Post ITT if you are learning Korean or speak Korean, or if you're interested in the silly shit they're up to lately

Post ITT if you are learning Korean or speak Korean, or if you're interested in the silly shit they're up to lately.

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이거 삭제해.

미친 캐나다친구 잘 지냈어?

고 퍽유어셀프


Im interested in their silly shamans


하이 하이

OP pic is their temporary leader while park gets impeached

안녕~ 만나서 반가워요

느낌 언제 한국여자친구를 없다

내일 수업을 들어요.
외국어 공부하기 싫어. 너무 어려워요

여러분 한국어 어떻게 공부해요? 어떤 얍으로 공부해요?

>여러분 한국어 어떻게 공부해요?


걱정하지 말고 계속해


>여러분 한국어 어떻게 공부해요? 어떤 얍으로 공부해요?

hinative (lang-8 같은 앱), youtube vids, spongemind, 언어교환, 친구랑 말하기

언어교환하기는 싫지만 빠른 배우기 방법이야. 난 너무 autismal 그래서 언어교환 동안 좀 불안해

한국에 살면 배우는 것이 더 쉽겠어

너 먼저


고마워 친구.

어떤 사전 해요? 저는 네이버 사전 하지만 교실에 인터넷을 없으니까 네이버 사잔 할 수 없어요.

나는 항상 네이버 써...

아마 한국어-영어 google translate 다운로드해 봐. Offline version 있어



한국은 독도땅!!

Why I am seeing so many Koreans/Korean learners these days?

While I welcome Korean learners, it is disturbing to Koreans as all of them are either Sup Forums without kek tier or tumblr tier

>as all of them are either Sup Forums without kek tier or tumblr tier

Idk, I think I'm pretty normal. Unless you mean Koreans are Sup Forums and tumblr and not Korean learners

I think kpop and kdrama is attracting popularity. Korea is first world and decently safe/properous so it's naturally gonna gain people interested in travelling or living there as time goes on.

*to see Koreans.

Yea. Koreans on the Internets are mostly Sup Forums or tumblr tier, esp ones coming here.

Tbqh, I'd rather see autistic 'netouyo' or net right Japanese than those Sup Forums or tumblr tier Koreans. It is not even funny baiting these Koreans while there is some fun in trolling Nips

Yeah, alot of the Korean anons here lately are unfortunately pretty shit tier and don't know how to take a joke or how to just take it easy. I think they are mostly really young.

한국어 배우는거 힘들지 않아요? 나는 외국인들이 배우는거 정말로 힘들다고 생각하는데.

Isn't it hard to learn how to speak korean? I think it is. what do you think?

한글은 매우 쉽다. 근데 한국말과 문법은 정말 어렵다.

I don't think it's harder than learning any other language, but I don't think it's easy.

Learning how to sound natural is very hard and so is having the courage to speak to people.

하지만 인터넷보다 실제 한국 사람들은 더 친절하니까 걱정하지 마요.

but not like in the internet. real korean people is very kind to person trying to learn korean. so you don't have to worry about that.

They finally banned Sup Forums. (I'm using dashchan to avoid censorship.)

https 쓰세요

Naver dictionary is trash

Use this

Really? I'm connecting fine.
Once all this shamanism bullshit gets settled we need to hang 방송통신심의위원회

I don't get why foreigners learn Korean. Isn't it useless?

For example, I wouldn't learn Polish, because it is useless.

How do we stop the Korean girls are plastic meme? It's starting to irritate me.

well, i think you know that memes are so hard to stop.

사실 이미 쓰고있음 ㅋㅋ 근데 메갈이나 밴할 것이지 4챈은 왜 밴하지

Yeah, I am my own worst enemy when it comes to being too shy to talk to people. I am trying to get past that.

Why is Naver trash?

well. i hope you overcome your fear soon.

Some people enjoy studying languages as a hobby, and Korean is a pretty interesting language

Some people are Koreaboos

This may come as a shock to you, but there are people that learn languages just because they like them.

What is the level of fiability of the Yonhap Agency ?

Naver bows down to power park geun hye. They censor anto-government blogs and comments. Boycott it.

State media.

Do you know other reliable sources, available in english or french ?

Thank you very much !
Coverage of South Korea situation has been very poor in french news (until now)...

Pourquoi les médias français s'intérreseraient-ils en Corée ?

