Belaruse is Poland not even meme

Belaruse is Poland not even meme

the same blood the same language the same land only difference we're better at meme

Other urls found in this thread:

>the same language

> the same land
wat wat?

>Belarus is the same as Russia
>Poland is the same as Belarus
Made me think a little

Grodno definitely belongs to Poland.

Vitebsk, Minsk, Mogilev and Gomel definitely belong to Russia

I don't know for Brest

>Brest ?
Polish are Bretons ?

poland and russia belongs to slavia

I want to fart :-)

Your life belongs to my knife, you filthy heretic.

Musovians belong in Polish Empire if anything.

You forgot England.

>The Chronicon of Thietmar of Merseburg and the Encomium Emmae report Cnut's mother as having been a daughter of Mieszko I of Poland.

>Among the allies of Denmark was Bolesław I the Brave, the Duke of Poland (later crowned king) and a relative to the Danish royal house. He lent some Polish troops,[22] likely to have been a pledge made to Cnut and Harald when, in the winter, they "went amongst the Wends" to fetch their mother back to the Danish court.

I think this map misses a lot of land, but it's literally impossible to make everything right.

There is just too much.


>the same blood
No, we are not
t half belarus


>Poland have very rich history with Scandinavia in early middle ages. Especially Dennmark. Polish pirates (and later corsairs) Chąśnicy ,called by Skandinavians "Vindafrelsi" were very agressive towards Danes, so agressive that they actually exterminated 1/3 of all Danes and we speak only about pirate raids not the wars. Also Danes were one of the two main enemies of Obodrites and Wagrians. There were pirate raids on Norway (read about Konungahela). There were vikings living and serving under Polish king (read about Jomsborg/Wolin). After some time actually most of those vikings were Slavs ,and Harald Bluetooth was attacking Norway with his Slavonic vikings.
Kings of Dennmark ,Sweden and Norway of that period were half Polish and were grandchildren of Polish prince Mieszko I. Familly ties were quite visible through the relations between cousins. Son of Mieszko I ,Bolesław the Brave was called by his skandinavian relatives "Burisleif".
Archeologists find Slavic settlements even on Iceland. Actually it is suspected that a person mentioned in one of the sagas ,a man with his slaves living on Iceland before first Norwegians came there ,was actually a Slav ,because signs of Slavonic presence on Iceland are very old.
Also when you look at the genetical maps ,you may clearely see that there are parts of Scandinavia (for example Norway) where R1a haplogroup is very significant. There is quite few similarities in culture because Slavs had strong cultural and economical relations with them. Scandinavian languages also have some linguistic influences.

Yeah, to bad you had to ruin our long relationship by staying catholic.


I think it was more "autism for east" than catholicism.

Polish politics since its foundation and even before official history were always towards the west. It changed with the whole "Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth", when Poland focused on Eastern Europe because Lithuania was in danger of getting invaded by growing Proto-Russia = Muscovy.

How many mosques had you built up there now? With your lesbian bishops.. haha

Isn't like 1/5th of Belarus nuclear wasteland?


scandinavia polish confirmed

Tbf Eric used mostly German officials rather than Slavic ones, if he used any Slavic at all so he was more of either German or Scandinavian. Unless we may consider Sigismund to be Swedish ((please don't))

What hte actual fuck.
I always though Vitebsk was in Russia.

Truly ukraine and belarus shouldn't exist. They're ultra non-countries.

It's like if Sussex seceded from England.

There is more to that.

>inb4 slavorum
>inb4 biased
It can be confirmed by looking into Viking Sagas and archeology in those places.

I don't mind as longa s you don't try to get us off as some kind of untermench compared to you.
And we do have a lot of genes in common with Slavs.

>I don't mind as longa s you don't try to get us off as some kind of untermench compared to you.
I never understood the "untermensch" meme that came from A. Shitler.

Prussians were mostly Western Slavs that got germanized, they united Germany.

Western Slavic king united Scandinavia for pretty long time.

>United Scandinavia
Are you saying Cnut the great was Slavic just because of Slavic grandparent or something else?
And Eric didn't unite Scandinavia, the queen before him did. He almost ruined the union through his policies.

>Are you saying Cnut the great was Slavic just because of Slavic grandparent or something else?
His mother was Slavic. In fact, he was related to Polish King.

>His mother was Slavic
Can that really be said to make him West slavic though? Isn't his father's linage more important in that regard?

For fucks sake.

If you bothered to look into link I've posted you would also find that Slavs settled Iceland, Denmark and not as "Slaves" but as Slavs. Both Scandinavians and Western Slavs are related, maybe even more than you're with Dutch.

You should feel honoured a Pole wants to tie his heritage to yours.


>poland and russia belongs to slavia
end of Slavia

When the fuck were northern italy and apulia slavic subjects? That bit in france too, lorraine?