What do you think happens with your self-awareness when you die...

what do you think happens with your self-awareness when you die? it's impossible for me to think it would just "disappear". do you believe in the afterlife? religion or not, let's be real..something must happen, right? im honestly scared of dying... :(

I really fucking hope there's something. Maybe we'll get lucky and cure death before our time comes.

we don't know, we only can determine definite laws if they are in front of us or if they don't follow the train of logic of other things that are in front of us. no islam though, that's all that matters.

i think being immortal would only make people wanting to take suicide more

I feel like it would probably end up being like eternal dreamless sleep, or a nightmare where you're fully aware of your decaying and anything else that happens, while being unable to do anything about it.
I don't believe anything else happens, but I don't know.

No matter what happens OP, it's going to happen regardless.
Best to face the unknown with a clear mind.

If you sustain an injury to the head and your mental faculties are compromised, doesn't it follow that, once your brain is dead, your consciousness ends?

Your consciousness didn't exist before your birth. Is it so hard to accept that it won't exist after you die?

well that eased op's fear lol

I think about death a lot and to think that there is just nothing is harrowing. I guess it would be impossible to feel anything while dead so nothingness wouldn't be boring.


Eventually, sure, but at least then it's a fucking choice. I mean really who gives a shit? Suicide is not a problem so long as it is a choice.

Maybe after a few billion years of life I'll get bored. Fuck, maybe after a few thousand years. I don't know. I just wish we didn't have to age and die as inevitably as the rising and setting of the Sun.

>impossible for me to think
then you must be retarded because its pretty easy to think.
being dead is exactly like not being born yet.
the same way you had no experience of -13.5 billion bc until the late 1900s, you will have no experience from the late 2000s until forever.

I'm currently baked and you just destroyed my mind

why would anything happen?
for all we know, self-awareness is an emergent property of the brain, if the brain is complex enough.

when you die, your brain stops working, and everything that makes you "you" stops existing.

We have evidence of that in everyday life, when a loving mother who lived for their children and did anything for them stops recognizing them because of brain damage caused by Alzheimer's. We see it when brain damage changes someone's personality, or makes him forget everything, making that person effectively someone else. Or when lobotomies were performed and either deeply changed someone or made them a vegetable.

etc., etc.
All the evidence we have seems to suggest that "you" are your brain. When the brain dies, that's it.

Of course, you could try to believe something else, but any other hypothesis is simply without any kind of supporting evidence.

Well, it's hard to say anything for certain, I cant prove science is 100%, and I cant prove god is either, I can only choose to follow one or the other, I follow what I can see, others follow what makes them feel better, or possibly makes more sense in their own mind.

You remember that time before you were born? I'm pretty sure that's what death is like.

well i get what you mean, but try to imagine suddenly not existing anymore.. are you really able to?

True, but what happens to your perspective, from your perspective? Is it truly just an eternity of nothingness? What happens if, by some miracle of science, your exact body is resurrected with every last atom in place 10 billion years later. Will that creature be you?

We become one with the force

Who knows.
Nice vagina. Post moar


came here to post something along these lines but you put it better than I was gonna

Yes. I don't recall anything before i was born but the world existed before that. Why wouldn't death be the same type of cessation only in a forward sense.

I think that is the best looking vagina I've ever seen.

bumping cus interesting answers
not op, but here's some more

prove something "100%" is a red herring and a useless idea. We can "prove" something well enough through the scientific method - that's why you are writing stuff on a computer through the internet, that's why you don't die of stuff that killed people everyday 200 years ago, that's why we don't starve as often as we used to centuries ago, etc.

The idea that odds of the scientific method being accurate and of a god existing are both 50/50 is just silly

> it's impossible for me to think it would just "disappear".

Why? what makes it so difficult for you to understand that fact?

Your self-awareness didnt exist before you were conceived. It wont exist after. No difference.

Stop worrying about dying, and have a life. its the only one you'll get.

yes, easily

try to think of the people in saudi arabia, or in paris, or of wherever you are not right now

their lives go on pretty well even without you, don't they?
that's the same that will happen after you die.

Well, it's virtually impossible to comprehend and image that you can literally just turn off like a light switch. Hell, it really is hard enough to comprehend that world, a universe, really, existed before you came into existence. And that it will carry on after your existence.

