Wtf is inside my ear...

wtf is inside my ear? I started using cotton swabs daily a few months ago and I know that it might fuck up your earwax production but now I feel like there is a lump or maybe its a flie or something inside my fucking ear but I CAN'T GET IT OUT

Buy some audispray

blood it normal

I swear to god it's moving

Go to the doctor?

Ok I'm ok now
I was 100% sure it was a flie as it literally was crawling out of my ear but nope, just a lot of earwax and small hairs bunched up together which makes sense as I recently buzzed my hair. thanks

There's probably a wax buildup lodged in there because you're using fucking cotton swabs like a retard, and that is a normal consequence of doing so. Go see a doctor, walk-in clinics get these cases several times a day and they can remove it in a couple of minutes.

It's a babelfish. Quit with the Qtips because you're killing it.

Post pics faggot

Use a bobby pin to clean it you faggot

but my ears get full of wax man its gross.
how do I deal with excess ear wax from not cleaning?

Take a cap of hydrogen peroxide and pour it in your ear and let it bubble for a few minutes then let it flow out. Stopped my ear problems right away.

sounds like a good way to get deaf

Enjoy that meth!

Don't do it it's dangerous

its a bug spiders roaches ants and a lot of other bugs like to get inside of ears to live you need to get to a hospital soon because it will get really painful

you can test at night stay quiet and listen if you hear a weird sound you have a bug inside of your ear

Yeah, your head explodes after 30 seconds

my left ear feels lodged up too tbh, I hear and feel soo much better on the right ear though

Dude fucking peroxide isnt dangerous. Look it up on Google. You will feel so much better.

I'll be honest, I was retarded enough to try this late last year. Burned like a son of a bitch and I still don't know the extent of the damage. If I use ear drops now it feels like the liquid is leaking down my throat.

It's cancer.. You gonna die!

oh my god
im not doing that shit nonononono

I had my ears flushed professionally in September. I wear ear plugs at work and pushing them in all day whenever I take them out/they fall out plugged up my ears.

The amount of wax that came out was amazing, it hurt like a bastard though because it was rock solid inside and fused to my skin.

Wow, sounds amazing.
I think this is my best choice, I guess I just call my doctor and ask her about it? also did they pour something in your ear or just tweezers and shit?


Do you live in India ? No?
Then go see a doctor