Români? "Nu pot să socializez așa că fac thread ca să se adune lumea" edition

Români? "Nu pot să socializez așa că fac thread ca să se adune lumea" edition.

Inb4 dau ungurii extremiști sage

Other urls found in this thread:

Pai d'aia zic !

Ce unguri extremisti , uite :

Hello friends

Hello !
Cu cine votam maine ?

whats going on here


Prostovane daca iese psd-ul sper sa nu mai apuci revelionul !Ai drept de vot ? Macar anuleaza-l
Cretinii astia s-au apucat sa asfalteze in bucuresti la -2 -8 grade :) la vara il scoate iar ! Bani fututi aiurea .. na .. isi fac campanie.


In acesta moment sunt ardelean
Celebrating peace between our countries
nice trips btw

Prietene vezi ca tre sa ai 18+ ani sa postezi aici , tu chiar nu poti sa legi o fraza cum trebuie sau sa dezvolti o idee ? Prea multi ca tine!


voteaza cu udmr

Astia poarta doliu de ziua noastra nationala.
Bat copii prin scoli daca poarta banderole sau mai stiu eu ce care reprezinta tricolorul.
Ne insulta si vorbesc aiurea de noi peste tot.
Tu abea azi ai intrat pe /int sau /pol ?

si eu votez cu PSD fra
numai sa ii enervez pe hipsteri

Generatia pulii ... ai bagat legale pana te-ai prajit !
Bavo boss tii cu ursu'.

ma cac in gura ta

Cati ani ai prietene ?

cat vrea pula mea

de ce mi-ai dat un (Tu)?

nothing, keep walking citizen

Cred ca te striga ma-ta prin casa "ganditoru"
Sa nu te reproduci !

Nu ma striga ma-ta , pulalau

pentru ce mai faceti threaduri pentru romani daca nu faceti altceva decat sa va injurati ca pe camp

>de ce mi-ai dat un (Tu)?


Nu ai ma ce sa faci cu astia !
Respira cu gura deschisa in fata pc-ului si isi injura tara. Ce pretentii sa mai ai cand esti inconjurat de retardati in adevaratul sens al cuvantului.
Ai 100 de romani care frecventeaza 4 ch si aia sunt majoritatea autisti.

t.Alberto Barbosu

cifre faine in acest fir

Aici te incadrezi bobita !
Vizioneaza cu atentie !

Who's that?

Suge pula

Nu vad legatura intre ce am scris eu si o cioara cu 4 clase :))

faci misto de alti oameni fara posibilitati dar tot un labar ordinar esti
t.ateistul care isi suge pula euforic

Ciao rumeni come state? Com'è la vita in Romania?

That's all you know in romanian ?


When are the Romanians finally annex Hungary?

Lift this terrible weight of responsibility off our shoulders. Our filthy politicians have proved again and again that they are corrupt to the core, unfit to govern a common pig pen let alone an actual country.

Please I beg of you, rescue us from ourselves! Start the tanks and begin marching, i'll welcome you with open arms.

migliore piu terroni dall Italia

Da fac misto de oameni fara posibilitati mentale.
D'aia nu au posibilitati , nu sunt capabili sa gandeasca.

Uite alti oameni fara posibilitati !

hang there brotha ;_;


Ia magaru si da-i drumu a furat lemne fmm de autist

Why do you guys always argue with hungarians across Sup Forums and Sup Forums?

I mean, you guys are always arguing over the same topics all along... I know the hungarian version on this, trianon, ww2, and all of that, but what is the romanian stance on this?

Do you really treat badly your hungarian minority in transylvania as much as people claim you do?

No trolling, generally interested in your answers guys


>>>>>>Sup Forums

yes, basically we discriminate minorities
it's a apartheid country here tb.h

>cioara cu 4 clase
Inapoi pe Sup Forums rasistule
Aici suntem toti toleranti

>Do you really treat badly your hungarian minority in transylvania as much as people claim you do?
Yes we treat them so badly that they beat up romanian kids for wearing scarfs that represent our national flag on national day , we treat them so bad that we let them name the streets in theyr language , we made changes to the educational sistem so that they can gave schools and highscools in the hungarian language.
We are basically comiting genocide against them.
You have to be eighter unqnowing or just plain retarded to say that we treat them badly.

Then why are you always saying otherwise when hungarians argue with you m8s?

just to wind them up :^)

who did we discriminate ?
Just give exact examples , don't just talck shit!

you know what I am talking about stop pretending you don't know

I just don't know the romanian version on that, that's why I asked
I just can't understand why both your nations just can't get along
Every thread I've found about romania or hungary in this website was filled with arguments over your nations, I wonder if things are like that also in real life among yourselves

I honestly don't !
Please do tell.

Mai are rost sa sper? Va castiga PSD oricum, nu?

Ma duc la vot maine cu tata si mama, da n-am sperante mari....

cum merg alegerilele?

IRL most people get along fine. It's politicians who throw shit around to get some votes.

ca pula. PSD o sa castige.

Singura speranta care o mai am ii ca Iohannis poate are coaie si refuza sa-l numeasca pe Dragnea sau Tariceanu ca PM.

