Are you aware that most feminists are NOT the rabid hyper-PC victimized people that Sup Forums likes to hate on?

Are you aware that most feminists are NOT the rabid hyper-PC victimized people that Sup Forums likes to hate on?

Do you understand that most feminists just want women to be treated with equality.
Not identically mind you, but equally.

I think anyone who doesn't understand this is either stupid, poorly informed or simply has women issues likely resulting from an inability to get one, some bitch cheated or their mommy was mean

Other urls found in this thread:

Some of us just don't care.

> Not Identically mind you, but equally
a rather vague statement, can you go into more detail?

Sure. You're more interested in making sure other people know that you don't care.
Good work champ

shutup dweeb

Oh, you noticed the not caring part. That's good.

Women are treated equally in the West, even advantageously unequally in some areas. There is absolutely no need for feminists of any kind any more, you are simply chasing away demons you create in your own mind. Now, if you really want to put your ideology to good use why don't you head on over to the Middle East and give help to all the women that are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and actually deny they need help.

The loud minority will bring down the ceiling on you when they proudly wear their colours while spewing hatred and people only see the hatemongering feminists. As far as in the West goes, feminism has run its course and is a thankfully dying movement.

After three or four generations under feminism, its largely reached its goals and provided tremendous benefits for women, which is fantastic.

Now that EVERYONE has both grown up under and largely believe in the core ideals, all thats left to fight for is what the extremists are doing. And since the "silent majority" moderate feminists do nothing but claim the loud minority do not even exist, we hold you ALL responsible for them.

like let's not pretend men and women are exactly the same because we're not. It's ok for men to do more jobs that require physical strength because men are stronger.
It's ok for women to more often be the primary care giver because in general women are more children oriented.

But treat people as people first. It needs to be ok for common gender roles to be subverted and everyone needs to be given the same opportunities and respect

Trust treat everyone like people first

If you want all people to be treated equally, you're an egalitarian.

I noticed you still care about making sure i know you don't care.
Move on

Sorry guy, you fall under the "poor;y informed" category.
But it's pretty common for the privileged not to recognize their privilege

I don't know that i agree with you that there are only the extremist objectives left to fight for.

While feminism has been largely internalized by many there is still a LOT of inequality and objectification of women.

It can be hard to realize since that's the culture we've grown up in

Common tumbler tactics 1:
Insult the intelligence of the person who disagrees with you, act superior. Example; lol ur poorly informed m8, try again

It's the ghost of Rush Limbaugh Past reiterating "feminazi" like women ever wanted to kill off groups of males. Gender equality is not here and now being forgotten in the dust of other causes some good some imagined like transsexual rights (men wanting to take over the few things women have to themselves) Still paid different, still treated different medically, still largely ignored by male authority figures unless sexually attractive, still expected to wear unhealthy clothes and agents on our skin some positions.. plenty of things still not equal.

If you want all people to be treated equally with the understanding and focus that women are not, then you're feminst

I didn't insult your intelligence. I pointed out your ignorance.

If you really believe that there is no need for feminism anymore than you are ignorant.
And that's easy to remedy. Simply educate yourself if you have an interest.
Or if you feel too apathetic then continue to comment on a subject about which you have inadequate understanding.

Feminists are the biggest high roaders in existence.

Actions mean more than words. Feminists will always tell you that they just want equality, but when it comes to putting their money where their mouth is, they always fall short of giving attention to mens issues or accepting the negatives and responsibilities that men face.

For instance, women constitute over 60% of college attendance in the US today, but there is no shortage of female-only scholarships because women have so much trouble getting into college. There's an insane amount of pandering towards women that really hurts them.

There's no feminist crusade to correct the bullshit that men face in divorce and custody battles. There's no feminist crusade to say that men shouldn't be treated by rapists or child molesters by default (in fact, they're the ones spearheading that idea). Women aren't pushing to get drafted. Women aren't pushing to get into dangerous jobs. Women aren't pushing for women to receive the same prison sentences that men do.

