What do you guys do when you're so bored that nothing feels enjoyable?

What do you guys do when you're so bored that nothing feels enjoyable?

I don't feel like reading, I don't feel like watching a movie/tv show, I don't feel like listening to music, and browsing Sup Forums isn't enjoyable right now. I don't know why I'm so bored and it's annoying. I can't sleep because I just woke up from a two hour nap.

I usually just masturbate.

I've already done that twice. There's only so many times I jerk off before it starts to hurt.

create something you nigger

go for a walk and listen to music, or a podcast

My novella has stagnated, I haven't drawn anything in years, and I can't into music production, as much as I'd like to.

It's currently 23:53 and I live in Melbourne, I don't want to get robbed/killed/etc.

meet up with willing friends and drink, other than that just go to sleep even if you had a nap

I guess I could try to find a friend or two to hang out with. I don't drink though.

how about something productive, neckbeard?

What do you suggest?

I dont fucking know what you need to do or what might be appealing to you. Maybe you need to clean your house or your car. Work out. Organize something. Learn something. Volunteer for something. Go outside for once and try to meet some people, talk to them. Maybe even a girl

I listen to asmr and do nipple stretching exercises
Not even kidding

I was in your position and bought a motorcycle. It always gives me something to do. If I don't ride it, I work on it. If I don't work on it I did stuff to it. Adding stuff to it makes me want to ride, which I do until there's something to work on or add.

This is obviously for long term, not short term boredom

>Maybe even a girl
This. Challenge yourself to get some ass TODAY

I live in the city though, a motorbike would be useless.

This. Stop the buying into the falsehood that you need to feel motivated to do something. Just fucking suck it up and do it.

Try to workout, it really helps

When I'm bored and nothing works, I go deeper, into the darker corners, for example I would listen to black metal instead of normal music, watch violent wrestling instead of normal one and listen to punk rock music, ounk rock is perfect for depressed and frustrated people. also try drinking different kind of drinks or sodas. You can also go out to a live sporting event, always a good experience to be there, you can also go on a trip to woods and explore some supernatural shit, maybe travel abroad and experience different cultures.
