How smart is /b?

how smart is /b?

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if the scale is not zeroed on the jar and the flies are landed on the jar, then it will read 1.5kg

1 kilo fags

Flies dont weight 0.5kg

same tbh

Instructions unclear, dick stuck in jar

The flies will not add any weight while occupying the volume of the jar. Unless they hold on to the glass or rest on the bottom of the jar.

So in essence it is one kilogram

But given the variable at which flies can rest and/or land on the glass

We will call it "R" for random

There are 5 flies

Each weigh .1 kg

There is one jar that weighs 1 kg

Here is my equation

W = weight
R= random

W= 1kg plus .5kg/(R * 5)

Yall figure out what R is


I think: 1 kilo without a lid, 1.5 kilo with lid. I'm no physicist though.

1.5 kg, or at least it's supposed to. The flies' wings provide force to the air which should impinge on the bottom of the jar. Though I doubt it would be a constant reading and it would be a turbulent flow so it's hard to be sure exactly how it would work.

How much does the scales weight?

It's 1.5kg. They are pushing air down to let them float, and it counteracts their weight exactly as long as they don't move up or down. Then again this is a troll thread probably so I'm wasting my time but ah fuck it

autism english

So if there is a 5ton pterodactyl flying 2 kilometers above you,you will be crushed?doesnt seen legit


>The flies will not add any weight while occupying the volume of the jar.

But that's wrong you faggot.

If it were a jar of water, and you added some pickles that float, does the jar get heavier?

Floating in air is not different from floating in a liquid, provided that it's a closed environment. They're pushing down on the air, which is pushing down on the jar.



Area. The reaction force of the air on the pterodactyl's wings is spread over a gigantic area underneath it. The pressure at any small area on the surface would be almost nothing.

If you both are inside a very tall jar,but that is just wide enough to fight the giant flying shit,then you die?


Motherfucker, a gas can only affect a solid unless it is pushed by an external force, wind blows on a can; it will fall.

No wind or strong movement of air. The flies will not generate enough force to move the jar with air

It's easy.
Faggot + gay = OP


Well, kind of. Every time if flapped it's wings it would theoretically provide 5 tons of force spread over the area of the jar. The pressure wave could kill you if the jar were small enough.

So a single fly now weighs 100 grams? Stop trying to be smart you dumbass

Where can I send the invoice? I guess I broke my sides reading this.

No you dolt, im using the information given you retard

different guy here, it depends on how far above you the animal is because the pressure naturally disperses against the sides of the jar because the air movibg down has to displace other air, which pressures sideways. Unfortunately op pic has no easy explanation because of that exact consequence, but it would be reading somewhere betwwen but not exactly on 1kg or 1.5kg at all times

But the pressure would spread and hit the walls of the jar,making force sideways,so not all of the weight will convert into presure in the botton of the jar,so it would not weight all the 1.5 kilos

Yeah just realized that. So it would really depend on the area of the sides and the bottom of the jar that you would be standing in.

1kg-3.5kg assuming any of them land on the jar

You realize that the flies flap their wings right?

These are hypothetical 0.5kg flies, which hypothetically are able to fly. Being able to fly means they're capable of creating a downard force of at least 0.5kg.

The jar weighs 1.5kg with the flies inside.

You fuckers are still in high school/college and fucking retarded.

An airplane in flight is not weightless, it's weight is past over the entire earth.
Same with flies only the air holding their weight is trapped.
However I'm not sure about the gas. If it is replaced with mustard, the weight will increase proportional to the number of Jews I murdered

none of those are correct. think for a second.

gravity constantley affects the jar of 1 kilogram

if all the flies rest on the glass then they add 0.5 kg of weight makeing it weight 1.5 kg.

but thus is not always true. at any moment a fly is in free fall (not flapping their wings) they contribute no weight to the container.

conversley, if they are flapping their wings then they create a downward force on the air molecules which in turn create a lesser force on the jar making it weigh slightley more.

so given the fly could be any of these three states the weight could be anywhere from 1kg to 1.5kg

You're assuming all air from the wings is directed downwards, is constant (wings flap), and isn't diffused sideways when it reaches the bottom of the jar (and instead transfers all energy directly downward). It doesn't work that way in reality though.

Nigger do you even closed systems. You're fucking stupid.

ITT a bunch of high schoolers who don't understand basic physics.

The jar weighs 1.5kg

Scale reads 1.5kg at all times, whether the flies are landed or not.

It says "flies weighs .5 kg" which implies that is the lump weight of the flies. If they had said "each fly weighs .5 kg" that would be different. Now, that said, I think we can also assume from the picture that none are landed, so the scale reads 1 kg.

