anyone who disagrees is trolling.

Elo he'll is plat 5, you are just bad and probably have low IQ

try and be on the other team next time haha

It's honestly what you get for playing that shit game.

Though props for using Varus.

lol ikr?

report rito...

you're playing varus with nashor's tooth and guinsoo's. Lol

jesus christ man i see your threads all the time how the fuck are you still b5?

if u want i ll boost u

You picked teemo and it got into late game of course you lost

That build... Holy shit you deserve to be b5

Lol bronze 5 time to find a new game

I wanna see you sweat boy.
Bring that sweet ass over here son.
I wanna see those nice beads drip down yo baaalllls, boy.
Your ass is mine when momma aint looking.
And you aint gonna squeeeal either or ill just make the helpings much worse.
Poppas got a lot of buddies looking for a nice young thang like you.
But naah.
I want you all to myself.

if you arent savvy to the glory of ap varus you are fucking retarded, real talk

your only chance to get out of that elo is to make a new account

you're probably a gold pleb lol

W 117 L 153

fucking kek. fucking dynamic que you faqggot and skype while you play its much easier

>Not using leads like that to help your team get objectives and gank
>Still throwing your wallet at Rito and their shit game for skins
>Not taking personal accountability in your loses
Jesus christ you're fucking cancer

not one of these people, but sure, what is your summs?

sill better than bronze lol

i bet that master yi was just fucking your teams asshole late game

dont play support..... you cant carry as a support

I have another account

I refuse to do promos because i'll get trolled and get a SECOND bronze account then i'll real life tilt and shoot up riot so no deal

well yeah if i had some people to queue with that werent bronze fucking shitters i would

Rageblade Varus

>Not being a meta slave to get freelo

Do you like it? The pain? Does it make you feel good?

Every adc is cancer. Coming from a Jinx main :/

Going in tomorrow for chemo

if your not a shitter play fiddle jungle or mid annie

op you have been playing this game for that long and your still b5.... i think its you man. go watch some trick2g and learn Dgates

I dont play annie because she is cheese-dick-town

I just want feeders, afks, and trolls banned from ranked

>Look at my K/D guys! Its fucking huge! My team is shit!

I'm fucking tired of children thinking having a high kill/death makes them good. Mechanical skill is only half of the game. Strategic skill is the other far more important half. Playing a champ that gets a shit ton of kills doesn't mean jack shit if you can't close a game with it.

if youre bronze v its not elo hell your just really fucking bad, sub 50 ping your not going to make it and shitty pc to boot

>35 cs

172 cs at 32 min, you're shit.

mmm yeah....

too much for a support


bronze and plays with ignite on a really long ranged champ. you had one good game. you belong in bronze noob

its mainly my fault that we lost, didn't peel for team. Blame urself that ur in bronze and thats how u get out

Had one in my game that fed out his ass.


start to play champs that can solo climb. I pick Udyr or Skarner when I want to win.. learn to carry yourself

elo hell is not real
you are just bad at the game
kill yourself

- diamond player

if you're below diamond its not your team

quit the game faggot

Bronze is honestly the easiest elo to get out of. Start of s6 i was placed in bronze 3 and got out without any losses. Currently in gold.

you can say that all you want but you KNOW it was your teams fault, anyone with half a fucking brain can plainly see that

just because some higher elo player said "its always your fault if you lose" doesnt mean that its true and it doesnt mean that saying "its my fualt" makes you a good player or exempts you from criticism from said players

so pull your head out of your ass

The people saying "ELO hell exists" are most likely part of the problem. If you are a good player you will have above 50% win rate which will get you promoted, if it doesn't than you deserve to stay in what ever tier you are. I love replying to bait.

61 CS, kill yourself. You morons probably lost because every lane was shoving against you while teemo kept running around like a dumbass looking for picks instead of getting objectives.

