1) Your Cunt

1) Your Cunt
2) If your state had to become Fascist or Communist, which one would you rather have?

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Communism desu
Anglos have a better chance of doing it properly

Whichever America senpai chooses

>do you want to live in a rich dictatorship or a poor dictatorship?



National Action is quite based my lad

Fascism is just decaying stage of capitalism. Every capitalist nations has a high chance of becoming Fascist.


Italian Fascism.
It would involve lotsa spaghetti.


>Britain turning fascist

The world would be fucked, would have been like the Enterprise in the Next Generation turning evil.

More like fascism is the reaction to Marxism.

Commies make their own demons.

Fucking Mussolini wanted to ban pasta.

Be careful what you wish for.

all "communist" states in reality were just socialist dictatorships
human nature will never allow true communism to work. its incompatible with us

edge shit vs pleb shit
nah monarchy is where it is

You're both correct

Fascism unironically has a better track record than Communism if you realize that Nazis aren't the only fascists.

Baathists were running places like Iraq and Syria comparatively well, and IIRC South Korea was birthed from a fascist-like military government.

>the Flash's Retarded Cousin vs Six Minutes in Photoshop

I doubt either would work very well for us, but a light handed Communism might be preferred.
I love Japan


Yes. Bourgeoisie reaction to Worker's movements.


without soviets this time tho

Ba'athists are socialists, not fascist.

>Fucking Mussolini wanted to ban pasta.

So this?

National Socialism does indeed carry many socialistic ideas. The problem is that we're using the old WW2 era model of political ideology.


Hardcore Fascism, it's only slightly Fascist right now with Politicians getting jailed etc, but I'd like to see the land purged of our enemies.

>6 minutes
1 more like

here's gommie Britain

>human nature will never allow true communism to work. its incompatible with us

Then tribal societies were never able at the first place.

fascist ovciously

>National """""Socialism"""""

We should ban Americans from threads like these


I wish America has a group like National Action in the UK. Fucking based bunch of patriots. And they're all actually good looking, healthy men.

Almost all of our """fascists""" here in America that go out and rally are old lardass backwoods laughingstocks.

Why do Anglos love Fascism so much?

Feels bad man

germanic blood

Ok what the fuck, I'm looking back through Wikipedia and I've misled myself.

Is there anything else I might be thinking of?

Our system already works like corporate fascism. So I guess I'd choose fascism.

If you're going to be communist, why would you keep national symbols? That's not very pan-proletariat.

>There are anons right now who thinks socialism/communism means welfare, or "le big govment".

There's a lot of nationalist communists, many Korean intellectuals under japanese occupation were communists fighting against japs.

Left winged nationalist is the only way desu

America wasn't in Europe's position politically when the big Fascism v Marxism showdowns were happening.

Unironically, the most fascist movement America had would've been the Klan at certain periods in time, but they're not very fascist, just nationalist.

So not communism.

Tbh it's weird as fuck in the US

Other parts of the world have actual Fascists but the United States has like this weird White Nationalist shit and people like KKK or Stormfront.

And that was the groups that would become the DPRK, no?

Actually yes communism

Same thing 2bh

Marx supported Polish nationalism

Not sure if they were all soviet sympathizers or not. I'm pretty sure some of them were Trotskyists. And there were definitely some Anarchists.

Too bad Kim executed all legit commies.

The public perception of the Klan is a lot more meme than reality, actually reading about their origins and ideology is intriguing.
They're not fascist, but a ultra-conservative commoner's organization. If they weren't so racist and stigmatized beyond repair, it's be interesting to see their place in modern politics.

No, because communism's end goal is an anarchistic society.


Probably more to do with that aiding the dismantling of the ruling class over an idea of a distinct polish identity.

Doesn't really matter. Communism has always been implemented with fascism.

I think I'd prefer a purely Marxist state, mostly to see what that would be like as it's never existed before. They're both cancer though.

Exactly, no nations allowed.

I feel a nation is very important

No but I mean white nationalist bullshit is pretty much an American phenomenon

It's strange but I guess makes sense given the history

Christ just thinking about that question makes me want to kill myself.

So I guess that makes the answer Communism.

Fascism, I'm a national-socialist myself, at keast economically

Not in communism

Ah, but socialist nationalism on the other hand.

we already tried both

Communism. We were always supposed to be commies. We're small enough that it might work well enough if we don't get embargo'd.

>Seize the Means of Production
>Seize the Results of Production
Socialism is a polite, legal robbery

>it just might work said the communist for the 13627327th time
fuck off with this utter tripe

What a coincidence because they're both trash

not an argument


>at keast economically


(or fascist)



it goes it goes it goes...

What makes a South Korean choose to be a socialist?
You live in the ultimate juxtaposition of the results of the two ideologies, why?

Over all the things happened in SK recently, I fucking wonder why?

I seek alternative to current system that isn't edgy race-fetishism. Also the pigs were heavily involved in current happenings.

Mosley Fascism


What exactly has been happening?

Either way
>choosing the proven wrong decision

Our president have been a puppet of wealthy individuals.

>>choosing the proven wrong decision
I'm of course not nostalgic for 20th century Stalinism at all.

And it would be also wrong decision to maintain current system.

You think that the failed socialist states didn't come in with that exact mindset?
Work to reform, not walk off a cliff.

Anyone have the original? Or the fascist version?

The Asian tigers like Singapore did pretty well under fascism, so probably that.

And what happened to Scandinavia and Venezuela that work to reform?

You've never heard of South Africa, Rhodesia, and the like?

1: Burgerland
2: Communist
St-Stop trying to be cute, OK?! I-It's not even working, you know...


Communist. At least we know they fail, but with fascism it could possibly sustain itself and not crumble within my lifetime.


fascist, communism is for neckbeards and/or NEETs

>implying every fascist state hasn't failed

Based bros


1) flag
2) emigration


>his list of fascist states is Nazi Germany and Italy

It worked well here the fascist regime from '22 to '38, then ''muh izolationismz muh allianz mit nazee'' and then fascists fucked themselves.


They're both the same shit, i would rather fucking kill myself

Fascism is the truth.

If its going to be a dictatorship at least i get some freedom in my personal life and habits, the state also doesnt go bankrupt and drag everyone else down with it.
We also get to be a superpower again and be proud of our country.

Agreed youtube.com/watch?v=Ihxf_OCvVeA

And Spain, Portugal, several Latin American shitholes.

>If its going to be a dictatorship at least i get some freedom in my personal life and habits
Then why did you choose fascism?