England hate. Roast the queen

England hate. Roast the queen

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Fuck off goat fucker, go back to Pakistan you cunt


Fuck off Pajeet.

God save the Queen.

KYS faggot

Long live the queen!

she alright

Eat shit Omar.

God save the Queen.

op is fag but where op from?

God Shave the Queen


anyone related to this nigga is alright with me

LOL, that dude in a crown looks like a fag.

She is as usless a a bag full of second hand eatable Dildos

I'd hit that

Unionists..... Unionists everywhere

Brits are truly sub humans

That is why they call them queens, retard.


Ausfag here, queen is rad.

I think I've sussed out her plan too.. She's going to hang on till she's 110, and outlive that cunt Camilla and the prince of Wales.
Once those two faggits are dead she'll finally abdicate and give the crown to prince William and his hot wife.

>British Culture


>b..britainia...rules the..sea

This doesn't work

>naval attack on a fortified coast
>surprised the casualties are tipped against the attacker

she looks like donald trump

High losses would be acceptable if the fort was captured
It wasn't


at least not compensating assholes


Lel cucks


>the rebel


1. the government is not the population
2. i could do the same shitstories with every country in the world .
3. I bet u r american so u just stfu cause your politics and people are way shittier.

>Government not the population

Daily reminder everyone in England is a cuck

tf what does this have to do with it ? Im german and im pro refugee caring. aCtually europe is cleaning up americas shit and dickheads like you think their superior . kill urself .

Seriously we need to MAKE ENGLAND GREAT AGAIN

guns are fucking awesome

ur a fgt

> Get help from fenians, Remove crumpet today!



Fuck off shit skin

My only queen is my gf

Can we seriously just round up a the people on Tumblr and gas them all already. Seriously.

>This much denial

If you're german, that means you're not a native english speaker.
If that were the case, you wouldn't confuse "their" and "they're".

>Cleaning up America's shit
>Can't even keep its own women from being mass-raped by sand niggers

No you fuck off

How does it feel to be a sub human parasite?

>Actually thinking our women are getting mass-raped by sand niggers

congrats you just proved im not lying by showing me my mistake . well done fgt

cant keep two shitty buildings save from planes . Shit happens cunt.

how does it feel BEEING human parasite?

Fuck you op I love the queen

Pic related it's me

>the queen

not just "a" queen then? by saying "the" queen you give her superior status over all other world monarchies. thanks for that

I'm guessing you mean the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Commonwealth. hate all you like shit skin

British by birth, English by the grace of God.

Rule Brittania, God save the Queen.

Hey you fucking filthy abroad-dwelling ex-colony degenerate, how about you go away?

>literally this much in denial

Statue of liberty/10


>America killed ten times as many sand niggers in the war
>Germany covered up its rapes and pretended it didn't happen


Anglos are literally Slav tier
Truly sub human garbage

actually it's just poverty stricken little girls who are being raped by the paki pedo cunts

See this

yeah totaly life goal killoing dudes and an output of smartness what you guys did in iraq . Fighting terror with terror. The whole fckn world hates america secretly and you will whitness it sooner or later. your country is fucked up and u dont even recognize

This is our Queen. Yours is better.

Learn to fucking English you dumb mother fucker

not all, just the canon fodder

I'm german and people as much in denial as you make me sick
(Sand-)Niggers, romanians, albanians and gipsies (who make up 90% of these so called refugees) just come here to get money for nothing and rape white girls while people like you clap about that much multiculturalism

und nochmal auf Deutsch für dich linken Antifa-Schwanzlutscher: Typen wie du sind schuld, wenn Frauen und Schwule diskriminiert und Typen totgeprügelt werden (Multikulti hat dem Jungen aus Bonn, Jonny K und Dominik Brunner ja SO VIEL gebracht)

The original article says 'US soldier' not Uk, look at the date:
September 4, 2013 (US style calendar)
Plus, its pasta af everyone has seen this Amerifag article before.

Yeah like america doesnt have any kind of this shit right? they literaly swim in dirt , call it groundhog day . totaly not garbage stfu

United States, the country with a black president and Spanish translation on most public signs and ads because there's so many Mexicans? (CA at least)

Faggots like to imagine that all of our countries are being taken over by mudslimes and that they're raping our women, but if I walk out onto the street nothing is any worse than it was five years ago.

Germany tries to censor rapes that happen to prevent people like you from causing actual chaos.

only if you learn german . K?

Not amerifat, stupid dumb Anglo scum

I was referring to England. unfortunately, Merckel has stained Germany with her open door policy. be even worse when turkey join the eu next year

>Iraq was ruled by a brutal dictator who was hated by his people because he sent hundreds of thousands of Iraqis to their graves.

"In my view -- and I say this without equivocation; I say this in Kurdish; I say this in Arabic when I'm in Baghdad -- this has been fundamentally a failure of leadership by the Iraqi elite that assumed power after the demise of Saddam Hussein... So the Iraq war was, despite all that went wrong, a good thing."
-Barham Salih

>Germany still hasn't kicked out the rapists
>America made mistakes but still improved the Iraqi situation.

You were saying?

