The Reps are fucked. They got Trump as the nominee. Their next option was Cruz, which was almost as disliked...

The Reps are fucked. They got Trump as the nominee. Their next option was Cruz, which was almost as disliked. They are completely fucked. Intelligent people like Rand Paul lost before even starting.

The Dems are fucked. Hillary is going to be indicted because of all the corruption scandals; she is very wounded. The alternative is Sanders, who is an insane idiot. Now Dems are trying to pull Joe Biden out of their hat to salvage the party.

Bot parties are fucked, and nobody is running for president. The ones running are absolute shit. Anybody who professes allegiance to a candidate is a fanatic liar, where they like Trump or Clinton or Sanders or whatever.

So, who are you voting for?

(pic unrelated)

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't live in the great Burgeria, so I'm just watching this train slowly going off the rails, causing the biggest wreck ever.

I like Trump
Everyone I respect, I have recently found out, like Trump.

I keep hearing Sanders fanatics saying they are going to write him in instead of voting for Sanders.

Most men either consciously or subconsciously know that a woman won't be a good leader.

Trump will win for sure.

Where do you live?
off by 2 for quads

trips don't lie

Trump of course, lebbit is to the left

trump is by far the worst. here's a bunch of reasons not to vote for the douche

yeah good one. he's fucked in many key states he needs to win. he doesn't have a chance


You're dumb if you think he won't win. Nobody else has a chance.

Now, I want you to tell me where he have done or said anything that would indicate any of this.
Links are appreciated

clinton is a shoe in and you're a fool. everyone you "respect" are idiots too. i guess this is your mom and her shitty boyfriend because i'm sure you're a cellar dwelling white trash loser like every other trump supporter.

where i live you will not see a trump supporter. they are embarrassed by it because they're smart people. they keep it to themselves to avoid ridicule. and there are so few of them it's impossible to find them

yes my home town 'trumps' yours.

trump supporters stay quiet because trump opponents are loud and annoying


MODS MODS MODSSSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the first 7 are self evident and can't even be argued.

he's switched parties. you can't argue with that either

i can go on but why bother. you won't listen anwyay

Before you go on your ignorant confirmation bias rants, know this.
I have a Masters in economics and work at a national news org. I I've been an independent for my entire life, but switched to vote for Sanders.

No, I will not answer your questions or respond. I have shit to do. Sup Forumsye

ha ha wrong. they stay quiet because deep down they know the guy is a loser. most of them only support him to not have someone else. which is a sure way to lose an election. there is no real reason to support him since he's said nothing but building a wall which won't have any affect on 90% of the US.

Gary Johnson it is lad.


please go on i'm listening, i am really trying to decide who to vote for. My whole family is kind of supporting trump, but now i'm not sure anymore

they stay quiet to avoid hearing you rant bullshit like this

It's going to be funny when we all come out of the woodwork on election day, having not voted in the primaries or polls, so you won't see it coming and it will be hilarious.


Trump's not going to do so well against Hillary Clinton. If you're paying attention to the news, you will notice that the trending issues are all involving gender and transgender equality issues.

Trump and the GOP in general are very weak on this hot topic issue, which is only continuing to grow in the latest trends, and will be a major talking point in this presidential election cycle. This is good news for Democrats and Hillary, and bad news for Republicans and Donald Trump.

So when the issue of the day becomes social issues, this will continue to move Hillary ahead on the polls, while only hurting Trump.

Literally no one with a master in economics would vote for Sanders, unless your master is in political economics aka outdated bullshit. Which pretty much means your master is worth the same as a master in women's studies.

Trump is a capitalist
we live in a capitalist country, for a good reason.
Vote for Trump to keep competition alive in America so we can have winners and losers, so we don't all become equal losers and have a chance at winning.

fine, i'll bite

Can't argue switching parties but the 3rd link you sent only said he wanted to raise taxes on the rich.
The 4th article said that he thought wages were too though he also said that the taxes are too high.

i'm a registered republican and this list is mostly for other conservatives. i don't want him to raise taxes at all, rich or poor


Nothing but speculation and opinion. At least his actions haven't gotten anyone killed. So how does your preferred candidate stack up? Are you voting for the Communist or the rape victim shamer?

This election is going to show us which has more power in the US right now. Racism or feminism.

here you go:

Hillary is the ONLY rational choice. Between loony Trump and daffy Sanders, the entire US political process looks like a huge fucking joke.

The fact that these 2 clowns even made it as far as they did, suggests that we need to create a test that everyone would be forced to pass, prior to being allowed to vote.

Fuck there are way too many dumb asses in this country.

good one bud

I'm not American but if I was I'd vote for Trump just to see the world burn

Looks like you just got crushed. How do you feel?

