Hey guys can you watch this for me?

Hey guys can you watch this for me?
I'll be right back

This is a nigger thread now.






Fuck you, OP


nu! *drinks milk* bwahahaha i drank OPs niggercolored milk! nao dis milk is in mah belleh! mwahahaha! *mutters under breath* but maybe OP luvs me...nu! i luv nobudy!

lel mew

Hey guys i'm ba-
What the fuck guys?!

O-OP! i-i'm sorry! ur milk iz gone! i just licked it up like a good kitty i iz! *mutters under breath* b-but he'll hate me! nuuu! *regular voice* i-i'm so sorry OP, p-please let me be with you still!

Holy fuck I got a notherone. Be cRefull with this one guys. Op prob be back any minuye

>only they use that word
Checks out

>spits in milk

Troll harder

Fuck you this isnt the same glass i had!
>Nice dubs

what is this? flint tap water?

>Replace chocolate milk with white milk
White master race


That was some pretty good milk

what are you? A retard?


you're cool

Oh shit it slipped

dubs dubs of double deceit

Op here
Someone better get me more milk