Reaction Thread part 2

Reaction Thread part 2





tihs thrad so fun lol






















I do not know when I would ever need this, but maybe you can find something to use it for.

Someone post the badly drawn rage faces please, I've been looking for the "grin" version, but my googlefu is lacking.

like this?







Found that some weeks ago on a pedo-post


Close enough, but not the one I'm looking for. Its drawn as shitty as the coaxed into a snafu one, but other than that the colors and such are the same


get out of here stalker








that is literally impossible you cant bend it like that and expect it to shoot hell you cant even bend it like rubber like that to begin with


welcome to tom and jerry



Zipper makes the shirt tighter.


"Krummlauf" niggers
german engineering








forgot the fucking image

look dis nigga


too bad it is a shotgun then and not a automatic rifle

What am i reacting to?








you dont need accuracy when you´re supposed to shoot out of your tank right down onto the enemies that are too close, shredding the bullet into shrapnels was actually an advantage






o shit waddup



o shit waddup


what does that have to do with my comment?


All these memes and you choose to be salty


Does anyone have the version of this that looks like a regular person?





"too bad it is a shotgun"
its no downside that with that "krummlauf" the rifle basically becomes shotgun, since the bullets dont come out intact. at any opportunity it would´ve been an advantage to severely wound your enemies when a straight shot might penetrate them, it might not do as much damage as shrapnels