Eddy fi cen

nice reddit meme

Question: are the flies on the side of the beaker? Or flying constantly?

It's FiVe.
Eights Five cents.
Who the hell charges eights five cents for a soda?

Those are some heavy ass flies

forgot to say how much the air inside the jar weighed or how much air was inside

any creature (or thing) suspended or flying in the jar (aka not touching the sides) does not have weight but does displace air which causes pressure on the volume of suspension material (in this case we assume air) in the jar

mass(t) = 1kg + 0.5(n)

where n is the number of flies that are landed and not in flight at time t.

Air has mass, but the amount of air in a jar is too infinitessimally small to even register on a scale with 5 decimal places.

>avoiding the question

There's not enough information

I don't know which ones are flying and which ones are on the glass

>autism intensifies
> they are all flying

1kg if the flies are airborn
1.5kg if they are sitting on the bottom
.5kg if you are retarded

Pickle jar analogy is perfect. A jar of pickles weighs the same whether the pickles are resting on the bottom, floating on top or suspended in between

the scale can read within the range assuming the wing flapping exerts air pressure that the scale can pick up

Prove it

I'm the creator of the image

Also, air is just another fluid. This analogy is only true, however, if the jar is sealed and considered a closed system. The end. Also dubs

If I put a scale under a rocket, do you believe the scale reads 0 once the rocket lifts an inch off the ground?

ohhhh dear

If it's NOT touching the scale,yes it is 0.
That is,unless the rocket is being lifted by it's engine,which would apply tremendous force on the scale and it would still read some random high number.

I'd expect the scales electronics to be obliterated.

troll thread, the jar will never exactly weigh one of those numbers because the files aren't just floating stationary in the jar.

the correct answer will fluxuate around 1.5kg however, because the flies cannot be flying if they aren't exerting a force downwards.

3 kg
Prove me wrog

>protip you cant

Good call, I should have specified it was lifted by the down thrust from the rocket itself.

Should read 0 if you took the proper steps in measuring an item correctly.


The same FAGGOT



1 kg.
as long as they are flying.
1,5 kg if they sit down.

fucking kill him you bozo

real murder

Ok,in that case the answer is 1.0 kg

1 kg.
dubs get.

Don't forget density.

1 kg because magnets don't affect the weight of the jar

The steel would weigh more because it would have your blood and some combined eyeball jelly and brain tissue on it AFTER I BEAT YOU TO DEATH YOU FAGGOT!

>gasses behave the same as liquids

So flies would magically levitate above a scale without applying any downward force?

Oh very original sire

no question mark

I hope you don't own a gun.

I mean it is asking what does the scale read. It's not asking how much everything weights. Flies are in the air. For scale to read something, you need to push it down. The only thing that is pushing it down is the jar, therefore it will say that it weights 1kg

It's like how helicopters don't leave a 20 food cylinder of pressure below them once they get high enough.

This is a scale we're talking about, who needs electronics?


Unless you put the helicopter into a big jar...

>how to know you're autistic

Good fucking god man, how stupid can one person get?

The flies apply a downward force to air, which in turn moves the air and causes a slightly increased air pressure at the bottom of the jar (since the air can't move through the jar). This increased air pressure applies a force to the scale.
The whole situation is hard to imagine since 0,5 kg of flies would be a shitload of flies.

>air is just another fluid.

gasses are not fluids. You must be at least 18 to browse Sup Forums

obviously steel, what are you stupid or something?

Assuming the flies remain where they are or only go up and down and flap such that they displace air downward, the jar will read slightly above 1kg

The flies flapping pushes air downward (slightly) that exerts a pressure on the bottom of the jar i.e. a force (given by the definition of pressure P = F/A where A is area).

That Force is indistinguishable to the scale from an increased force of gravity thus it produces a higher reading on the scale.

To address why the presence of flies in the volume of the jar doesn't contribute to the weight, once the flies are added the air that gets displaced will simply rise out of the jar. To do that with water you would have to overflow it. Adding the flies in water increases the net density of the object thus increasing its net weight.




Sweet fucking jesus you better be a troll:
"In physics, a fluid is a substance that continually deforms (flows) under an applied shear stress. Fluids are a subset of the phases of matter and include liquids, gases, plasmas and, to some extent, plastic solids."

The flies are flying, making it lighter.

.5 kg, clearly

gases are a fluid

if gases are a fluid how come there are 2 different words for one substance?
>pretengineers : 0
>Logic : 1

Actually, m = e^2/c, so we can conclude that not only will it have at least 1.5g of mass, but also slightly more on account of energy exerted by the burning of energy in the animals themselves.

How can you be both a faggot and a gayboy if you're only a one man?