Why u are sad?

why u are sad?

Life is meaningless now

I'm actually in a pretty good mood right now.

Cheer up guys.

I just am. All day, all night, even in my dreams.

Please God save me.

I painted myself into a corner by accepting too many responsibilities and I let everyone down. Started thinking about if anyone would really miss me if I died.

The light inside me has gone


because I am shit.

Its always night.

All the time.

Because a fgt fuckd my crush and then my crush sent me pix of em fuckin and den I post em in this miserable thread.


Chemical imbalance. I use to think it was all sorts of things, until I knew.

I'm gone forever


it gets to me sometimes

when did it ever have meaning, it never wil


Im not tho.

Severe OCD making even showering a living hell.
Up until six in the morning every single night/day due to it.
Even on good days, I feel so hopeless, empty and "dead inside" that I don't even want to do anything and can't work up enough energy to get even things I need to do done.
Very rarely wake up thinking I'll have an okay day for more than five seconds before slipping back into "Oh yeah, I'm me."

Worst part is, actually, that it's a mixture of physical and mental problems that are keeping me up very late. Hard to explain, but yeah.

That's why "i sad"

I'm single, I have tried dating sites to no effect

gf spent 2 days at my hous and i didnt get any nookie.
she asked me to hang out with her at her parents today and i said no.

i played wow all day instead of a 3rd day in a row catering to her without any fun at the end.

because I'm useless

skatefag here
i'm trying to learn the mofocka 540 flip for 3 weeks
but im not skilled enuff to learn it

It gets harder each time, and I don't know what to do, I don't know

i woke up alive


Nigga how you wake up dead?

ye cant wake up dead

where is his eyes?

Because of some kind of mental issue. Not quite sure, too embarrassed to go see anyone about it, but something's not right with me, whether it be a chemical imbalance or wonky hormones or what. No question, though, that even without much going wrong in my life I just feel miserable most of the time.