What the fuck has happened to the united states culture...

What the fuck has happened to the united states culture? Why are college students in this country so pussyfied now that the require "safe spaces" to protect them from words?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=local gaybars&l=1


Put me up to date, bro, never heard of this shit

It's not like college making pussies is anything new. Look at the hippies of the sixties. Those that will fight will enlist, those that won't will cut their balls off and call themselves "progressive."

its pitiful. you'd think their balls dried up and blew off like leaves.

Glad I was in college when I was. Shortly before this shit took place. New a Muslim dude that drank, smoked pot, and gicked random women. He would always say when he went back to his home country he would be okay because he was a devout muslim. Aleays thought he was going to be one of those crazy radicals. Also women would get drunk and have sex and not scream rape. They would admit they fucked up and cheated. Even the realy religious ones.

Wtf are safe spaces from words?


this picture implys that our children should be murders instead of pussies

That guy was funny. He always talked about killing infidels

Sure, so when they get their heads cut off at least they won't have tried to prevent it. Fucking cuck.


colleges across the country are instituting "safe space" policies where anything regarded as "hate speech" (used in the lightest way possible) can result in students being reprimanded. Political correctness to a degree that can be considered censorship of people with differing opinions. it used to be for the lgbt community to be safe, but now its for anyone who is afraid of words or being "triggered".


the point of the photo is to show how people that age were then, and how they are now. Not everyone has to be in the military, they just don't need to be little bitches.




the root of the problem is treating young people as children up until they pass that magical age of 18, and then expecting them to act like adults the next day when you have been infantilizing them all of their lives. THIS shit doesnt happen in other cultures where people actually have scrape a living to survive.

if you shield people from the realities of the world, and invent a culture in which imaginary lines in maturity are drawn for mere social compliance , you're gonna end up in this situations where young people dont know how to deal with rejection, opposing worldviews, trauma, financial decisions, permanent choices, and everything else young adults should be ready for.. etc.

people really need to stop pussifying teens and kids. its a very important part of growing up. seeing the world for what it is.

Dude really doesn't cry all that often, Clinton was known for crying and Bush got in a decent amount of crying in 2001. Only time I can really remember obama crying was after sandy hook.

You fucking destroyed the people trying to save Europe that's what happened you stupid fuck.

>If you kill your enemies, they win.

Nice strawman, you dumb cunt. Find one person who actually believes that owning a gun is a mental illness. I'll be here dying of old age, nigger.

If you consider it murder to kill ISIS in your backyard then yeah.


stupid meat head detected.

although I am no liberal, the world isnt black and white... you stupid cannon fodder fuck.

this is what the world has come to.

>i am right, you are wrong and nothing can change my mind.


The internet. The same reason robots and shit exist in today's society. People who, in the time before the internet, would have been bullied and picked on until they conformed to normal society (either through getting a thicker skin to not care about insults, or being forced to learn to socialize because that's your only option) are able to continue existing how they please, without having to fix the things that are wrong with them because they can find groups of people similarly fucked up online, instead of being forced to change.
Fuckers on tumblr tell you that you're perfect the way you are, fat people don't need to work out, socially anxious people don't need to develop social skills. Fuckers on Sup Forums tell you it's alright to jack off to ponies and animated little girls while you sit in your moms basement.

>Find one person who actually believes that owning a gun is a mental illness.

unrelated and betrays bias, good job

(OP) Even as a communist i find this type of behavior reprehensible. The people of the united states use to be able to take shit without being little bitches about it.

Show me exactly where and when it was said.

she doesn't


I see no issue here.

>googles conservative political cartoons
>"H-hah, trolled him..."


>+1 to post
>no contribution


This is what Liberal pussies actually believe.

well to be fair user everyone is dying of old age. Now say that AFTER you post you fucking faglord also: lmgtfy.com/?q=local gaybars&l=1 for you


also is there any particular reason conservative shit always has this weird, clip-art, "you kids and your damn ____", low-res atmosphere around them, it's really strange

Excellent refutation. It was over so quickly it was like it never even happened. You are truly a master debater and veritable encyclopedia of all things. Now, are you going to refute what I said or just continue to be a dumb nigger?

I believe that he googled political cartoons and posted one on Sup Forums in this thread


>accuses other of contributing nothing
>previously responded with no contribution



as is your right to think so

Holy fuck this is the best way to describe the current situation. You put my thoughts into words

the world got rich and willing to suck our dicks

also don't trivialize loss of life unless you are willing to go to bat yourself


itt: we pretend we are in a library


seriously though write a letter to your local congressman, the cia, & your head of state


>Why are college students in this country so pussyfied now that the require "safe spaces" to protect them from words?

Because their parents never allowed them to grow up.
They were driven everywhere, with "Baby on Board" car signs.
They weren't allowed freedom to play in the streets, ride bikes alone, or make their own friends.
Instead of free time to learn about life, their time was scheduled with soccer, music lessons, etc.
They had to wear helmets for mundane activities like riding scooters.

The parents did not allow them to grow into self-reliant humans, so they are dependent little wussies instead.


A "zero tolerance" movement swept over a lot of places.

Last time I checked murder isn't qualified by the personality of the victim.


there was a great piece on NPR about this recently

>Ohhhh waaaaahhhhh children today don't have problems as tough as before
This was literally the goal the entire fucking time.
Why is everyone bitching that today is easier.

Maybe you should start by looking up the word "murder" in the dictionary.

>this is what happens
I don't get it? Are you mad that kids are voting for once?

Yeah you should finish by sucking my dick

OK, Snowflake.

I do. Maybe you're just fucking retarded.

