Ever wanted to fuck a corpse?

Ever wanted to fuck a corpse?

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yeah, I thought I was the only one

I've wanted to fuck someone who now is a corpse


kind of interesting how beneath the skin everyone's just a lump of unattractive organs and, fat, muscle. etc.

Besides gore websites, any idea where I can find shit to fap to? I've seen a few videos but don't know the source

I've always wanted to see real eye-socket fucking porn. It's impossible to find.

Be the change you wish to see in the world.


Where you at?

I checked it off the old bucket list years ago. Bring lube.

james bond confirmed

This made me laugh so fucking hard

mmm No... Do you have any idea how bad they smell. Embalming fluid smells absolutely repulsive and unreserved bodies also smell horrible


Did you not already know that?

I read the stand by Stephen King, and while people were wandering around and find all these dead people they used to know I thought to myself "... why don't they just have sex with the dead bodies?" I was about to ask a friend, but decided not to... thank god

Overdose, unfortunately. In the bathroom of a recovery house. That picture before was the day I picked her up from the hospital, and a week before she died.

I couldn't care less about the smell

What you mean?

You will become the catalyst of change.




Please don't fuck my eyes.


Alright, this will probably be enough.


Gr8 b8 m8



This isn't how they open a cadaver for autopsy...

My dream is to be an embalmer in some Asian country so I can do shit like this.

This video is fucking awesome.

Different countries, different methods. Unless you're talking about something else.

>Ever wanted to fuck a corpse?

Nope. Next topic.

My dream is to have this done to me haha.

You hear that guys? He said nope. Let's move on
Boy you don't know what good pussy is. Cold gash, shits cash.
And it's no different then a hooker. Neither look me in the eye or get pleasure from it.

Let me suffocate you first, then I'll gladly make your dreams come true.

If you can revive me and choke me unconscious over again after you cum in my eyes and before you kill me, I'd pay for this >.>

What the fuck
