A hate trump, but I want him to win cause I think it would be interesting and real fun to watch that chaos unfold...

A hate trump, but I want him to win cause I think it would be interesting and real fun to watch that chaos unfold. Anyone agree?

This is exactly how I feel


In a car-crash sort of way so do I..

Vote Trump 2016

Just because your lives are shit doesn't mean you need to make everyone's life shit

Yeah trump would be the most interestig option.

Hilary simple means no change whatsoever, the lobby rules.

Bernie is useless I think America pays enough taxes as is it just needs to relocate the money

Pretty much how everyone feels, esp in europe

It would be fun to watch the US have to live with this overbearing pig of a man as a leader.

Wanna see his daughters at the Trump Coronation

The thing about any presidential candidate is that their party is in control. The president is just a face on your TV screen selling you party policy. Presidents are there to sell you shit that is shined up to make it look like gold. You are a sucker if you think Trump will do anything he says he will

I voted for Trump down here in Florida and I'm a Cuban American.

I think if people did their own research on Trump instead of being ignorant and getting their news from Facebook and twitter they would like Trump too.

Its...its going to be magical.

>their party

Trump is BARELY republican

Except Trump's own party has been doing everything to stop him this entire time. The republican establishment (the guys in suits who live in washington and don't care what the rest of their party thinks) would rather vote for Hilary than Trump.

That's one of the many reasons I back Trump.

Meaning he will barely be effective at all as a leader. He's right, he needs senate support in order to get shit done. His own party hates him so he will be completely useless in the white house.


I will build a wall between the usa and mexico means him and his party will flood the usa with even more cheap workers from mexico

since sanders won't be the nominee, i support trump just for this reason as well.

No, it means we will finally have a border like every other country on earth

Keep dreaming of that wall, buddy. It ain't happening. And even if somehow it does, it wont have the desired results.

Literally nothing wrong with taking a percentage of the money that Mexicans in the U.S send to Mexico and using it to build a wall


And yet at the same time, Congress will not be getting much done either. That's actually how we got to where we are right now though. People are sick of the two parties' bullshit. They can cock-block him all they want, but it's not going to help their own image in the least. The Republicans are pretty much fucked no matter what they do though to be honest.

kek. You are too funny.


Are you with us, user ?

Fuck Trump, I'm voting John Miller.

OP is overestimating the effect Trump would have on the DC establishment.

He would be exactly as effective as Jimmy Carter was, and for the same reason.