I see. So the definitions are fine then

I'm going there next week
Damn sure I'm interested.

No. Daum definitions are better.
Are you really going to endorse the company that bowed down to current regime?????

Parce que telle est leur fonction... Et ce n'est pas toi qui nieras l'importance des événements actuels en Corée, si ?

No I was just being contrarian for no reason. I was mainly curious about the definitions.

I used to use Daum alot but at some point I switched to Naver because it has this

bts의 김태형 아주 예뻐요 ㅠㅠ 제 남친 응원해주세요 ^__^

Les médias français s'occupent des affaires françaises. La Corée est un """""""""""""""""""""""""""pays"""""""""""""""""""""'""'''" terminé. Rien à voir. Vaux mieux l'ignorer. Donne moi l'asile svp.

Do not use Naver tramslate. Use Google translate and improve it. Companies like Naver and Samsung need to go down. Boycott Naver or i will not be your friend.


>Boycott Naver or i will not be your friend.


Peut-être que la France n'est pas la meilleure destination si tu désires éviter les troubles politiques !
Mais je ne peux m'empêcher de m'interroger sur ton niveau de français, qui est excellent. Serais-tu déjà venu ?

Jamais sorti hors de la Corée. En effet, jamais sorti de ma chambres depuis des mois.

그 이미지 뜻이 뭡니까?

Pourquoi ?

viens nous voir?
moi je t'accueille sans problème

Peur du monde.
Merci mais non merci.

Ahah ! Dans ce cas à quoi te servirait l'asile ?


"네 포스트가 나에게 자폐증을 줬어"

Well, as a Korean, Koreans don't like each other tbqh; self hating is their sports just like how Latin Americans do. They are kinder to foreigners. Don't know if it's good or bad but Koreans are not like Jews in terms of sticking together and gain things by doing so.
Idk. I am 1/4 something else anyway and don't feel entirely Korean anyway

Bon, en tout cas merci pour les liens. Peut-être peux-tu m'en dire plus à leur sujet ? Par exemple, à qui appartiennent ces journaux ? Quelle est leur orientation politique ?
Que penses-tu du Korea Herald ?

what? chinese? no wonder everyone pushes you away.

No, Central Asian.

wow.... rude..... my boyfriend does not deserve this type of treatment

I bet you are one of those people whose grandparents were born in what is now north korea and think you are more mongol than the average korean

One of my grandparents was Uyghur

Do you love Tengri?

Deoksu Chang? That family was founded by one Uyghur 700 years ago. Plus he was probably half Chinese.

t. Korean history expert

>I am 1/4 something else anyway

got news for you. you ain't korean

Well, one of my grandmother came to Seoul with her merchant parents at very young age. I seriously don't know how they got to Korea from Central Asian desert.
I am thinking about travelling Siberia and Central Asia for muh heritage and to learn about Tengrism a few years later actually

Are you the user that offered to help me study Korean?

Either way pls let me join you on Central Asia trip, mite b cool

Yes, I am that one.

>Par exemple, à qui appartiennent ces journaux ?
À ils-même. Journaux indépendents. Fondé par les journalistes renvoyés pendant les dictatures.
>Quelle est leur orientation politique ?
>Que penses-tu du Korea Herald ?
De la merde écrit en anglais.

Do the military leaders represent a threat to democracy currently ?

you should fight for the uyghur cause. go all out WE WUZ UYGHZ N SHIT

Voilà un avis tranché !
Bon, si jamais tu oses voyager un jour, je t'accueillerai volontiers à Paris.

I think the best thing I can do is indirectly leading to China's dissolution by promoting independent Taiwan and Hong Kong as well. I literally hope Ms. Tsai of Taiwan to fuck with China and that serves as the catalyst for US China war which will BTFO China completely

Merci mais pas intéressé à me faire un coloscopie involontairement par un arabe poilu dans son chambre

>US China war which will BTFO China
There will be no war. China will give up Taiwan at the last moment. They are pussies.

Ce qui laisse à entendre que tu serais intéressé par la chose dans d'autres circonstances ? Pédé.

언어적 장벽?
언어 장벽?

어느가 맞아?

둘 다

언어적 장벽 linguistic barrier
언어 장벽 language barrier

Both but prob prefer 언어 장벽

thank you


어느 is a determiner
To say which or what you need to add a noun
어느 것이 맞아?
This is true. Same as in English.