I was silver before and it was obvious that my team was feeding but revising over mistakes is the way for improvement etc.
No one said it was my fault that i lost the game and being able to take proper criticism can be used as an advice

Play a carry support like veigar or sion then you can


I get 10-15 for a win and -20-25 for a loss, so I need AT LEAST a %75 win rate to climb

which is fucking unreasonable and part of the definition of elo hell

>implying his team hadn't a better lategame
Besides take a look at Draven's build

Lol this is from like 2 patches ago. You've been bronze for at least 2 patches. I feel bad for you

If you're on euw I'm from silver3 and I can boost you to chalenjour ;)

>plat 3 reporting in

ive been bronze since season 2 mfer

didnt you see the icon?

here is my first ss btw

Holy fuck this builds are cancer

quads tell truth
kill yourself op

You're trash b5 lmao

read the rest of my post dumbass, and learn how to farm.

"Kills don't win games."
"All the gold on one champ means fuck all"
etc. etc. etc.

guess my elo

you do understand defensive items and objectives are way more important then killing a few people, if you are the only competent one on your team that means when you die you lose. However 300 ranked games and still being in bronze means you belong there

you have to lead your team throughout the game. Yes, they suck ass, but if you're good you'll get them to follow your calls. If you make good ones, you win.

two of these cocksuckers that threw this game are now fucking silver

where is the justice?

>No fun allowed

low silver, high bronze

I've made the sex with multiple womens in my lifetime, so you'll have to excuse me if I have no idea what is happening in here. Will some nice, obviously virginal boy get me up to speed?

bit higher!

43.3% win rate, nicely done.

U r all garbage cans in plat 1 suck my balls

>shoot up riot
sounds like a nigger of a time

Plat IV reporting in. I used to think there was elo hell like you guys, but then I got gud. After smurfing on bronze accounts, i can honestly tell you it eventually comes down to you.

>well yeah if i had some people to queue with that werent bronze fucking shitters i would
the irony is that this is probably exactly what all of your shitty bronze friends think of you too. you are probably just all shit. and youre in bronze. the world is as it should be


How about some of you bronze nigger retards get together in a five man ranked team and carry yourselves out together? Jesus bronze playrs are retarded.

you are a troll if you get 35 cs over the course of a game. whats funny about your level of blind bad-ness is that you probably think that since youre 15-0 that you carried the game. but you didnt.

Haha 61 farm and complain about lategame teemo, no u deserve bronze v

you were clearly midlane that game

Yeah, make a ranked team play 3's get that to silver so you have a saftey net to fall in by the end of season.

diamond on multiple accounts already this season.

The truth of league of legends is you are roughly at the elo you belong, when you cease to stop solo carrying your games, consistantly.

For instance, i peak in high diamonds , and thats probably where i belong. I can solo carry almost every game up to low diamond regardless of the enemy picks / my teammates performance. Sure I lose because I get bad players, but it's the consistancy and the amount of games invested which bring it to a normalized value.

nope, support

plat 5 on the way to 4, and I agree

>bronze for 5 years
>blames teammates
>every other player above bronze had to play with the same bronze idiots
this is one of the most sad posts that comes up but i revel in its glory. thank you user for making me laugh after a long day of work.

pretty much objectively true based on these stats. take a look at how many kills hes involved in vs. his teams involvement. he was literally dicking around the whole match and lost the game because of it.

How To Ruin League of Legends
-A novel by user

the alistar was support. i can see

im dead serious i was support, thats how fucking ridiculous bronze is

the 11/11 master yi had more gold than you and you still think you played well. im crying

im sure that build really helped to support your team. it genuinely angers me to see that you are this stupid. im probably paying into your future social security

I played the game for 5 years. Elo hell is not real unless you're referring to platinum, then maybe you have a case. If you're honestly this bad my guess is that you're just a shitter who has only ever played COD, LoL and other really mainstream games. You simply just have to get good. If you're over the age of 18 and are bronze in League then you should be ashamed of yourself.

how tf did that build work?