Completely untrue.
That was a poorly done shoop which some britfag spammed here for a month to try and make Americans look bad. It backfired horribly. You can look up the original article if you Google the title.
Then again, you probably are that same britfag

>Defending the German government's cover-ups of mass-rapes
>Thinks you have the moral high ground and are not a monster

>Spanish translation on most public signs and ads
Not in 95% of the country. We might as well give California back to the spics

calm down dude, we're on the same side.

Here, as a sign of peace have some pussy


You're full of shit

Literally the curry pot the UK is becoming, Punjabi city..

what's wrong with curry?


Ja gut hast recht . Schicken wir sie alle , jeden einzelnen ob normal oder Verbrecher zurück, denn die sind alle vergewaltiger und prügler die es nicht besser wissen. Ich wähle keine Partei weil heutzutage es keine gibt die es wert ist. Du liest dein Scheiss nur aus dem Netz und laberst irgendein Stuss den du nicht verstehst. Natürlich hat jede Menschengruppe seine Randleute und die muss man einsperren ja , aber den anderen geht es schlecht. Das in Bonn ist kacke aber das wirft auch nur eins chlechtes Licht auf alle anderen und du merkst das nicht. Ich bin selbst ein 'nigger' . Bin hier geboren und aufgewachsen , alles an mir ist deutsch , alles . UNd dann kommen typen wie du die mich dann auf der strasse mit steinen Bewerfen wen keiner guckt , mich als Affen beleidigen und dann schnell mit dem Fahrrad abhauen weil sie es ir nicht ins gesicht sagen können , oder (mein Lieblingsbeispiel) mir und meiner Arbeitstätigen Mutter keine Wohnugn geben und meine Mutter gezwungen ist sich vom Staat ein Vermieter zu organisieren , der uns nebenbei auch hasst. (ohne Grund) . typen wie du machen mich krank.

>what is Pakistan?
They're Arab curryniggers. It's not that complicated

Name your state and ill find your shitty people.

Pakis are not Arabs retard

>still improved iraqi situation
plox kill u

>being this autistic
Arabs and Muslims are pretty much interchangeable at this point. Pakistan is part of the middle East, so calling them Arabs isn't that far off.

>this damage control
Literally google it you dumb mother fucker, by your logic Malaysians are Arabs

Stupid cunt

Das Problem ist und bleibt: Der Islam ist mit unserer Gesellschaft, unseren Gesetzen, unserer westlichen Welt NICHT vereinbar, auch wenn weichgespülte linksversiffte Politiker das behaupten
Der Islam ist gegen Frauenrecht, gegen Homosexualität (die sollen hingerichtet werden), gegen freie Wahlen, gegen freie Meinungsäußerung, gegen freie Religionsausübung usw.
Und Leute, die in diesem System aufgewachsen sind, werden sich uns niemals so anpassen, wie es sein sollte (natürlich gibt es auch hier wieder Ausnahmen, aber die gehen leider mit unter)
Jemanden, der deutsch spricht, lebt, denkt, sollte niemals als Affe oder sonst etwas bezeichnet werden, egal wie er aussieht, nur ist es halt das Problem, dass auf einen Deutschen mit fremden Wurzeln (du) viele unterbelichtete ausländische Idioten kommen
In Deutschland gibt es zwar auch genug deutschen Dreck, aber zunächst sollten wir uns mit dem befassen, statt Weltretter zu spielen
Auch hier gibt es Armut, jedoch kann ein armer Deutscher schnell das Gefühl bekommen, für die Gesellschaft unwichtig zu sein
Und die Leute, die hierher kommen, kommen in 10% der Fälle aus Kriegsgründen und Verfolgung (wofür man sie aufnehmen und schützen sollte), aber zu 90% aus Faulheitsgründen (Neger, die ihren Arsch nicht hochkriegen wollen, weils hier alles umsonst gibt, Albaner, die eh abgeschoben werden und deshalb einfach klauen usw.)
Wir haben es in 50 Jahren nicht geschafft, die Türken zu integrieren, die jetzt lieber "scheiß Deutsche" rufen (während die Antifa mitmacht und klatscht), die Erdogan als Helden verehren und sich als Mitglieder der grauen Wölfe zeigen, während unsere Regierung das gutheißt und jeder Kritiker als Nazi beschimpft wird
Wie also sollen wir Menschen, die lieber ihre Kultur und Religion leben wollen (was ihnen ja auch schon seit Kindesbeinen übermittelt wird) in unsere Gesellschaft integrieren, wenn die lieber die Sharia oder das schnelle Geld wollen?

What.. swim in dirt for groundhogs day..? Wtf r u on about u dense shitskin Europe may hate America, but the WHOLE world HATES shit skins.. that means all types of shit skins not even yr own country said fuck off.

so Algier is not arab , marocco etc. . fix your knowledge idiot

You prove you're wrong in your own response
>this fucking damage control

>more autism
Seriously dude, get tested. You're the only one that cares this much about something so unimportant

He's not me you autist.
Hell, he's probably autistic too.
And pointing out autism isn't damage control fyi

England is my motherland. Kill yourself.

He does seem to have some problems with grasping abstract concepts too.