Screenshot of your desktop. No cleaning!

Screenshot of your desktop. No cleaning!

do you even try...


why is there no icons? desktop is for icons

Yeah dude, desktop is for icons.

No icons is the way to go!!

My second screen

its better than theres

desktop is for icons.

why then just get a blank sheet of paper and do nothing

desktop is for icons


who here /triple displays/?

i keep them in documents

Everyones taste and way of organizing their desktop is different.

Shit choice of game

Here you go OP


Only double for me...



where are the icons

triple display and you have no icons. whats the point when you have NO ICONS

wheres any icons???

you have no icons

can you post a pic of your setup?

been thinking about getting a portrait monitor, but wanna see how it looks next to widescreens

how do you organize nothing? no icons isnt organizing its stupid. desktop is for icons

Maybe a little tip? Right click your taskbar and go to properties and select the "Use small taskbar buttons" option. Makes your taskbar a bit smaller and I think it looks better.

>triple display and you have no icons. whats the point when you have NO ICONS

Honestly, what's the point of using icons?

It's more convenient to open programs using the window key and just typing in the first couple of letters of the program.

Icons are useless and ugly.

not that user, but i never knew this.


>wheres any icons???
I removed them because I like a clean desktop
>you have no icons
I removed them because I like a clean desktop

I know but I like the bigger taskbar

pic is about a week or so old, but here.

My icons/documents are organized on a different place then my desktop. And there is nothing to organize on my desktop because it's already organized.



why a retard has more screens to look at blank screens? desktop is for icons

thats what a desktop is for. why do you use a desktop and have no icons.

your wallpaper is aids

yoooooo where did you get that background

Why do you wear the shirt you are wearing?

>desktop is for icons

is this a meme?

Seriously, there's no point in using icons.

Here's number 1

>not loving lain

fuck off m8

And number 2

there you go

I'm sure you are all mad at this

I need to clean shit up

Boring as sin, but here you go.


my shirt isnt for icons. desktop is for icons.

its the purpose of the desktop on computers. desktops are for icons

this is a real desktop. this is someone who isnt retarded.

this is a real desktop. this is someone who isn't retarded.

this is a retard. two desktops and no icons. why? desktop is for icons do you understand this??

at least you have icons

desktop is for icons. dont believe the clean screen stupids

>being a faggot

I like your horse


That wasn't a desktop that was just a wallpaper fuckhead.

And what I meant with the shirt you're wearing was: You must be wearing that shirt because you like it and I have my desktop clean and without any icons because that's the way I like it. And if you take a look at my first post:
You can see a bar in the top of the screen with ICONS :O

thank you!




where'd you get the wallpaper dood


Showing off my games folder but i don't really game anymore on this PC.


Also using Rainmeter?


desktop is for icons