After 8 years of King Obama are you really surprised Trump is going to be president?

After 8 years of King Obama are you really surprised Trump is going to be president?

Long live the immortal God emperor. He will fight our enemies in the warp for all eternity.

No. Disappointed, but not surprised.

I do look forward to watching Democrats piss and moan about fascism when the organs of state are turned around on them. Stupid fuckers should have done something other than cheer when Obama was siccing the IRS and others on the Tea Party, etc.

I hope they fucking choke on Trump's dick. They earned it.


2nd Seconded

I bet we wont see Trump cry like a little pussy like this piece of shit.

I'd probably vote Republican if I lived in the US but you fags are gonna miss Obama yet, no matter which fuckup wins the elections. Just saying.

No; I stopped being surprised by the stupidity of Americans a long time ago...

>are gonna miss Obama yet
Why? Everything that bitch touches turns to shit. Every promise he ever made was a lie.

If you like your plan you can keep your plan. Closing Gitmo. Ending drone warfare. Bringing peace to Iraq. Ending the Afghan war. Improving race relations. Bringing about an economic boom through "laser like focus" on job creation. Renewing American influence abroad.

Lies and failures. All of it

I second the second seconing

He has no chance.

Although Trump has a massive lead in the GOP primaries and is all but destined to become the party's candidate for the presidency, he also has one of the worst favorability ratings in electoral history. Basically, if Trump becomes the Republican candidate, then forget Clinton and Sanders -- the Democrats could run Tommy Chong for president and still have a good chance of winning.

Your reasoning tells me you've just woken up from a nine-month coma and made your best guess about the election, just now. Retard

Nobody can fulfill all their election promises. The important thing is that Obama was not laughing stock and did not screw up too badly, both of these are something that's beyond the reach of either Shillary or Trump.

ok champ.

Better Trump than Bernie

>when fags take the bait

> Obama was not laughing stock and did not screw up too badly


>He has no chance.

He's statistically tied with Clinton, with almost 20% undecided, as of yesterday. Undecideds are unlikely to break for the tired, corrupt hack they've been seeing constantly for almost thirty years who belongs to the same party as the current fuckup president.

Well, that's what's going to be in the history books buddy.

Much changed in 2 month eh ?

stupid teenager dectected

>did not screw up too badly

Good one. Thanks, man.

>when all you fags take the bait

...that's it?

Lame, faggot.

what bait would that be exactly?


Apparently everything's bait now.


Id rather be a successful laughing stock then a failure bitch boy with the approval of the EU any day.