It goes like this;

>Every generation of Americans claim to do whatever they do so that the next generation lives in a better world

>Every generation makes it a little easier to live. The amount of people who have to die to make a living is smaller now than it was when "the greater generations" lived.

>All generations look at new generations as lazy entitled pieces of shit, because they dunt "work hard," with 2+ jobs on average

To answer your question, it's not even really new, but you get to hear it first hand from social media. Go haul dirt or whatever it is you people do that makes you think you're superior to everyone else.

No, he's mad because they are voting for someone he doesn't like. because somehow (it doesn't) this relates to my original post about safe spaces.

>college age

choose ONE option

Oh damn good one. If only that was somebody's argument you woulda got em.

It literally is.
We gave women and niggers rights. They in turn seeked out more rights and rights for everyone and no one is a bad person anymore and your a racist if you think someone should be held responsible for their actions.

OK, you're an asshole.
You should do well in life.

Go give your local isis member a hug in front of your nation, family and children pansy il see you on liveleak back here to play in one of there gopro torture videos.

The truth? MTV reality shows happened. As soon as MTV stopped playing music videos all the time, shit started to go downhill. Fucking prove me wrong

Because theres no draft forcing them to do so.

And theres already such an abundance of college aged people joining the military voluntarily, that we have a reserves. Even with troops over seas.

Stop thinking tumblr is real life

yeap, and the problem really does go like this:

>user, you're not even 18 yet, you dont know anything yet.


>user, you're already 18, you should already know better.

its literally gremlin rules.

Giving people their rights isnt a bad thing. All people should be equal under the eyes of the government. But I agree with the second half as political correctness has gone too far into calling people racist for pointing out when someone does something inherently wrong due to the race of said person.

History will record that the biggest mistake this country ever made was giving women the vote.

That's what happens when you offer people a comfortable, easy life. Past generations didn't need safe spaces because they had a harder life and didn't have time for stupid shit. This new generation is coasting on the labor of the previous gens, and have to invent hardships that don't exist.

>It literally is.

spoken like a true fucking moron meat head.

>muh lizard brain. hurr durr.

Except all people obviously arent equal and shouldnt be treated as such.

The picture does not do that.
It shows one killer in an environment where she must fight to protect her people because terrorist are literally in her backyard.

Then it compares that one adult independent person to college children who haven't had a first job yet. Also the safe space bullshit is sensationalized. It is not common.

The point isnt the photo, that was added as a reference, the point is that this type of thought is becoming increasingly more widespread in this country, not just on tumbler, but swaying policies in colleges and workplaces across the country.

Coming from the nigger who thinks life is over complicated and mysterious. Go head butt a moving semi and do the world a favor.

Parents up through the 60s, 70s were self-centered.
The world revolved around adults - adult movies, parties, music.
Children learned that the world was for adults, and they had to grow up to be a part of it.

Starting in the 80s, parents were still self-centered.
But instead of creating their own lives, they projected their lives onto their children.
They wanted to show how perfect they were by raising perfect children.
Children that were sheltered from the harsh world.
Children that would live up to their full creative and social potential - yes, special snowflakes.
The parents made themselves feel special by pretending they were raising special children.

We are now living in the world created by this selfish parenting fail.
So much of the world that revolved around adults now revolves around children - movies, music, etc.
Even the traditional office christmas party - known for one-a-year debauchery - has become a family friendly event.

This so fucking much this right here

The left. That's what happened, it's antithetical to who we are as a people.

The proper phrasing is everyone should be given equal opportunity. It's what people do with said opportunity that determines how well they do. But no, now we have everyone being kept at the same level, smart/talented kids get dragged behind the retarded kids, instead of allowed to excel like they should


That's idiotic, people are equal and should be treated a such until they do something that makes them a worse person than the rest of civilized society.

Says the murderer
Word I will.
I'll make sure that if your children were unlucky enough to be born in a terrorist occupied state and brain washed into killing machines I'll hug em too. I've heard your mother gets around so maybe I should say sibling.

So were being cucked in the most self depreciating way possible?

Id argue the few good people arent worth the horde of bad. Kill them all jimmy

"You weren't supposed to relieve me."

>lets show the world were a religion of peace
>Murders people openly and on video

my point was relating to a persons rights, not how they progress in society, of course i also believe equality in opportunity as well though.

life isnt mysterious, but it is complicated if you're born into the wrong circumstances.

subtlety is important in life, and so are the fine details, introspection, and our perception of others circumstances.

but i know you wont understand this, because you werent gifted with anything more than poor intelligence, or the capability for reason or nuanced thought.

you're a retard hammer, and when you're a retard hammer, everything looks like a stupid nail.

you moronic, idiotic, backwards, primitive, and unevolved ape.

kill yourself. let the rest of us move on and improve the world.

This is what happens when you believe everything the media spoonfeeds you. Culture hasn't changed that much. Just the media giving undue coverage to the few twats spouting this nonsense.

But I respect a whiny faggot bitching about safe spaces more than I respect a cunt who goes out and murders foreigners thinking he's protecting America.


My motherfucking nigga
I mean those people bitching about safe spaces most likely have a disorder, were raised by idiots, got roasted by a black kid so hard they started a movement, or don't exist but still my motherfucking nigga

All of these faggots think that going and bombing the Middle East for decades is actually fighting ISIS instead of doing exactly what they are hoping for.

The U.S. and U.K. created the terrorists. Literally training and funding the original terrorists and even most of the terrorist groups that exist today. ISIS is purposefully antagonizing the West because every bomb we drop sends more people to their organization. It is what has created their Caliphate.

We should leave the Middle East completely, let the terrorist groups destroy Israel and in 100 years we'll have peace in the region.