So eurofags, how's that diversity working out for yous?

so eurofags, how's that diversity working out for yous?

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I hope Italy is fine, Germany had fall a long ago, UK has a mudslim president and France is full of nigger inmigrants
Spain is fine tho... Wonder how long it'll last

>so eurofags, how's that diversity working out for yous?
Better than in the US

Apart from several attacks quite good. Most of the refugees aren't that bad and usually don't cause any trouble. The actual war victims who flee here behave properly and are happy to be in a (new) country where there is no war. Unfortunately it has been abused by alot of people who are from more poor countries who are seeking wealth (For example a great deal of Iraqi's if I'm correct)

So yeah to get on topic to your bait. You'll get the rotten apples. But don't forget the countless school shootings in the US etc. by actual citizens who also murder for whatever reason (as the islamic extremists do)

Yep, white people are fucking everything up.

I really doubt Spain is fine. The Madrid metro was bombed a few years ago, plus they also have to deal with niggers and south americans. All southern, central, and northern Europe is infested with mudslimes.

> UK has a mudslim president


hahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahhaaa "white people"

No, just london has fallen

The saddest attempt I've ever seen by a nigger to not take any responsibility

All the Muslim apologists in this thread. Smells like summer.

We're about to get fucked here in Norway. I just feel it. Europe's going to hell right now

I may be uninformed but UK doesn't have president...
And yeah we are fine here in Poland.

Hold kjeft a' jævla taper. Færre enn 5% er muslimer.

Islam er større i USA, hvor det er 12% muslimer.

Ikkje si at det ikkje skjer snart. Ta en titt på Sverige, du. Snart skjer det samme drittet her

Mohammed Hameeduddin mayor of NJ for 4 years

so it looks like england is just 6 years behind the fashion :^)

I bet you read Sup Forums too much

Eastern Europe was smart enough to try to limit the immigrants. Probably wouldn't allow them except EU forced them to take some.

Live in Sweden...we are pretty much waving our asses to get fucked by immigrants...


Because Eastern Europe already has loads of Muslims. In Bosnia for example majority of populations are Muslims (49%).


Because the other 51% is just "Not Muslims"?

We just hate everything that is from outside our borders. Nigerrs, islam, Germans, Russians, Jews (we saved a lot of them during II WW and they now tell us that we killed them sons of the bitches).

OK, didn't aktually change anything

Bosnia is Islamic since it exists...

>>ITT 14 year olds get political.

This should be good...

>Germany had fall a long ago

Top kek

mein gott the kek


not quite well, 2500 refugees went missing since December-January

So what? Refugees still 35x more likely to commit crime and 57x more likely to commit a violent crime then EU citizen. Why would you want them?

Oh also most refugees are young men. Hardly the people in need.

not great but the holocaust is coming
that time i'll gladly surrender and collaborate with the Germans

You right. Don't know where you got those numbers tho lmao. But it's true they are mostly agressive young man who seeks to get social help here and live for free.

Spain is certainly getting hit hard, but they've actually put up laws pretty much preventing a Muslim to live there in general. They get more bombings and shit than the others, but that's standard revenge shit for kicking out all of the Muslims ages ago. Spain is definitely going to get hit the hardest, but odds are they'll survive the takeover.



Sup Forumslution leave.

Pretty much this.
The american fascination with the current immigrant situation in Europe is funny. They have been living with that shit for so long that they are now happy that someone else might feel the same misery.

The truth is that while amerifats are quick to call europeans cucks, they seem to have forgotten that they are the original cucks.

far right movements are growing almost everywhere
soon there will be enough determined people to undergo the great ethnic cleansing this continent needs


Nobody wants to take refugees, but some realize that taking them in orderly manner is still a lot better than illegal immigration.

What the fuck is this.


About as well as for you, you yankee shitwank.

Eh, whatever works.

Make sure that this thing isn't built on shit posts though.

So why not let them be refugees in Saudi Arabia or Turkey? Both have refugee camps that can house 1mil and 3mill refugees but currently stand empty because neither will take them in because they are religious nutters.

If the locals know they are bad news why is EU still allowing them in?


it's ok for cucks

to be honest they're plenty of Syrians in Saudi Arabia
they're considered as immigrants, not as refugees

>UK has a mudslim president

What an amazing education system the US has.

you really are as dumb as a bag of spanners.


better say wrench, he won't understand you otherwise.

Multiculturalism is really the natural conclusion of the liberalism we've experienced in Europe since after the war. People lost faith in Christianity and tradition and there was a void there that people attempted to fill with leftism and ideology and this is the result. Really, Christianity, as a theological moral system failed us during the 20th century and this is why we've seen this severance from tradition and vehement anti-traditionalism and moral relativism. As a culture based on theocratic morality, the west has failed and was doomed to fail. If you want to compare the West and East, China is thriving because traditionally it was a culture based on a secular morality and a traditionalist social system. We in the west are inferior in this sense.

>implying an American can name four European countries

Too be fair UK has it's own share of idiots

oh god what is is that unholy vegetable

NL report: All the arabs are in the Randstad, there aren't nearly as many in the north, so its all gud


that's easy.
France, where they made Fries.
Ireland, where they used to like to send some support for those great freedom fighters in the IRA.
England, who are all red coat wearing villains who hate freedumbs. Mel Gibson taught that.
Germany, who are all natzees.
And Italy, where pizza comes from.

