ISIS are doing nothing different in context to what Vikings did but Vikings are held in esteem by the Western World...

ISIS are doing nothing different in context to what Vikings did but Vikings are held in esteem by the Western World. Discuss

Did vikings ever murder hundreds of children? Or were they merciful invaders who spared women and young?

Vikings definitely had better grooming and hygiene habits.

the thing is there are no more fking vikings, i think sweden getting fucked by migrant is a sign of karm/retribution for wat they did last time.

Vikings didn't blow themselves up hidden in crowds like cowards, didn't fuck goats and their kind marched with them risking his life.

They were more civilized and honorable then ISIS faggots.

Vikings were a society of peace and cultural enlightenment. Most Vikings just wanted a better life and had a right to settle in privileged countries. Why do you have Viking phobia? Your post is racist.

Swedefag here, you cucks literally believe this shit. Sweden is not 'getting fucked by immigrants' except in the fevered imaginations of neonazi morons.

vikings just robbed the places they went to
the only inhabited areas the vikings colonized were dublin, normandy, and north umbria
the vikings didn't force conversion on pain of death
the vikings set up trade routes with the places they raided
vikings didn't practice generational slavery, in fact the slaves they took were generally freed after a decade or two
the vikings adopted the main religion of the places they raided
the vikings considered their women to be on par with their men in the same caste
the vikings didn't murder an envoy from the khanate and send the desecrated corpse back to the khan


Vikings were a society of peace and cultural enlightenment.

Most Vikings just wanted a better life and had a right to settle in privileged countries.

Why do you have Viking phobia? Your post is racist.

ISIS is a bunch of savages, Vikings were the most advanced seafaring people of their time and also advanced many other technologies (including weapons)

Vikings took women and young as slaves you moron.

Keep thinking that, Jamal.


ok bro, have fun living in the rape capital of europe

All you humans are savages.



first world country with the HIGHEST AMOUNT OF RAPE ZOZZLLLEE CUCK, hey one day when the police calls you and tell you your daughter just got raped, try looking at her in the eyes and see how ruined she is, then tell me how fake it is.

>Nothing different
Read a herstory book



The vikings lived roughly about 1000 years ago.

The world evolved.

But ofcourse we did, people where more valuble alive than dead, so we did not kill them, we sold them for profit.



lol -theyre not 'held in esteem'. they have been 'romantiscised' by Hollyood, in the same way we like watching action movies. Beleive me, if they came to your house and butchered your family and tortured you by cutting your fingers off and then your ears, you would not hold them 'in esteem'. What trash.

no way!!11! pirates r waaay cooler
i saw pirates of the carribean with johnny dept xdddDDDD


Dude, no they weren't. They were brutal and pitiless murderers who didn't care if you were armed or not.

vikings were explorers and settlers you triplenigger

They were White

Tell that to the monasteries of Europe? Vikings raided and slaughtered monks for years, making off with the churches ample supply of gold.

>dude i totally watched the first season of vikings im like an expert on this shit

They slaughtered mostly whites too.

>they might have fucked goats

Bitch I haven't watched your shitty TV show, this is historical fact, recorded dozens of times by the very monks who survived the looting of their monastery. The Vikings came and took whatever they wanted, land, gold, women, all of it. Yeah sure, they explored and settled, but like all explorers and settlers they first had to murder any locals that objected.

So they murdered everyone in Normandy?

>like all explorers and settlers they first had to murder any locals that objected.
this is why there are no more moon men

No, just everyone who objected.

I think you have misunderstood somehting. Slaves in nordic countries were treated fairly as essentially 90% of the population were 'slaves'. They worked for the landowners and in return were allowed to live there and fed and protected.

the word slave is misused in that context as everyone thinks of how the americans treated slaves.

Vikings didn't hide behind faith. They raped, plundered and murdered because they were greedy and nowadays you have to do the same. That's why people like them. Because the vikings were greedy fucks who didn't have to pretend to feel remorse.

>this is why there are no more moon men

They didn't respect the Armstrong and learned how he earned that name.

vikings were white

nuh uh
lern yuh histori cracka
we waz vikings an shit

Yeah, but they were White.
Isis is brown.
Big difference

Citation needed. Or go watch season 2, it's great

Norfag here.
Vikings = Year 800 - 1200
ISIS= Year 2016
The most respected during that age was women, they had a working society with very simple rules and respect for each other. When Christianity came, thats when shit escalated on our lands.
Cba explaining all this shit.

End of discussion.