I'm ready to do it, But I have no gun. Tips?

I'm ready to do it, But I have no gun. Tips?

I'm really down to know more on this!

You're going to die anyway at some point faggot

Propane tank into mask

get a credit card and buy one on credit. youll be dead anyway who cares about debt

Painless or Painful?

Toaster in a bathtub hasnt been done in a while

Get in your car and drive into a wall


Overdose on any medicine then 10 mins later stick two butter knives in a socket.

The three most effective methods are

Hanging (snap hang prefrable)
Or high jumps

I personally would go for the exit bag as then my family wouldn't have a mess to put up with, also in the time it would take to order you may change your mind.

dont do it

Don't do it, wait until life surprises you with a random finale, in the meantime, live a lot

I also saw a video where a guy set himself on fire and then jumped from up high into the water it seemed pretty same effective

Go out and do all the shit you used to be afraid of. You gonna die anyway, go fukcing to another state or country and go wherever the wind takes u

suicide by police?

I'm sure op will do it

That was some of the gayest shit I've ever read.

I'm holding a bit back, I'm getting trreatment, But im done now,

Painless please,,

man fuck off I'm tired

What if I can't fly

Everyone knwos I'm suicidal. I have nothing more to life for. Several of my friiends were destoryed by breivik. :))))))

OP here.

I'm gonna go for the exit bag.


and do a flip

Bye, have a great time!

buy a box of bullets. put bullets in a pan with some oil, bottoms down so they're pointing up

turn to medium, then high after 5 minutes with your face over the pan.


Go the way of the robot!

Don't do this it makes nerve gas

Won't work, but it will hurt like hell


give Hardcore Gaming a try. Just one.

Comfortably numb - Pink Floyd fixes everything. Thanks everyone. See on the other side,