Naming more than five would be rather difficult though.

for those to lazy to GIS:

>>Iraqi migrant is found guilty in Finland of >>committing a war crime after posting >>pictures of himself holding the decapitated >>head of an ISIS fighter

how is the political situation in NL?
is it different from germanys?
>in gemany:
>politicans: we love refugees!!
>citizens: pls stop you retard politicians!

don't forget Brazil where Germany fucked up they're soccer team

Spain where they make taco's
Greece where they have EU religion
Romania where Dracula lives
Sweden who have the Swedish volleyball hotties.

I stand corrected and I think this guy just proved your point on the more than five thing, but I won't hold that against you



I actually live in Catalonia, arguably the most libtard pc part of spain and i cant see the islamic invasion you are talking about

Islamic people come non-stop to spain since the 90's through the south and we do not have a problem with it, same as italy, eurocucks from the north, that's another story

Nationalism is alive and well here and fascists walk with the dictatorship flag wherever they want, nobody cares so we can have muslim population, but we do not have a muslim problem.

We have a gypsy problem though, fucking subhuman scum

>Spain where they make taco's
no, thats mexico.

>Greece where they have EU religion
No, that's what you use to lubricate a car engine.
Greeks are the ones that dont work. They live in Greekland.

>Romania where Dracula lives
No, that's the Universal Studios tour. That's where Dracula comes from, right?

>Sweden who have the Swedish volleyball hotties.
Or sweden is a place that they cant find on a map, that's apparently 100% muslim rapists.

Estonian reporting, it's actually quite fine here, we've detained them in concentration camps odin sons roaming the streets. About 150 refugees is the limit we take.

Can't name more than 5 EU countries...

U.K., Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Czech Rep., Greece, Crimea, Poland, Norway, Finland etc. just to name a few.

Who is honestly that retarded?

Who is honestly this autistic?

I suppose 10 out of 12 isnt too bad, for an american...

The trolling is getting pretty advanced up in this bitch

À nation once again

I obviously fucked up Crimea since it isn't part of the european union but it is in europe. What else did I go full aspie on?

that fat girl with the black power shirt lmao

>black power

Europe must unite under a völkisch cause or it will perish.
But for that to happen, all corrupt and greedy politicians and traitorous corporate rats have to go first and all cultural marxist influence has to stop.
Then we install a pan-european government with strong leaders directly chosen by the people.
Any politician found to be guilty of corruption and demoralisation will receive corporal punishment.
Then we secure Europes borders with military power.
Furthermore we will not allow any internationalist and globalist influence.

This is the only way cultural Europe can survive or it will end up being nothing but a shallow term to describe a died-out people and continent.

Its your fault fucking americain kill the führer without him other race are impregnate our bitches

jesus christ

This is what the average American knows about the world
Also I find out something curious, they don't like to travel outside USA, most Americans spend they whole life in the USA, since they have "everything" there and all the other countries are "shit and dangerous" lol

Very well indeed thanks.

If someone would wear a "white power" that would be racist, but not "black power" oh the humanity..

Still haven't answered my question. You just mad that you have never jerked off to the thought of your own country.

well i thought he killed himself

Most Americans don't have the time or resources to travel. We work 40+ hour work weeks. Mostly don't get paid vacation or sickleave. Wages overall have been stagnant for years while the cost of living has risen. Take all of that into account in addition to the fact that traveling anywhere is much more difficult that traveling in the EU and it makes for an arduous task. Europeans are lucky in that most of their countries are the size of our mid tier states. For some of us traveling by car can take days just to get to Mexico or Canada(no, we do not have fast trains that can just take us to another country like in Europe). The closest we have the is bus and that takes longer than driving(and is arguably more expensive since it wastes more time). All shit aside, I'm kind of tired of hearing that trope from people outside of the U.S. it sounds masturbatory like you are decrying our lack of understanding for other countries while not understanding ours.

Nah Jews did it, they do everything. It fact they were behind the holocaust so the world would give them free land of Israel.

The more the merrier

Oops forgot teh picture

Op just mad he don't have any slaves in his country

In the next french president election, we will vote Marine Le Pen and we will be able to get mudslimes out

Except that thanks to the influx of refugees, your countries have become "shit and dangerous". Plus, since you "oh-so-progressive" Europeans don't want us anyway, isn't it not good that less of us want to go to your increasingly dangerous and increasingly Muslim cities?

I hope you guys have another world war. And next time, we won't invest billions to help rebuild your war-torn cities and prevent famine (you should check out the Marshall Plan sometime) and we won't stop Russia from expanding as far west as we like.

I would be mad, but how can I be mad when every time Islamic extremists blow up your stuff and then non-Muslims say that "those aren't ACTUAL muslims - they just didn't understand their own religion!"?

Nei. Selv i slumområdene i Oslo er ikke situasjonen så ille som i Gøteborg, Malmø og Stockholm. Ser du forskjellen?

49% muslims 21% christians 5% hindus x% other, yeah that's a majority m8. Just because it's not absolute majority doesn't mean it isn't one.



*Russia from expanding as far west as THEY like.
Oops, my bad.
I believe the point still stands though.

I disavow that idiot from my country. We know that there is not a UK president and the mudslime is the Mayor of London

It's called relative majority if i'm not mistaken