What is the cancer of YouTube in your country?

What is the cancer of YouTube in your country?
Here in Spain is this PewDiePie wannabe here, ElRubius (Pic Related). But besides him there are like a shit ton of letsplayers with like two 400 episodes (No joking) minecraft series, and then a couple faggots who do OMG so random vlogs. And then a guy called DalasReview, pretty funny guy, a literal Cuck, he amde a video explaining how his ex was exploiting his YT status and looked for other guys to fuck with while he was promoting her channel and making her famous. He even wrote a book and got attacked by crazy feminists on a bookstore.
Anyway, what's YT outside 'murica?

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gexp gaming

: Denmark

Ya te vi Rubius, deja de promocionarte acá virgo cara de berenjena.

In the UK we have these two, not entirely sure what they're famous for but there you go


nearly all dutch youtubers are literally cancer
the fake prank "squad" is the worst though

The Netherlands is full of cancer; stuk tv, enzo knol, Giel Beelen(famous radio dj) and all the other product placement selling faggots. I just want cats on YouTube and David who is really high after visiting the dentist. Maybe Im just old/fashioned. Ever since YouTuber is a thing I dont really like it anymore.

Those guys are popular with american teen girls too

Y tu eres AuronPlay preparando tu próximo video, ¿a que si, pequeño saltamontes?

Colega, dejas a Dalas tranquilito. Que seas un soplapollas no te da derecho a hablar así de alguien como él.

stuktv vind ik best leuk. veel reclame voor producten maar op dat na vind ik hun videos best vermakelijk

Bueno chicos, os anuncio por vigesimoquinta vez que mi libro de satira social "El ojete del culo" ya esta a la venta en todas las librerías, echadle un ojo que es lo mejor que hay en este país de hipócritas. VENGA NOS VEMOS

Menudo cuck esta hecho

YouTube is such a clusterfuck now that it's more of a cancer on other things.

Egoraptor is gaining more and more attention and his asinine opinions on game design are starting to catch on.

Movie reviews are turning everyone into a critic. You're not allowed to like anything anymore, or you're autistic.

It's certainly a big contribution to the death of good music and the rise of kick-hat-snare-hat "in da club tonight" music.

Here in Germany we have a guy called gronkh, who spent his whole life playing vidya until the age of 30, then he started the let's plays and is rich now

in argentina its full of retarded normies that copy themselves
most notable examples are mariano bondar, julian serrano, gonzalo goete and lucas castel

Why the guy on the right don't have eyebrows? IDK why he having that fucking face is famous...

so don't watch it and get on with your life

God damn. When it comes time you have to shave your face, it's time to abandon the bieber helmet. It looks retarded on anyone above the age of 16. Hell, even 16 is pushing it.


Its over

I don't know what happened to JonTron but his content really sucks now. His set is aesthetically depressing and he's just not as funny or genuine as he once was. I theorize that it stems from his friendship with h3h3 whose content is just painful.


The bait

h3h3 is legit good dawg

... El mas tonto de todos.

Here in Lithuania we have like 2.5mil people so not that many Youtubers, but this fucking retard "Vejavaikis" (Windkid or smth like that) is like the brother of Pewdiefag that should've never been born.

I hear that a lot on this board. It's just not my cup o' tea, I guess.

Puta vida, tete


lol. that motherfucker is half bald.

Shit bitch of video? Video's shitty bitch?



There is a PewDiePie in eveyr country. Miserable life goys


he looks like the transsexual feminist brother of Pewdiefag, holy fuck I feel bad for you

jajjajajjjajjaja el puto subnormal ha dicho que dalas es gracioso me cago en mis muertos me estoy partiendo los cojones XDdDdDdDd

Dalas me cae bien solo por sus videos contra las feminazis


I've never seen an episode of Good Mythical Morning. Is it any good?

hostia pensaba que en esta página la gente venía a hacerse el gilipollas pero veo que sois putos gilipollas de verdad diciendo que veis a dalas porque se mete con las feminazis puta panda de anormales

In france we have "un panda moqueur"/Sulivan greg
He realy is the terminal phase tumor of the french youtube game

har alltid fucking hatat stamsite

nigga this ain't no mmo stop speaking spanish begging for gold n shit

We in Poland have the greatest raper of all time.

