Ask a diagnosed schizophrenic anything

ask a diagnosed schizophrenic anything

I'm bored and will answer every question

how did all started?

what do you think about during the day most of the times?

well my first psychosis back in 2009 in a nutshell: I used to meditate and think I was enlightened, read some nietzsche and thought he was god and I was his reincarnation with code written in his works that only i could decipher. Later everything around me started to speak to me or off me and I started to become god myself. acted batshit insane and set fire in my flat flatmates called the police and I got institutionalized.

mostly philosophical stuff. lately a lot about death. what will happen when we die. your know, uplifting stuff like that.

Have you got any addictions?

do you suffer from any form of hallucinatioins and how does it feel? Do you have rage issues?

What's your favorite thing to masturbate to? Please post pic related if possible.


I really shouldn't smoke it, not with my diagnosis, but I can't get away from it longer than a few months, always end up smoking again.

One night i had an invisible demon talk to me and pick me up by the neck been staying up till4-5am every night out of paranoia and fear am i a skitzo

Post a medical document proving your case otherwise you're faking it and looking for a special snowflake recognition in a sea of 13 year old underaged kids, not too assume you're not underaged too

Also cant be lucid dream cuz i was smoking weed like everyday at that time

no rage issues at all, I'm a very peacful person at least when medicated

but when psychotic, when convinced of being tested and having to undergo huge exhausting divine trial where my brain or whatever basically trolls the shit out of me for weeks, I can get pretty frustrated. At the end of my second psychosis last year, I started to rage in my flat and vandalized in it, smashed a window, until neighbours called the police because of the noise.

I don't have any medical document proving my illness, but would a timestamped pic of my prescription antipsychotica convince you?

How big is your dick?

considering hallus, usually I'm not religious at all, I was raised as an ahteist, but when I get psychotic I get religious halluciantions and delusions. as in hearing gods voice, speaking to angels, etc.etc. not a specially christian god though, but I feel like I'm the messiah, jesus or something, and go on batshit insane adventures to save you lot.

rather small when not erect, its a grower not a shower, but when erect average size

still, it does it's job

Do you like it?

meh if you were schizo it wouldn't just be once at night, sounds like a cool hypnognogic hallu you've got there, but don't worry about having schizo because of it

psychosis itself is kind of awesome, mindboggling, and very much overwhelming, but also kind of life threatening and life destroying

the medicated sane times are just boring, can't work because of it and full time neet. not the most exciting life.

so meh, I like some parts of it I guess, but overall wouldn't recommend.

What is schizoaffective disorder?

best I can do for proof

hallucinations and delusions of schizophrenia plus mood disorder like mania and depression

Hah, fucking abilify ? That's a SHIT-drug

it does the trick for me. it brought me back from complete madness, utter insanity, to a somewhat functioning human being.

I like it.

It didn't work for me at all... it was just like living in a fishbowl, getting fatter everyday, while still babbling incoherently at the moon

I think the brain is very different for every individual, so different meds work for different people.. but I too gained lots of weight from it, now I can at least keep it stable

I'm just glad I never had to take the old ones, the ones that made motoric problems like shaking until you looked like a Parkinson patient..

That's what I'm on, it's started with my tongue, and I get these microtwitches in my face, but the medicine has ridden me completely of positive symptoms except for the occasional hallucination if I get VERY stressed out