>intelligent people like Rand Paul
>flat tax
>intelligent people

Source of OP's pic?

thanks dot man

>At least his actions haven't gotten anyone killed.

this is silly. every commander every person who has to make decisions that send people into danger take this chance. the minute trump, God forbid, takes office he will have been responsible for killing someone in your mind. it's dumb.

>Sanders is insane idiot
since when? about what?
>intelligent people like Rand Paul
Islololobad, capital of Kekistan

>we need to create a test that everyone would be forced to pass, prior to being allowed to vote

so much this!

The political playing field would look very different than it does today, if this were the case.

Between Trump and Hillary, well... yeah, she is the only rational choice. The problem is that she should be in jail. I hate when people get away with crimes simply because of their sex and social status.

So far, not a shred of proof has been present that supports your point. Only grandstanding by the GOP, and speculation. Sorry, but in this country speculation can't convict you of a crime.

well? does this satisfy the need for links at least? have i missed anything?

My bet is on Hillary. She won't be indicted because both her and Bill are powerful (though Bill is less so). Bernie is too fanatical, Trump is too much of an asshole, the rest aren't popular enough.

Out of the current popular candidates I'd prefer that Bernie wins, out of all the candidates I'd prefer John McAfee, but I'll probably end up voting for Gary Johnson

Socialism is not communism, and Sanders is not a real socialist, he's just exploiting the fact that college kids lately have no idea what socialism is, thinking it means paying taxes and public healthcare, and think it sounds cool.

Sanders is left-leaning centrist supporting elements of social democracy. "Tax the rich a little more and have a livable minimal wage" were things that REPUBLICANS used to say, for fucks sake.

>have i missed anything?
Yes, some negative links on Hillary and Sanders to balance out the mix would be fair.

Not the same guy but I thought it was pretty clear that it was illegal for her to run that private mail server and use it for official stuff?

i'm talking about the list of reasons not to vote for trump and hte request that he made for links to back it up.

very few actually exist. the real dirt all seems to be on the GOP side of things.

she's guilty of not understanding how to set up an email server, maybe not even understanding email at all, like every other son of a bitch over 30 years old. maybe guilty of not choosing a good technical person to do it.

So you would be okay with it if you failed the test m8?

Can anyone explain a thing to me? I'm Polish, how the fuck did Americans not only not LEARN from GW Bush being in office, they're now trying to elect someone even MORE retarded and unfit to be president?

What is wrong with your fucking country?

i've for an intelligence test to weight your vote. that way all the idiots would still have an affect but not be 1:1 with intelligent people

>heres a bunch of bullshit opinions from an obviously biased faggot
>hey guys these are totally facts, listen to me

Kek, democratic logic

Not trying to troll here but is that an excuse? If it was in fact actually illegal, I just assume because that's what I've heard.

here you go genius.

you should have scrolled before looking line an idiot.

typical trump supporter

anybody but trump

i would kill myself if the president had a 4 and done degree. its so shameful.


>trump supporter
I'm not voting for either side, pal. Just pointing out that your memes aren't fact.

Demos get so butthurt at the first adverse opinion.

trump is pandering to the uneducated, poor white trash republican base in ways that bush only touched on. the offset is that he's not a republican so real conservatives don't like him.

so far he's gotten max 15% of republican votes in states and many states much lower than that.

Please, devaluate the dollar. Makes my imports all the more profitable.

did you see the posts? every thing on that list is backed up with links.

I wouldn't fail. The test would actually be quite simple, but would unfortunately eliminate 3/4 of the voters, until they decided to start paying attention.

If you can answer these questions, then yes you're qualified to vote.

1. Who is the vice president?
2. Who is the attorney general?
3. Who was the attorney general before this?
4. Who is the speaker of the house?
5. Who was the speaker of the house before this?
6. Who is the senate majority leader?
7. Who was the senate majority leader before this?
8. Who is the senate minority leader?
9. How many justices make up the US supreme court?
10. Name them.

If you can do this, then you can vote. If not, then you sit out a year. Everyone takes this test every election year.

Those who don't pay attention to politics, should not vote, because they don't understand what they are voting for, and are likely only voting for who their friend says is cool, who looks nice, or who had a nice TV ad.

If a republican writes the test:
questions requiring you to understand economics and conservative morals.

If a democrat writes the test:
you need to know how to not offend people and say how everyone can be equal

>Key states
It's 50 50 in almost all the swing states and he's already taken the rust belt. Keep being this delusional bernour

Bernie and Trump should form their own superparty, run unopposed, and steal the fuckin election, then get into power, eliminate the king and do-nothing backup king positions, and replace them with a PM & Chancellor position as any modern country has.

The very idea of a single human possessing all the qualities of both at once is absurd it has never been possible and only exists in our later mythologizing of them. It's no way to run a country, much less one this big and this powerful.

>but we love our God-King figurehead

fuck right off back to the 1700s, idiots.

dumb to base a test on how well people can memorize shit.