Poate presedintele sa refuze un prim ministru?

this hate is only on internet
irl people are chill
they are a good behaviour minority no one complains about them
they are not discriminated
i have 1 hungarian friend , he is cool and he doesnt give a shit about this """""rivalry""""

>Every thread I've found about romania or hungary in this website was filled with arguments over your nations, I wonder if things are like that also in real life among yourselves.
Let me put it to you this way ,
I live in bucharest and my work allows me to travel a lot in the countri and i withnessed this shit in person.
If you are a hungarian in a predominant romanian talcking part of the countri and you go to the store and ask for some shit , you will be server! I went in a store near Tg. Mures to buy some smokes , all i heard was "nem tudom" ( i dont understand in hugarian ) I was fucking makeing smokeing gestures and pointing at the fucking shit wall of smoke packs for like 10 minutes. All i heard was "nem , nem tudom"
I never ever heard of a romanian doing shit like that to a hun , or any other type of shit that could offend or insult them.

Da. Suntem republica semi-presidentiala. Presedintele are putine puteri da asta ii unu dintre ele.

Prin lege nu partidele numesc PM, ci presedintele. Iohannis poate foarte usor sa nu-l numeasca pe Dragnea.

Da PM trebuie aprobat de parlament, deci daca PSD castiga degeaba Iohannis numeste pe altcineva ca parlamentul il poate usor refuza

Daca sunt refuzate 3 propuneri, mergem din nou la alegeri.

probably because he would say something about you the police would jump him

daca UDMR se aliaza iara cu PSD chiar ne trebuie un genocid.

Mda, posibil sa faca majoritate PSD + ALDE. Nu inteleg totusi, cine naiba voteaza ALDE? De unde au ei 6-7 % in sondaje?

>they are a good behaviour minority
Cand au batut copila aia ca purta o bentita tricolora sau cand a spanzurat barna o papusa ce il reprezenta e avram iancu sau cand astia au vrut autonomie armata proprie etc sau cand nu te serveste pentru ca nu ceri in limba maghiara?

i dont think so

cazuri izolate
nu cred ca e roman cuminte in ardeal care sa nu faca la fel
mi se pare o egalitate
oamenii cu varste peste 30 nu dau doi bani pe chestiile astea sa fim seriosi (ma refer la maghiari)

t.Ionescu Sorosescu

Why do swedes, french, german get butthurt when they see a romanian and call them a gypsy, but when they see a mudslime they are act like tolerant liberal cucks?

Am un vecin care voteaza cu ei.

Tot batrani pensionari ca la PSD. Numa ca astia sunt Fanboys Tariceanu.

Su nu uita ca PSD le face campanie si lor, si asta ii ajuta.

Votazi cu PSD daca nu vreti sa fiti condusi de Soros

>propaganda PSDista chiar functioneaza
N-ai vazut pozele cu conducerea PSD si Soros, nu?

Just here to say I love you Romania. Let's remove b*lgars together one day.

Parca ziceau ca nu se baga cu UDMR

Make romania great again!

Gypsies don't blow things up

t.Ciolos shill

based serbian
i love you too

Asa or zis tot mereu.

Sper totusi sa intre in parlament si sa faca coalitie anti-PSD.

Da n-am incredere in UDMR. Sunt niste labagi, se aliaza cu PSD cand unguri urasc PSD.

De aia deabia mai au 5%

foloseste steagul corespunzator

Sunt cat se poate de serios.
Ia intreaba-i :)) sa vezi cat cam cati bani dau pe chestiile astea

We failed Europe, brother we failed to remove kebab in time..

Shut up hun & stop hate posting !
You could get annexed within 48 hours !

>Marea alianta PNL-USR-PMP-UDMR

>se crede edgy si nationalist daca voteaza Comunisti.

Daca crezi ca PSD ii ''anti-Soros'' sau ''globalization'' esti un retard

They way i see it.. Daca castiga PSD, vom mai avea sanse sa nu fim invadati de musulmani, ca restul Europei
Mai bine sub ciuma rosie decat sclavu lui Merkel

Te-ai lovit la ceas boss?
Orice altceva inafara de PSD ... ori il anulez.

PMP nu cred ca intra.

Da mai stii....Ar fii tot cam de cacat guvernu, findca ar vea toti ceva ministere.

Da ar fii amuzant sa vezi pe Base si maghiari in aceiasi coalitie.

Votati maine USR daca nu vreti covrigelul PSD-ist infipt in cur sub forma de taxe,impozite,coruptie si saracie.

Asta sau auto-deportativa daca aveti posibilitatea.
>Cand PSD-ul liberal se numeste ALDE
>Cand PSD-ul nationalist se numeste PRU
>Cand PSD-ul unguresc se numeste UDMR
>Cand PSD-ul tiganesc se numeste Partida Romilor
>Cand PSD-ul de dreapta se numeste PNL

Toti niste liberai faggoti cucks care vor umple tara de araboi, de parca nu ne ajungeau țiganii nostrii

t.liberal de cacat

Dezvolta .
Oricum psd-ul pica in buletinul de vot

Daca chiar crezi ca PSD va face ceva cu refugiati esti un dobitoc. Iar lua pe toti numa sa ciupeasca bani UE.

>Lift this terrible weight of responsibility off our shoulders. Our filthy politicians have proved again and again that they are corrupt to the core, unfit to govern a common pig pen let alone an actual country.
Same here

But now we have a shot with a party called USR (Save Romania Party,this is how fucked we are)
They're made out of apolitical people that worked as economists,mathematicians,engineers,dentists,doctors,actors and diaspora.

Literally the "common sense people" party.
I hope they get many votes because they're a non-political political party,no past dirt and it is easier for the police to fuck them in the ass if they do corrupt shit since they're basically virgins in politics.

In Romania pe partea social toate partidele sunt conservatoare

>cum merg alegerilele?

t. student care se crede edgy

Nu-l baga in seama, a avut zii proasta la scoala.

Did he do anything wrong?

Intra PRU in parlament? PRM si partidul lui Munteanu sunt memeuri fara sanse