They just want the nice things that they think men have, and to tear down anything good.

Also do you know how many women are voting for clinton just because she's a woman? There's no way that's justifiable under the banner of "Just want equality".

They don't want equality, they just say they do.

And it's pretty common for an idiot in denial to pull strawmen from their pockets when someone gives a decent answer to a question with which they don't agree. Instead of trying to prove my answer incorrect you simply attacked me personally by saying I wasn't even intelligent enough to appreciate my own privilege. This is why nobody likes fat fucking feminists.

Thanks for having my back mate.

You're argument can also be applied to Muslims and gun owners. The few give the many a poor reputation. I am all for women bring treated fairly, but when those loudmouth PC aggressive feminist SJWs who say I'm oppressing them by questioning what they say or when I "manspread" then I call bullshit and am less likely to listen to them and their complaints.

I've never understood the argument that because feminists are focusing on women (you know the historically subjugated gender) that they aren't interested in equality.

If you really care about equality then call yourself something neutral, such as "humanist".

>inequality and objectification of women

How are men not objectified? Men are treated as disposable, are inherently dangerous, untrustworthy and worthless until proven otherwise.

Women are celebrated, trusted, granted status, protected.

Feminists want to lower the bar of society.

Ugly women have it better than ugly men.
Case closed.

When women aren't currently subjected, and actually on top in certain fields, they don't need more attention and handicap in those fields.

Someone whose goal was equality wouldn't continue to provide unnecessary support in these fields.

You think you gave a decent answer? All you said was that in some respects women have an advantage and that there is no need for feminism.

You made a baseless assertion with literally nothing backing it up.
A straw man would have been to dismantle an argument you had not actually made. I simply suggested you educate yourself.
(that would also help you to stop using buzzwords you don't fully understand)

If you really believe that because there are areas in which women receive preferential treatment (eg custody hearings) then there is no further need for feminism then you ARE simply poorly informed on the subject

The vocal minority just makes things worse for everyone

Places like America don't need Feminism anymore. The places that need it are places like Saudi Arabia.

Because at the moment women are the group that needs special advocacy.
Hopefully we'll move beyond a need for a gender specific term

>For instance, women constitute over 60% of college attendance in the US today, but there is no shortage of female-only scholarships because women have so much trouble getting into college. There's an insane amount of pandering towards women that really hurts them.
Um how about there are still INSANE amounts of single mom parent households who are trying to exist and keep kids alive while also trying to increase their earnings potential? If men didn't just leave their self created problems behind for the ethical counterpart to deal with it'd be different.

>When women aren't currently subjected, and actually on top in certain fields, they don't need more attention and handicap in those fields.


Here's some evidence, read it.

(can't shorten it, thinks it's spam)

And the article it was reported in if you are unable to read for long periods of time without feeling oppressed or triggered.

Women objectify themselves, m8. For every feminist out there whining about how they're portrayed in mass media or cat-called by "creepy" guys, there's another woman seeking work as a stripper or sex worker, or even just taking slutty pictures of herself and putting them up on Instagram.

The thing that feminism fails to recognize is that women are biologically inclined to seek sexual attention from men. It's cold, hard science, and while it does lead to a representation of women that isn't the same as men, and therefore isn't "fair", seeking exactly equal opportunities for both genders isn't progressive, it's stupid. We aren't the same.

Also, men are objectified too. Don't be a tumblr sheep.

WOmen usually push for the divorce, take the kids, and half his money which is Ethically not fare. And check the statistics, your single motherhood claim being caused by a married father leaving is ridiculous. Its caused by people fucking out of wedlock. And do you know what perpetuated this? The government and welfare state. So your answer to this on the left is more government programs and involvement which will surely cause more of these people who are dependent on them.

What a load of horse shit.
Women have it plenty good.
Just don't be ugly.
Same goes for men.

