How common is it for Americans to use the setup in pic related for their bathrooms?

How common is it for Americans to use the setup in pic related for their bathrooms?

I went to visit some relatives in Iowa, and got to stay in their house. They lived in a pretty small city, and had to do this because of something that had to do with their city sewage treatment.

Essentially, you had to throw the used TP in a separate bin, and then also scoop the turds back up and put them in yet another separate bin.

I've experienced the TP thing in hotels in Cyprus, Spain and Greece, but the scoop thing came as a complete shock and I thought they were joking.

Could some American shed some light on this? How prevalent is it?

Pretty common. I live in a large city and my family uses this, I'm not sure if it's out of necessity or habit.


I hope you weren't a dick and lifted up the seat before you used the scooper btw

I do this in my house
I'm a cat

they were probably just really poor

What the fuck. Did the city they were in not have plumbing? Where were you?

this is a joke right? why not flush everything down the toilet like normal people?

We generally prefer to shit in our pants.

>intentionally clogging your pipes and having to pay a plumber hundreds of dollars (plus tip) in order to fix it
What are you, stupid?

Too obvious m8, do better next time.

this has to be bait

noone remembers these swede drawings?

as you can see the quality of life gap in the US is such that some people think the whole place is 1st world

Im probably falling for a troll but what is your shit made of, fucking metal? why would shit or tp clog pipes?

>first world

What happened to the Swede that used to make these toons and post them every month?

Our pipes are about 50mm in diameter. They're too small to handle all the tp and shit, which is why we use the bins. Why did you think "Put a Finn in the bin" was said so often by Americans ?

OP pic is an obvious exaggeration.

The actual setup is usually a single bucket with a lid, the bottom is lined with dried out grass or sawdust to keep it clean, then you shit right into the bucket (idk what dumbass would shit into the toilet and then scoop it into the bucket...) then you cover it with some more sawdust which is kept in another small bucket. this dries the shit out and removes the smell. toilet paper also goes into this bucket.

pee can obviously go in the toilet.

No, this is not common, it is mostly done in the country and some small cities, or people who cant afford to have their septic emptied or their plumbing fixed or what have you.

I've never heard of the scoop thing, and the other Americans ITT are probably trolling. The TP thing is for households in rural areas who have septic tanks.

Hello fellow Ausbro. I'll share with you a similar bowel-related story.

>Middle of the night
>Need to use toilet
>Don't want to wake anyone
>Open bedroom window
>Pee and shit out of window
>Sometimes when I finish I look up to see my neighbour staring out of his window at me
>Quickly jump off windowsill
>Hide behind curtain
>Wait for ten minutes behind curtain
>Peek around to see if neighbour is still looking
>All clear, quickly close my window
>Wipe my buttocks on curtain
>Next morning when everyone is out of the house, I boil some water in the kettle and pour it on my shit-stained curtains
>It doesn’t stop the mould from growing around my window and giving me the sniffles

This entire process has occurred virtually every night for the past four years. I'm too self-conscious to people hearing me in the toilet, especially defecation.

You can flush toilet paper with a septic tank. It's not a rural thing either.

All these newfags, holy shit.

This is like 3-4 year old copypasta that a Swedecuck used to spam

wtf why not make the pipes bigger then? this whole thing is just absurd

Taking out all of the pipes in America and replacing them with bigger ones is way too expensive. It's easier to just use the bin system because Americans have already done it for generations now.

Shut the fuck up honestly, if you can't contribute get out, nobody needs your creativity-lacking ass in here poining out an obvious joke

Dear Lord

Cause steel pipes are expensive

Why not make the pipes bigger in the first place? :o

also new pipes are made out of plastic, not steel. plastic doesn't deteriorate and is cheap.

>oh look at me I'm a billionaire that can afford super sized pipes made of high quality plastic

pic related

my family uses a homemade version of this, including toilet seat that fits on top

But plastic pipes are not expensive.. Also plastic was widely used as a material from the 50s, so every building nowadays have big pipes made of plastic. There is simply no reason not to have them, is why this sounds so odd.

Listen bro, dont take this the wrong way, i dont want to hurt your feelings but im going to be brutally honest with you, that post you just made, is fucking retarded, i want you to stop for a minute and contemplate how much of a fucking moron you are, no you are not trolling, that shit you just posted is what you really are like alright? maybe you should stop posting, maybe you should chill the fuck out because you are really poisoning this place for us, quit Sup Forums for a week, think about your life and come back.

I have honestly never seen a house with plastic pipes

They use them to store bread in argentina. I kid you not. At first I was disgusted and surprised, but they don't have access to plastic containers.

lol wut. is this some usa stuff again like not accepting the metric system?

You are taking the bait.

It works well on you. Because people believe anything about the US


wtf, you guys don't use PVC pipes?

i think we are getting trolled my frend

>tfw your loo is not luggable