Leaving here

Leaving here


skype kasia.mi12

fucks lil boys


Any adress ?

Are you kidding me?

Somebody doesn't use this site as often as I do? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!1

It's a motherless link you fucking moron. It has nothing to do with Sup Forums.

And the links are frequently posted on Sup Forums, you mental midget.

wtf is this shit? this bitch fucks kids? what is going on here exactly. whatever the case i'm not clicking anything nigger.


Just goddamn constantly. This is like spot the newfag.

Summer is here

God save us all.

Everyone fell for pickle chan pasta yesterday now this, Sup Forums is shit

Stating that a link is posted on this site all the time, makes someone a "new fag" right. As if being new to Sup Forums is an insult... you should get your life together buddy

lol this thread is epic i'll bookmark it

bro i've been here all summer. now explain what the fuck is going on. i'm an official oldfag now.

We're both on this shit site. That advice isn't really going to leave an impression on me. Just to be clear, though, you're a newfag. You mad bro? (I just made a new meme!)

You're my favorite now.

Poor fella couldn't figure out what he was supposed to do with his hands

you all got baited. Some even to your own damn selves.
>I wasnt this foolish even when I WAS a summer.

No, you did. This was all posted by one guy.