Como coño hay tantos payos en /b

some people on here like them, some don't
i personally do like them. especially their "will it ___" videos

id a forocoches putos anormales

Here in Perú we have this faggot who makes "funny" videos recompilations, a lot of cancer if u ask me

I used to watch it. Its a good way to learn english and to learn new stuff. Usually listened to it as a podcast in the background while doing stuff

Frances i pretty cancerous as it is, so I don't even wanna imagine what that must look like

he used to be semi tolerable but now he's just a cunt

sam pepper


He is like Jinx, and the reaction channels?

H3h3's old stuff was good. At risk of sounding like a hipster, I liked him far more before he got hella subs and 13 year old fans.

He used to be just a funny dude laughing at videos, now it's a whole "show"

aa lacorrino, gitanos aqui no vas a ver

H3h3 is cancer now

Dalas es el mejor youtuber español, la verdad...


here in mexico the biggest one is werevertumorro, i find some of his content to be funny honestly but he mostly does boring video blogs, also he has top tier drama

Rubius in a nutshell.

Whats up with the rap trend? The same in Germany.


>Cuando te gusta Dalas
os pegan en casa no?

In France the "I want to have cancer" marathon is : "Les Délires de Max" "Un Panda Moqueur" "Hugo Posay" and 'MathPodcast"


Pretty much all youtubers here are considered cancer

Actualy i enjoy watching leafy but sometime he can be very cancerous

>dross will never do a ninja messenger battle again
why live?

El mayor cancer son los crios que ven esas mierdas

In Lithuania a dude made a song about killing children and got sued. The guy lost.

Finaly someone understand !

There is good cancer and bad cancer.
I like a lot of unpopular channels because they feel more personal. Mainly because people know each other and have actual intellectual conversation in the comments.
and a shit ton of other semi-popular Youtubers.

>Hey guys Michael here

everything from the Netherlands is cancer.

we only produce garbage and everyone that makes videos is a fucking idiot.


Also, American.
Cancers include Keemstar, Leafy, and Markiplier.

He's not only from my country but my fucking state as well.

Fucking Jew


What the heck happened to Dross?? At the beginning his content used to be pretty decent and his website with the chat logs as well. Now he's boring as hell. Why did he stop playing actually hard old school games? I thought the whole "I'm too old for this shit" "I'm not playing games like these again" was just him trolling.

En España no hay más que soplapollas que de aquí a dos años se van a comer los mocos cuando se fundan todo el dinero que tienen y Youtube ya no les dé ni para comer.

>his content used to be pretty decent

No, it wasn't you faggot

Country: argentina

Cancer: Bajo Ningun Término

Literally sjw: the channel. The worst part is that they love spreading misinformation and bullshit

I actually liked Dross back in the day, teh Reviews were funny as fuck, like the In the hunt one. And the videos where he was constantly in character and was edgy were enjoyable. Now he is plain, boring, self-righteous and dishonest in most cases. He cares more for his image than for his content.

No kidding goy, just browsed their channel. Fucking cancer.

It was you idiot. Back when he used to do game reviews and arcade let's plays where he raged. Also his messenger convos were pretty lulzy. Now it's just Top 10 X's everywhere. He's boring as shit now but he used to be amusing at the least.

There's a video of them filming themselves walking around on Buenos Aires as a gay couple. They film everyone that looks at them.

I mean, nigga, I would look at everyone that was acting like that, even if it's a straight couple.

Yeah just watched that one. Its painfully obvious that they know what they are doing.

If you're not from Sweden, you don't even know what cancer on youtube is

None from my country.
Feels good man.

Dalas nalgas. Otro soplapollas

this motherfucker is the worst estonian

El mejor gilipollas sopla rabos

i think that guy German take over all latin american including mexico



We don't have much here but him and his band of retards are the literal worst plus act high and mighty in public.

In germany the gay fake pranksters that try to make shitty rap songs

Literally only 12 year old faggots watch or care about "youtubers"

Im not from the uk but i like them. At least they try u kno

I hate this country. The creatures that breed here...