We should be advocating for ugly people.

Nice specifics and tangibilities in that fluff.

.... yes. Men usually receive harsher sentences than women. This is not news.

But i'm not sure how you feel this supports your assertion that there is no longer a need for feminism.

Are you under the impression that because there is also inequality from which men suffer that there is no need for feminism?
DO elaborate lol

YOU are here to educate us, it's YOUR responsibility, you can't say fuck you i win this argument because you're a dumbass.

>like women ever wanted to kill off groups of males
Nigger some women have been advocating that very thing. The extremists have been advocating forced sterilization and a reduction of the male population for years.

Not only that but have you ever heard women speak about males they don't like?
>ugh just die already

>your single motherhood claim being caused by a married father leaving is ridiculous
you dumbass. I never said shit about marriage.

>we should advocating for ugly people

this would truely be about equality

Of course women objectify women. I'm not sure where you got the idea that feminism is a men vs women thing.

As to objectification i suggest that there is a difference between wanting to be attractive to the opposite sex and being treated as a sex object

>men are objectified too

...and? Does that somehow lessen women's objectification?

>Not only that but have you ever heard women speak about males they don't like?
>>ugh just die already
That's human, look at the threads here by men hating on women lol. There are extremes to EVERYTHING, doesn't make the middle ground invalid

That was 1 piece of evidence among a whole library of evidence that collectively shows how advantageous being a women in the current Western societies is. Tell me though, why is there not one vocal feminist publicly fighting for the equality of treatment when it comes to prison sentences? It's because they don't care, because feminism is simply for the advocacy of women's rights and not for the advocacy of equality between the rights of both men and women. Why don't you give us some evidence that supports the idea that women are the oppressed group. If you could supply us with that evidence maybe we could actually get on board with feminism.

Not him, but you never said anything, period. Instead of open ended platitudes, start your argument with tangible examples backed up by data.

You fucking clown.

The men here aren't hating on women, we're hating on cunts.

you are a woman you were purely created for males enjoyment and therefore should have no say in anything and should be treated to as what you are. We are superior, a world free of woman would be far more efficient

>for the equality of treatment when it comes to prison sentences? It's because they don't care
No because men are way the majority clogging up prisons with their self centered crap and women have been paying equal taxes for those goddamed things forever. I want my money back.

Not the guy you're replying to, but here's an answer

Life isn't fair
Trying to make it completely fair is stupid
Third wave feminists want to do this.
Third wave feminists don't care how much science on differences between the sexes has to be ignored to accomplish this.
Third wave feminism is fucking retarded, thank you for contributing to it like a brainwashed cuck in his second year at a liberal college surrounded by like minded sheep

Maybe that is my responsibility, but i'm not here to hold your hand.
This is kind of a casual forum for debate in case you haven't noticed lol

Like i said, educate yourself. If you'd like to use my lack of comprehensive and specific information as an excuse to pretend that the issues don't exist then that's your failing.


Most nazi's didn't kill Jews
But they agreed with the politics

No but what it does indicate is that your ideology is easily perverted into sown thing that is in no way the middle ground.

It's in the fucking name, Feminism. That's not the middle ground, that's a policy of "women first"

You even said it yourself, they're the ones that need the most help now. Guys can chill and wait until women get sorted first. That's not middle ground. Guys have issues that deserve just as much attention as women's issues. Feminism claims they don't, and that any focus upon the men's issues is time taken away from women's issues.

It doesn't matter how many men are in prison compared to women, I was talking specifically about the prison sentence differences between men and women. Are you going to give us some evidence to back up your claims or not? You seem to be more than willing to demand evidence from us, so why not give us some too?

>Are you aware
>Do you understand
>on Sup Forums




Women are treated equally.
Women have issues.
Men have issues

Men deal with their issues.
Women become feminists and blame their issues on men and call it inequality.

