I'm 18 and wanted to get into Boxing. Is it too late to get started? How would I even begin?

I'm 18 and wanted to get into Boxing. Is it too late to get started? How would I even begin?

just do it man, go to your local boxing club and start its never too late to do anything.

no, it's not too late faggot go sign up

not op but I'm wanting to start too, can you just go to the boxing gym with no experience and be fine or are there like prerequisites

Started when I was 27 now 35, never too late bro, find a gym with a ring,,
Talk to the owner or whoever the fuck is there and they'll help you out,,
Keep it up but,, it's hard when you first start, but gets heaps more fun

Go join a boxing club and work out.

The only thing stopping you from doing any thing is you.

I think the closet boxing gym is an hour away from where I live. Would it be reasonable for me to go there for lessons? I plan on going back to the Gym starting next week and I'm not really sure how often I need to go train for boxing.

Just rock up and say you want to train, most boxing clubs will happily take in newcomers because they want fresh blood and they need to pay bills

You train at the boxing gym bro

Weights and shit I mean

Started at 36, which makes me too old for official competitions but still enjoying every training. Hard at first indeed but it grows on ya quite fast.
I do kickboxing btw, love using my legs.

Just find a gym somewhere and try it out first, usually you can borrow a pair of gloves the first times


Or possibly go 3 -4 times a week, cause you gym there, show your keen,
Then just go to your normal gym for workouts

that's what he meant too, they have everything you need to train to be a better boxer

Punching the bag is fun. Fear the man that has practiced one punch 1000 times. For some reason when you walk by it, you get a sort of feeling to hit it lol.

of course, ask a boxing coach their to show you the ropes and teach you the basic, with time and hard work you'll get there. i have been doing boxing for a year and a bit now and i won my second fight.

I'll definitely go check it out before buying another membership at my local gym then.

Thank you bros, always good advice on here


It's never to late if ur good enough u could be 31 and still make it

NO you are very much not too old. Doctors don't even want children doing heavy cardio before they are 13.

Do you live in a large city or small town.

I can give you some advice on this only because I have a few friends that have done it.

Google boxing clubs in your city and find the one that seems to fit your personality best.

Get personal trainer or trainers.

Go to boxing gyms 6 days a week if you want to be good.

You should never be hungry ever.

Read about nutrition constantly

You should start doing things like eating 5 times a day, check your resting heart rate hourly, First you need to find a gym and create a training program.

The best fighters are the ones that can sell all there tickets. So try to get your family and friends behind you.

My one buddies gym makes you train until one day they tell you to find a friend to bring to the gym. If you can not win a fight against that person without being in control enough to where you don't hurt them. They don't let you fight.

Can you do things like prepare your meals for the entire week on sunday. You will eat primarily chicken breast, rice, and veggies. Put them in freezer and pull them out the night before.

Do you have a job

What kind of health are you currently in?

Do you exercise?

Are you fat, fat boxers aren't actually uncommon they just never put that weight class on TV