Is it possible to have prematial sex with muslim girls?

Is it possible to have prematial sex with muslim girls?
I want a muzzie gf but it makes me worry ;-;

yes I've had sex with 2
but they also drink so idk how legit Muslim they are

only anal

Wouldn't be a sin if they didn't do it.

If it wasn't possible, the business of hymen reconstruction surgery wouldn't be booming so much in muslim countries.

Depends on the country and their family. Some places it's not really bad at all, for some others it means they lose social face and might not get a husband, perhaps be disowned by family, other places they literally put them in a small hole, surround them and throw big rocks at them till they're buried and dead (they die from head injury and internal bleeding). Not just those 3 things happen, but those are the degrees of variety.

yea. Most westernized ones will have sex no problem.

I'm guessing those hardcore ones might let you do anal tho.

It's not.
This hymen surgery isn't a common thing at all. I never even heard of it before Sup Forums. People kill their daughters for things like sexting a boy, so most girls don't dare to even make friends with opposite sex.

depends on where shes from and if shes rich or not, lots of rich lebs and rich syrian girls do these surgery and they dont get beaten by their families, maybe they'd be disappointed or annoyed but that's far as it gets

Yeah Jordan is more socially conservative than Syria and Lebanon and honor mindest is still very important.
I mean if a girl makes friends with a boy online (obv w/o parentd approval) they'd probably just take her phone or something.
But if something like nudes or lewd texts are found then it is not unlikely at all she'll get murdered.

>yea. Most westernized ones will have sex no problem.
Kek. I know tons of muzzies and it ain't like that m8. Some put out. Most of them don't (compared to the women here).

>kill their daughters for things like sexting a boy
what the fuck
how is death an appropriate punishment for a minor sin

They're Muslims, dude. Sense and rationality doesn't come into play here.

isn't sodomy a sin?

It's less about religion and more about honor.

This pther cultures had this. India has it...asians use to apperantly an westerners qould kick em out.
Course now they lifted off those punishments an now guys want women from those cultures cuz they fucked theirs

Go to Turkey and hire an escort.

Muzzy here. Helps to be muzzy as well to get urself in the door but Not posdible if talkin middle eastern. If its the ethnic group then christians are more open esp from southern brazil. More lebanese there then lebanon.
If actual muslims. Super hard even for muslims of same tribe.
So westernized one but they dont act halal at all.
Most open would be indonesians bisnians albanians an macedonians.

U think gettin white girlz is hard for an asian man boy this is beyond hard mode.
Whats wrong with korean girls an how can i get one?

Most are russian....goto germany for turkish escorts

>People kill their daughters for things like sexting a boy, so most girls don't dare to even make friends with opposite sex.
wtf i thought jordan was moderate


in high school I dated a turk but we didn't go further than oral, as an adult i banged a refugee chick from iran

isn't 99% everyone who leaves iran secular?

>People kill their daughters for things like sexting a boy
lmao what a shithole nuke now

Refugee lol. Theres no war. But ya the ones that leave mainly durin 79 revolution whom got rich off of sucking sestern shah dick yes they are atheist.

My girlfriend is from Tunisia and we have sex with no problems lmao

Yes, but not te ones wearing hijab, they wear it for a reason