There is no inequality in the modern first world.
White first world women are the most privileged people on Earth.
"Real feminism" no longer exists because the equality it fought for has been achieved. This is why there is no way to kill third wave feminist cancer. This is what feminism now means.

Eloquent post, ma'am.

>You seem to be more than willing to demand evidence from us, so why not give us some too?
I gave the evidence even of my assertions that are common knowledge: more women raise kids by themselves than men.

Shut the fuck up. Bitch.

Cause men have turned telling women their wrong into an art form.

My point is that it isn't a fucking problem, faggot.
I point out that women do it to show that it isn't a result of sexism, it's in our fucking nature as human beings. Specifically, the desire for attention is an important part of female sexuality.
Tell me why objectification is bad, OP.
>Inb4 it makes men view women as objects, which is true for a select few weak minded men (kinda like feminism when you come you think of it)

Unfortunately, there are just too many of the feminazis for the few 'rational' feminists to be dealt with on a policy level.

We're still such a savage species that over-empowering a previously subjugated class only creates new victims, now of a new subjugated class.

Well said. Pretty moderate.

Is that what that term means? I just thought she was having a seizure.

The biggest problem with the feminist movement is the inability for them to accept the other side's problems. I hear all about how hard women have it and it's true, there are issues that they face that men don't, but there are plenty of issues men face that they don't.

They spew about cis gender male privilege and how we can't see their problems because we're privileged, but are equally unable to accept that they have the privilege of being women and don't see men's problems.

They are quick to dismiss men's problems because, "Oh well, the patriarchy" and "We deserve stuff because you have it all"

The issue is that they expect others to see past their privilege and understand that women face problems, but don't apply the same to themselves.

A lot of people notice this and give up on it. I think a lot of women generally want betterment, but are so focused on their own problems they don't consider the whole picture while at the same time telling others to do just that.

Generally, it's a collection of different people with different definitions of what they want with no standardization. And for good reason people just ignore it or throw them a bone once in a while.

Well you know what they say... Someone shit in the punch bowl

prove it faggot

It just means that men are smarter and they thought about renting a babystitter while working.

Is it the man's fault that this happens though? Show me evidence that backs up who's fault this is.

It's a thing guys do when they explain things to women that the woman supposedly already knows.

In my mind if you were demonstrating competence we wouldn't need to explain shit to you. But that's just me.

Oh well i didn't know it was part of a whole LIBRARY of evidence (which i feel sure you will not present) that shows how much better it is to be a woman.

But that\s a bit of red herring.
Your argument was that feminism serves no purpose. Your proof for this is that men also can suffer from inequality.
What you haven't yet done is explain how those to things are connected.
So go on.

Well let's have a look at feminist issues:

>Women are still disproportionately underrepresented in positions of authority, be that political, in business or in news.
>Women are still fired for the crime of getting pregnant.
>Despite being illegal there is still a significant wage gap
>An estimated less than 5% of rape cases ever get a convection
>women still suffer more domestic violence and to a more serious degree

And that's just some first world feminist issues

I'm all for equality... but can we take a moment and just acknowledge that the wage gap is not real?

Two options I see here:
> OP is a feminist woman, in which case
> Or OP is a white knight faggot.

Listen closely you little shit.
If you want to be a feminist, go over to where women are regularly sold into sex slavery, and forced to cover every part of their bodies because of a retard sangnigger culture that has barely evolved any in the past two thousand years.

I can agree early feminism sucked, it was intended to disrupt society , fuck you Gloria Steinem, it made men out to be unimportant as parents, citizens and human beings. That said, if men hadn't abused their might over women in the past and taken advantage, we wouldn't still be cleaning up that mess and could just be fucking people.

lol sexually frustrated virgin much?

>Life isn't fair

Does that mean we should give up on working towards making it more fair?

because women get custody (a women privelege)
only if the mother is a major fuck up like a druggi the father even gets a chance to win

Men and women are not the same, so identical roles and treatment would be unjust.