If I were you I would change your champion pool and role. Play more low skill high reward champions. Play easy champions that control the map. Go pantheon top and shit on people who can't deal with harrass and get an early led then ult mid ever couple minutes and tp to gank bot. Or go TF mid and ult yellow card bot lane until they are ground into the dirt. or go an easy high pressure jg like xin, tryn, udyr, or rek sai and split turrets and win. Low divisions its all about picking an easy snowball champion, either farming or killing to get items then shoving your powerspike into objectives until you win. No offense to the adc or support role, but its hard as fuck to single carry from either because you are always dependent on the team to peel or kill for you.



win or lose i play the same: good.

www twitch tv/zaph_kiei/v/63873038

You really, really like period Garen, don't you?

Can't believe I even play this game anymore, its literally zero fun to play for me due to the people who play it.
I've tried taking breaks for days, weeks, months even.
Doesn't matter how well you do, team will still shit talk you whole game and be surprised when you get tilted from it.
The new dragons are such bullshit too, just because if your jungler doesn't understand that you can't just give up dragon anymore you lose the game if they get the right buffs by dragon 2.
I guess at least I'm not in bronze like op, but climbing to diamond just seems like a stressful, anger-filled waste of my life.

I already know some jackass is going to say "just mute everyone". Yeah, so I can miss out on important information from the chat, makes sense to me.

I can't be assed to get better at this game and I know that I'm not very good before one of you "diamond players" tells me the "its not my team hurr durr" cirle jerk bullshit. That fucking argument is dumb as fuck. This is a TEAM game, you can't win alone fucking retards.

So call me bad if you want, I already know I'm not good and I honestly used to be a lot better but the community has pushed me so far away the length of the breaks I have to take now to even want to login to the game is detrimental to my skill. I really couldn't care less about being bad at a game that is not fun to play in my opinion. If you have fun playing, more power to you.

fuck league, fuck the community, fuck "diamond players"
Can't put the full blame on my team, but I damn sure can put 80% of it.

People like you make me hate this game, regardless how many kills you get it only makes you more of a target. How many kills did you take out of your teammate's mouth? Did you even ward? Having a good personal score means nothing when it's a defeat, it just means you were probably a terrible teammate or a really lucky noob. Keep in mind that you are playing with 4 other people that can do a lot more if you instead helped them and not run around grabbing kills from possibly the same dumb ass who was probably worth 30g by the end of the game.

oh i love this guy we need to duo queue man

n.a. "zaphkiei"

Before I was perma banned, I went from B5 to B1 with 50 LP in 2 weeks and 3 days. I had a buddy I would duo with, then we would pick up the best person from either team. Rinse and repeated and soon after we would have a 4 man premade with a couple decent people. Solo queuing isn't worth it at all anymore because of dynamic queue, you're just putting yourself at an unnecessary disadvantage if you do

ive literally solo queue'd for 5 years

I used to do EXACTLY what you did but i couldnt find anyone that was as CONSISTENT as I am, just people that have lucky games

>Can't put the full blame on my team, but I damn sure can put 80% of it.
this is absolutely true. you can often blame your team 80% for their shitty play and feeding.
problem is, yall are refusing to recognise that the good players make up for that better and more consistently than the tin foil rank faggots like you. statistically speaking, if you play better, youll win more than other people at your same level. there are going to be games where you have absolutely no chance due to your team. shit happens. but playing at the best level you can (which you clearly arent, though you may think you are), limits the number of losses which in turn gets you ino higher ranks. its not that difficult. i guess what im saying is you just have to get good and stop crying

its an easy game


I guess you missed the part where I said I know I'm not very good. I didn't blame anything on anyone's skill other than the new dragon thing with your jungler (I don't play jungle). My win rate is over 50% yet I still can't be bothered to play more than 2-3 days in a row due to people like you in the community who would rather say "git gud" then actually give constructive criticism.

So, statistically speaking, you can go fuck yourself.

>bronze for 5 years

mate...you're dog shit. just play a different game. take it easy on yourself.