How do the Spanish feel about this Whitewashing of Spain?

How do the Spanish feel about this Whitewashing of Spain?


They look like meds to me.

They look med, not whitecuck, there's nothing wrong in this pic

whats whitewashing

This is spain

This are proud iberian-moors not pale whites

I spotted a poo in the looian

Daily reminder that the iberian race is the most powerful race in the whole world and united with romans and greeks we ruled the world for centuries while whites were sleeping in caves

i asked what is whitewashing you dumbo
how can someone from North America possibly think they "know" what other countires are like? you look so fucking stupid every time you do it

White washing is where they cast white actors in POC roles

They cast this Pale white Irishmen and put on brown face and suddenly he's a spaniard


Iberians are proud swarthy warriors and whites can't accept that

are you aware that no one cares about racial classification in 2016 except americans and chinese right

Mestizos on the front

there are white people in spain.

Not for long

White girls can't resist the swarthy cock

Gandy is english you moron

Me grabbing flowers in the middle of a siege.

That's a myth. There's no white people in the iberoamerican world, thankfully.

>Pale white Irishmen

here you have al-andalus kings

Swarthiness breaks down nationalities man

Its just superiority

>inb4 you post a poo


>Como un ((solvam)) cerrou a Constantinopla que era de ((efehaos))
>Como o ((solvan)) mandou armar en ((geyo)) para abater a vila
Español antiguo = Gallego ?



Sip, si no me acuerdo mal es de las cantigas de santa maria, Reino de Leon.. lo que esta escrito debe ser mas bien asturleones pero es bien parecido al gallego, lo consideran literatura galaico-portuguesa pero fue un encargo por el rey castellano Alfonso X el Sabio que le iba la musica, literatura y los juegos

i thought spaniards were white

Whites are pale sissies

They are Iberian

I like the guy at the top. It's like he is saying to his mate, are these niggas for real?

>The Cantigas de Santa Maria ("Canticles of Holy Mary"; Galician: [kanˈtiɣa̝s ðe̝ ˈsanta̝ maˈɾi.a̝]), Portuguese: [kɐ̃ˈtiɣɐʒ ðɨ ˈsɐ̃tɐ mɐˈɾi.ɐ], are 420 poems with musical notation, written in the Medieval Galician language during the reign of Alfonso X El Sabio (1221–1284) and often attributed to him.

>France against England

we are mestizo

>cantigas de santa maria
estudie eso en gallego. en teoria fue la primera lengua escrita en españa
portugal aun escribe "cavalleria" con V como en el medievo, no se por que evoluciono a caballería en Español.
south/east spaniards are like white people but tanned
north spaniards are mostly celtic/white

yeah but the book is from the kingdom of Leon and Castile...

How do you feel the mestizowashing of latam or the Mideasternwashing of Egypt Sup Forums?

And Galicia was a kingdom in that crown, so? It's not like back then everybody spoke castilian like nowadays.

ni idea, en frances e italiano se escribe con v, en fin el castellano no se desarrollo hasta mediados de la reconquista cuando se implementó en la corte que antes hablaban un antepasado del gallego, leí una vez que el castellano ganó popularidad cuando una serie de monjes (que se encontraban en la zona mas oriental de castialla) empezaron a sacar libros en este idioma y se empezo a repartir por el reino

>mestizowashing of latam

Porque en España nunca se distinguió la b de la v al hablar y las palabras con la grafía actual son las que ganarom por la razón que fuese. Abogado debería escribirse con v ya que viene de advocatus.

ok you are right

Español antiguo= Gallego= Portucheese

But the irish arw part of the iberian master race

Plenty of sudacas in that picture


spain confirmed sudaca country