbildning och ett bra jobb så är det både vanligt att man har jobbat eller jobbar utomlands eller har kollegor från andra länder. Ju bättre jobb och utbildning man har, desto mer internationell arbetsmarknad, och desto mindre principiellt mot invandring.

I used to think voting should be lowered to 16, then I found Sup Forums

Ah, I'm not above being corrected. My mistake.

Underage b&

Even if you were joking, ya done goof'd.

Någon som har röka i Västerås?

kom till gbg så löser jag allt från majonäs till black tar heroin

kan du styra lsd eller svamp utan att jag måste dra någonstans man blir knivad om man inte kan recitera koraren

> occupation: Poland, France


> Stay strong. Letting niggers rape your women and giving your country over to Islam is a great thing

If this is the average Swede, you fucker deserve the decimation of your culture

Mja, okej då. Men det handlar inte bara om att de har få bra influenser utan också om att de har desto mer dåliga influenser = trollfabriken. 'Sverigevänner' fungerar ju som en gren av Kremls sociala terraformning av Svedala, typ.

kan fixa post från stockholm eller skåne

men varför springer du inte ut å plockar svamp själv? bara några månader tills toppisarna blommar :P

Ja, det också. Känner de sej redan marginaliserade pga att de är misslyckade så kommer de i större utsträckning läsa loser-media som Avpixlat.


Antalet okunniga idioter som besöker kanal 4 är bortom mig.
Vad gör ni ens om dagarna?
/Not OP

Runkar kuken mest

Trycker på F5 @

Age? Ethnicity?

When i went to kindergarten, I saw a chicken get beheaded and run around. So did all the other kids. Despite this, the country is full of hippies. We just like to educate the kids at an early age. Pussy, tits, and dicks are also shown without censoring.

I'd say we're pretty fucking rad. At least we don't go neutral in the war and sell shit to everyone. That's pretty filthy.

All I want to say: Use this chance wisely, make something of your life.

Get the fuck off bitch, you're worse than them. Give them a fucking chance.