Need to fuck with someone plz post worst

Need to fuck with someone plz post worst





Are you looking for gore OP?


Ya but ballbasaur was amazing


Thank you. I'm not the hitler guy, in fact his pic is the only post here other than things I posted.
I paid someone to draw that. She goes by Zairiza. Does good shit.
I'm all out, see ya.

I'll get to the gore in a min.











This concludes the preamble. After this the gore will begin.





The Final Boss



Nice underwear.














Bad thing is that it looks good

Quick, stop germs, put a hankercheif on the wound!



this happened to me once, have to wear glasses now, stings like a bitch





i did this once, got lost and ended up on the wrong floor, was already 10 min late and they started without me


imagine putting your dick in that

Fuck sake, user


i'm a truck driver and this happens all the time, get used to it though






See ya

>von Recklinghausen's neurofibromatosis.




Best gore thread I've ever seen •_•

While on an internship at the jail, i saw a man slit his wrists the right way. This is some lame pussy shit. There was blood on the cell walls and coagulating in piles covering his cell floor. Don't be an upity bitch.

took me forever to figure out what was going on



I have only just begun to post!




My folders are going to be full }:)



Lol this is fucking dark dude. Everything I've heard about suicidal people is they tend to avoid social interactions/making plans. Looks like he just had a good day and was probably telling her her he'd see her later.


she just broke up with him





The fuck is that?

I almost asked why he had a gun if he wasn't already planning on killing himself, then remembered nignog polliwog.


haha this is fake they don't move after

Fuck forgot the attachemnt


Whatever you say Dr. Dubs

Yeah prob, but it almost looks real

why are people this fucking autistic


You can see his eyes dart back and forth like his brain is trying to figure out why it's dead
