Why does Sweden, a country of less than 10 million people, produce so many famous singers and youtubers...

Why does Sweden, a country of less than 10 million people, produce so many famous singers and youtubers? Even other European countries with a similar population don't even come close.

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Who besides Pewdiepie?


From what I understand, Spain dominates the Spanish speaking portion of Youtube that English speakers never see.

Nobody likes spanish because of their retarded accent. I guess all the views are from other spanish or people trying to learn spanish. From what I know the most successful youtubers are from latinamerica

Because we're the masterrace duh

Zara Larsson, Avici

who else?

I know only ABBA and Opeth

fuck if I know, I watch mostly obscure nerdy channels

Oh and Yngwi Malmsteen, I guess he is Swedish too

Better than the rest

We like the way they look and sound.



Swedish youtubers aren't really that successful, it's the anglo cunts, because they speak English and have the biggest market. If I were to upload a video it would only be featured here and then the 6 other people that would've seen it would've to meme it to the next level.

Sommartider 5/5 song

So why aren't there more popular norwegian, danish and dutch youtubers then?

It's their strong arab blood

There isn't the best kind of mus-

because you probably don't know about them, besides pewdipe and robbaz it's not like i know anymore Swedish YouTubers. some Spanish/latino YouTubers are huge because of the huge Spanish-speaking population but i doubt it you know about them

>some Spanish/latino YouTubers are huge because of the huge Spanish-speaking population but i doubt it you know about them
Yeah because they speak another language that I'm not interested in, but that's not what were discussing at all. The only one I can think of is Athene.

I guess Joel

athene is belgian

here's a german guy i watch


no such thing

its part of the swedish culture

they all crave for attention so badly

I just want someone to like me..

Dopelives is the best Swedish YouTuber. Prove me wrong.

Finns aren't any different. We literally go apeshit every time word "Finland" is mentioned by any non-finn.

And the only place where Finland is regulary mentioned by non-finns is Sup Forums. You know this is true.

We certainly are the masters of trash culture

No that is not true.

Sup Forums too


At least they have Conan O'Brien

how old are you

A lot actually, you just don't think they are because they speak english and there isn't really a point in mentioning that you're swedish in every single video. A shit tone of top 10 channels, education channels, video games channels are swedish for an example.

Here are two examples of two other "big" youtubers are swedish

Swedes aren't like other people. They are more evolved, I'd say a thousand years more evolved than Danes and 3000 more than Finns.

Bättre folk :^)

very high tech compared to a country like norway

>famous singers and youtubers
Like who?

holla reddit