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Sex addiction


Most obvious one: _depression_

ITT: ignorant people insisting that things are true, just cuz.


source i am a physician. it is a made up disease in order for people to convince me to give them C-IIs. I tell them to leave or I call the police.

>I dislike or disagree with that disease/illness
>therefore it doesnt exist

Fucking retards. Next you'll say the earth is flat.

Fitnessgram Pacer Test

Social phobia.


any kind of addiction

But ADHD is very real

another doctor not helping patients because they want to cover th ir own ass.


You are a shitty doctor, and I hope you get hit by a bus. You are nothing but a greedy, money-grubbing kike who wants money and respect without practicing real medicine.

Restless leg syndrome.

Also, ITT: people who are definitely qualified to contribute to medical journals.

No it's not. Stop giving children amphetamines.


No, it isn't. It's just a sympton of another illness called shittyparentitis sometimes associated with single mother syndrome...


autism (excuses for good-for-nothing children)
PTSD (excuses for having ''moments'' in which you assault anyone around you and get away with it)

I guess you live in a third world country and don't know what testing is?

The Personality Disorders.

any 'personality disorder'


except you've never had PTSD so you don't understand you retarded fuck

you forgot to mention purpose

Spina Bifida, fucking faggots acting like they can't walk and shit. Pisses me off.

Lazy fuckers just want parking spots.

Bro. I was the best child and I had ADHD. Plus adults can get ADHD

blow me

No one has, so I guess no one can.

what about shellshock and returned soldiers?

When I was young, a shrink diagnosed me with all kinds of crap and told my parents to homeschool me. Instead, I went to a public school and told myself to not be a tard. Now people just think I'm shy. Most illnesses are merely behavioral tendencies and can be overcame if the person has the willpower.


Wahhn wahn, you big fucking baby, something sad happen to you? No reason to treat others like shit and claim "oh I have PTSD" no you just have bad life choices deal with them.

PTSD isn't about having moments of assault. It's about not being able to deal with trauma on a mental scale.
I suffer from PTSD. As a firefighter, dealing with burnt children STILL fucks me up. I have nightmares that just never end. I don't get violent, but it fucks up my mood for weeks.


>test to diagnose it

Pick one. They use tests only to determine if anything ELSE could be causing the pain.

Shit I accidentally didn't include 684500477

erectile dysfunction


Chicken Pox. Get some Clearasil you spotty little shits.


Man up Nancy.


How do you test for fibromyalgia?
There is a blood test -- called FM/a -- that identifies markers produced by immune system blood cells in people with fibromyalgia. One study showed the test can also help distinguish fibromyalgia from other conditions that can have similar symptoms, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.

Sorry you live in a third world medical shit hole.

This guy knows his shit. Also the heebie jeebies.

being introverted

lol wut?

How the fuck is that not real? Look outside and you will see walking globs of fat. Literally obesity is just the scintific term for fatass.

I have adhd, its like fucking alzheimers, if someone interupts what im saying, that shit is gone

It's called Ugly wife syndrome and it's very real!

electronics allergy

you can't get ADHD, you either have it or you don't.

it isn't a disease.

Spotted the tumblr fag

He didn't say obesity wasn't real, just that it's a medical condition. Those people just eat too much because they're fatties.

It's because someone let you get away with being a twat when you were little and you missed some important developmental steps. Go punch your mom in the fucking face and start training yourself like a grown person should.

Not a medical condition... doh


I mean you only have to take a quick look to check which one out of two FFS


That's just a personality trait, no one claims that it's a mental illness


It's a mental disorder. Of course it isn't a disease

occupational defiant disorder

Autism isn't real, retardation is, they just changed the fucking name...

Cerebral palsy. I can throw my arms and legs round like a spaz just for fun and there's nothing wrong with me at all. Nothing.

Nah, you exist man.


Nanotechnology;: Remote Neural Monitoring Tech.

But what about the socially awkward which are incredibly smart?

Inverted Urethra Syndrome

yes and retards were called mongols before retards existed and before that they were called idiots. so what's your point?

That's just some Ass Burgers.


Its real but more or less is a completely misunderstood and glorified brain defect, i imagine even einstein hated having it


Jesus Christ. Tumblrinas hijacking the term doesn't mean it's not real. War and traumatic situations can fuck people up.

>life turned good for me
>must be the same for everybody else

you definitely have a valid point here

I would say ADHD is half real like struggling to focus or concentrate but it is over exaggerated

Dont think fucking anxiety is tho too many emos on my fb bitching about their crippling anxiety

Holy fuck you're retarded

Mongol is derived from mongoloid which is the old word for somebody with Down syndrome. A retard does not equal a mongol.

all anxiety disorders, 99% of cases of dyslexia, schizo-effective disorder and depression

Still fucking retarded, it can affect different areas of the brain. If you can figure out calculus but not ask a girl if she wants to go get a drink, you're fucking retarded plain and simple.

Holocaust syndrome

Fuck you my brother died that way.

So you dont belive in cancer? They are just using it to get chemo and IV painkillers?

Fuck you my brother died that way.


thats what i told her after before threwing her down the stairs anyway

Holy shit, did you think that post was serious? I think you'll find you are the one who has learning difficulties young man

Emos bitching about their fake anxiety shouldn't take away from the people that actually have it

Fuck you my brother died that way.

I used to think that about ADHD too, but apparently it has strong links with eye movement deficits. Still, probably gets misdiagnosed all the time.
Agree with trans though.

I took the b8


Fuck you my brother died that way.

Why do you assume that if someone has ADHD that they are brats. They are mostly reserved and shy


Like I said, poor life choices.
>I'm gonna go over seas and be shot at and kill people and families.

Either these people are retarded enough to not know what war is, or it's exactly what they deserve for signing up.

I regretted getting into a car accident, doesn't mean it's a medical condition.

Regret is a feeling.

Feelings are emotion.

Emotion =/= Physical Condition.

let's play it's better than sex with man!!!
(I taisted)

From anxiety? What're you fuckin retarded?

This thread has potential.
And few retards. Like this one