And no one forces women to wear makeup. You do it cuz you like to.

>It just means that men are smarter and they thought about renting a babystitter while working.
God you are a kneejerk maletard. Graph says nothing of babysitters

Here's an article discussing that very topic, written by feminists to be discussed in a safe place.

Bear in mind these are extremists, but even so.

>Is it the man's fault that this happens though
Are you asserting the missing dads are all missing involuntarily?? There's no need for evidence of that.

why do you faggots always assume that anyone that doesn't buy into your crap must a woman?

you're really unaware that all men aren't kissless virgins like you?

in what ways are women treated unequally in America. I read an article the other day about this girl who found happiness with multiple partners, and discovered this because she would always cheat and her husband. in America she got a nice little news article, in Saudi countries they would put her shoulder deep in the ground and hit her with rocks until she died for adultery.

Read Andrea Dworkin, and then eat this post.

>muh No True Scotsman

Hate to burst your bubble princess but there are plenty of deadbeat mothers. I have one, she bailed and moved to a different state and left my dad with 3 sons to raise by himself with no child support

>Trust treat everyone like people first
translation: there isn't sexism in this society, let's pretend nobody's ever been a victim and just play house together doing what the men say

Nope cuz you are wrong. Every refinery, factory etc here still has the boys club handing down the well paying low skilled jobs to their sons

yeah feminism is totally based on some extremist from 30 years ago

you faggots have small brains along with your small penises

>there are plenty of deadbeat mothers. I have one,
cool story faggot

>Listen closely you little shit.
Listen close: just because some male chauvenist dicks say it is so don't make it so buttcake.

>Then they should go out and earn them, Hillary Clinton is in the running to be the goddamn president of the United States of America for fuck's sake.
>Layoff because you cannot work for periods of time is not a gender issue.
>Shut the fuck up about the wage gap.
>It's hard to prove rape? Who knew? Try getting the forensics for a tit grab when there's no camera. It's just "He says, she says"
>How the fuck is that an issue? It's not acceptable on a societal level, so it's down to the individuals.

remember; once you go black......... you become a single mother. FACT !

Men have no intrinsic value in the eyes of our society. We are only valuable in what we make, build, do, provide, give.

Women have always had an intrinsic value. The amount of reproduction they offer their tribe/group/nation.

The urge to protect women is instinctual and one of the many reasons why it's such a bad idea to have women serve on combat frontlines. Because men will protect women over mission goals.

With protection also comes protecting women from themselves.
A rich man has more to fear than a poor man walking late at night. Although neither is 100% safe, the rich man has something thugs want.

This is the curse for women: they have something that others want.

The overprotection impedes their freedom. Smothers them.

But the one thing very few women realise that although they receive a lot of negative attention, their freedom is impeded and are simultaneously regarded as sex objects and judged for it, this is all the result of them being regarded as intrinsically valuable.

And nothing but opinion is stopping them from doing whatever the fuck they want.

Men on the other hand receive no attention and really have to work for it.
They receive little support until they become real men (aka being providers, giving a lot of themselves) and their chances at reproduction are dependant on attaining a scarce resource from an entitled and protected woman.

This thread smells like feminist shit. Makes me want to vomit

...what makes you think that sexism (discrimination based on gender) can only come from the opposite gender?

And i'm afraid you're mistaking natural sexual attraction with reducing women to sex objects.

Why is objectification bad? Because that's what allows people to sell women as property, or to use their bodies against their will or to dismiss their ideas and needs.

The problem with objectification of ANYONE is that it allows us to treat them like a thing and not a person

>only if the mother is a major fuck up like a druggi the father even gets a chance to win
So you are saying the majority of men try to get custody?

>And no one forces women to wear makeup. You do it cuz you like to.
Nope I found that any service job expected make up and if you don't wear it you spend all day explaining that you aren't ill

that's nepotism and has nothing to do with gender. you can try again if you'd like.