Starting League of Legends for the first time

Starting League of Legends for the first time.
What to expect and how long until im on ESPN?

Toxic raging faggots and everyone to be complete garbage, except for you, who since you're going up against people who've played for years will be worse than garbage. That said, winning is pretty satisfying. Espn? Never, good luck.

Find the least garbage person you can to help you learn, it's too much to learn on your own.

I'll do you a favor op. I'm gold 5, I'll teach you for a game or two. What's your summoner name?

What server are you on, OP?

not sure name is washbrook45

I just did the tutorial thingy

Are you in europe or America?


Well then you're in the NA server, can't help ya', sorry pal.


Aw :(

i can help you, my name is B Monkee

how do i find u b monkey

I play on NA servers. I am currently Diamond 5. The username is DontTouchMyWood! I'll teach you man. I have some smurfs.

>What to expect and how long until im on ESPN?

About 1 month, all the people with skill left for Dota so it's really easy to be good.

lol nice so DOta2 is the new thing?

>I'm gold 5, I'll teach you for a game or two
>Gold 5

kek, thats not even average

Ty let me get out of this tutorial game real quick

You're welcome dude!

U would play fucking better without advices from faggot from g5

>tfw a silver shitter
>tfw even lose normals

Feels bad man


Check em both lmao

Why not Smite? You should try it out. I think it's better tbh.

i just hit lvl30 and am about to do ranked wish me luck

Gl Gl! Only play ranked when you feel you're at your best!

How can u tell what server ur on?
and how to add a friend?

i havent played in a while so im gonna do some norms if u wanna play

Just mute everybody

>just triped and fell down the stairs! wwops

Bronze IV NA here, name's Hand Hanzo. Add a nigga

Actually playing rankeds all the time is a Better way to learn play this game. PPL on normals dont give a shit

Ok thanks I added u guys ill see yall on there off to play some FFXIV for a bit!

DontTouchMyWood is the username

play zed/fizz and faceroll