Thats the whole Transporter Paradox. Technically the old you is dead and gone and will never come back and the new you is the exact same person down to memories but in actuality is a completelt different you. From a technical standpoint its a clone, from a cosmological and persobal perspective standpoint its the exact same person.
But when you think about it so is every "you" prior to the "you" now. You'll never be the same you were a second, minute, hour, day, month, year ago as your body replaces its cells and atoms on a constant basis and so does your psyche as new information constantly streams in changing your perspective and sense of self. In this way you are constantly dying and a new "you" constantly takes its place thinking it is you and you just remember everything the previous iterations remember.

Once you die there will be black for like 10 seconds, then a bright light as you awaken in the virtual life experience booth. You remember you are an alien creature with immortal life, so the gaming session wasn't that long this time.

The hardest thing, I think, to contemplate is that the love you have while alive doesn't go forward with you to someplace else when you die.

I've got kids, so I like to think that when I die I'd be able to somehow watch over them, or help them somehow, or eventually be reunited with them.

That's probably what drives Religion, the inner desire of humans to be able to hold onto this life somehow, even after it ends.

I like to think that my dad is still up there, and I still talk to him from time to time, even though he's been gone for a long time. Maybe it's just the comfort.

And in any event, even if nothing happens when you die - just Lights Out Forever, it really doesn't hurt you to think that you'll wind up somewhere with your family and friends, does it?

Rick and Morty. Loved that.

when I was small for some reason I believed this is all a simulation, and still have kind of this feeling
king of like we are all connected to some computer and this life is just like a tutorial for what's ahead

Nicely put.

the illusion of self ends at death, so there can be no self-awareness

>>it really doesn't hurt you to think that you'll wind up somewhere with your family and friends, does it?

it depends if that drives the way you live. Some people live for an imaginary (for all we know) afterlife and neglect this life, the only one we actually know we have. If that's the case, then yes, it does hurt you.

What were you before you were born? Where were you before your egg was fertilized? The answer is no where. We came from nothingness and return to nothingness.

You have one life so use it.

It will be exactly the same as it was before you were born, faggot

Do you remember life before you were born?

death is like that

That's the most logical assumption, but it is the height of the pretense of knowledge to assume an absence of information is indicative of anything, even nothing.

By all evidence there is nothing before or after life... but that is not conclusive data, merely an absence of anything pointing to the contrary, since you cannot prove a negative.

you sound like ecclesiastes. or job.

naked I came from my mother's womb, naked I go to the grave

>it's impossible for me to think it would just "disappear".

You're not trying hard enough. You were nothing before you were conceived, and you'll be nothing after you rot. Simple as that.

The notion of Immortality is also a construct of the brain. It is constantly tricking itself. I.e the brain is thinking "shit I don't want to cease to exist" and tricks itself into thinking "well I want to live for ever but I know I physically can't. The only way I can live for ever is going to an ulterior place when I physically die, so shit I guess I'll believe that". Truth is well never know. Just wait and see. The notion of just turning off and never perceive anything again is kinda relaxing though.

>you cannot prove a negative

No, but after a certain number of false leads and a certain amount of time spent looking for evidence of something, you eventually have to call off the search. Fact is all of the elements of the near death experience are explicable through the physiology of the brain. Clinging to the idea that "something" exists when there's no evidence of it is just magical thinking.

If we do find a way to stop aging, or permanently preserve life, it will probably be reserved for elites and billionaires. Or stolen by them and kept secret.

But, I hope for reincarnation really. I'd hate to live the same life forever. It would be much more interesting in my opinion to get to live as different creatures after each death.

And if you believe we are made of "star stuff" or energy, then we cannot be created or destroyed. The only sense of us being created is birth, which is simply a transfer of energy. The only sense of death is that our vessel holding our energy is destroyed. So the idea that our energy is transferred to something else (reincarnation) upon death, makes perfect sense imo.

>real, ACTUAL logic
>Sup Forums
Dude, you're wasting your time.

People just want a circle jerk, they're not looking for real answers.

I think it just ends. Hell I don't think I'm conscious. I think what I'm experiencing is the result of particles interacting, and there is no magic in "me".

Regardless, I don't care that I'm going to die. I can at least pass on my genes (if they're good enough for me to want to). What I'm scare of is the mass extinction event that inevitably kills us. We know from the Fermi paradox that there's something stopping aliens from visiting us, and I'm 99% certain that what's stopping them is the fact that they never leave their star system. That means that at the very most, when the sun explodes, we WILL be gone. I don't deny it, but it's my concept of death.


have you heard of induction?

Yeah, you're right something happens : nothing