The way I see it, Trump

For the single reason that he is actually the WORST candidate. I might follow that same standard in 2020 and 2024 honestly.

This country just needs to die or get fucked by a massive shake up already. If he turns out super facist - cool I'll be the first try to incite civil violence. Even better

they're completely opposite so that would be really silly. trump would probably want bernie, sure, because he's just pandering anyway. you don't really know what he wants to do. but bernie and all his supporters will not just blindly follow trump. he's the opposite of sanders.

You'd be surprised at how many idiots don't even know who the VP is.

If you follow politics, every single question should be easy.

If you say the questions are dumb, then you probably don't follow politics.


I honestly hope trump wins. If anyone but him wins China and Mexico and everyone else trump was going to go after are going to take it to the next president as "oh so how are you gonna make that up to us" and they will forever hold it over our heads because no one bit trump would actually have the guts to do the things that need to be done to reestablish our seat in the word. Like I honestly don't see how people in the USA are OK with how they stand with the rest of the world. Or maybe we're to busy deciding on who gets which bathroom.

No, not issues, those are personal. Only Qs about our current government leadership.

I haven't read the thread because it's too early for me to sift through the trolls. But trump actually leads over Clinton now in polling.

the country is doing fine right now. much better than ever in fact. the system works. all you have to be is not useless. working hard was never really a way to get ahead. you need a marketable valuable skill. and if you have that, the US is the best place in the world to be. if not, you can still live pretty well close to minimum wage. making like 30k a year in most areas you'll be fine.

> trends
That's an ad hoax my friend do you care about this gender shit? Does anyone you know save one or two people care? Such a small number care the news and social media keep pushing it like it's a huge thing it's not. The one thing that's kinda big is the whole bathroom thing and even that's minuscule on the scale of real problems

popular vote is meaningless, especially polls on fox news. in the key states he needs to win he is facing a long uphill battle.

>Hillary is going to be indicted because of all the corruption scandals;

good, good, keep the narrative going
no evidence
just keep saying it
just keep saying it

m8 everyone who is capable of using google could answer this test after some minutes of memorising

if a conservative writes the test you're tested on how close you adhere to right-wing (there's nothing conservative about it) economics & morals

and if a libtard writes it, you're allowed to have as many ideas as you want but not be an obnoxious douche to others about them.

Do you see what you did there?
Fucking tribalists.

this pill popping addict sex with children in foreign countries fuckhead needs to be put to pasture as soon as possible

this is bullshit directly targeting the poor and people of color.

and you're a Hillary supporter, because you reek of conservative bullshit.

A better set of questions would 3 simple questions.

Do you believe in climate change?

Are all terrorists Islamic?

How many genders are there?


If you can't answer these correctly, then fuck off you don't vote.

sure just like hastert and the many other republican degenerate hypocrites.

>no evidence
Well the director of the FBI and the Attorney a General seems to think they do. Maybe it is you in your esteemed position of /btard that doesn't have any evidence, but no one gives a fuck about you.

He is definitely going to win

Trump. can't wait to see the Don in his rightful place

This is true but IMO a full time work week should be 30 hours max. With technology these days in 30 hours a man makes a company a lot more money than in the past. Combine that with a slight increase in minimum wage and you in theory free up more jobs for others and grow the middle class expendable income. Why is 40 hours still the norm?

Not the other user but :




Am I correct ?

Agree. I think people need to know more about their government before participating in the election process.

Voted for Bernie because I genuinely believe that a Hillary nomination is the only way a Trump presidency will happen.

Imagine my joy when Trumpf won every single county in my state on the Republican side. Although, tbh the conservatives in PA aren't extreme enough for Cruz so maybe they didn't really have a choice.

But Dems still have a choice. It's a longshot for Bernie but it's always been a longshot for him and he hasn't given up yet. It looked like he was gonna cave in for Hill's VP for a little there but he's fresh off the Nevada trainwreck and still fighting.

No, you failed.

personally, when i had a salaried job i never worked over 30 hours a week and sometimes much less than that.

right now i own my own business and work many more hours but only because i want to. i can work just 15 hours a week and i'd be able to pay rent and utilities if i wanted to.

He says what stupid people want to hear. We have no shortage of stupid people. Big words and complex situations frustrate stupid people. In short... have you ever seen the movie Idiocracy?

I wouldn't say is meaningless but I get your point. I live in VA(a huge swing state). Our governor just reinstated the voting rights of felons to increase the chances of a dem win. Shady move imo

I am OP
ITT: as predicted, fanatics argue who is better

>they're opposite
Not as opposite as they're being made out to be by the parties, who rely on differentiation to sell them to you.

You realize historically, a president would choose a vp from the opposite party, specifically because of cross appeal and presenting an image of balance... I know user was posting satire, but that should actually happen.

>this is bullshit directly targeting the poor and people of color

Wait wut? Are you actually implying that people of color are stupid?

Wow, you sir are a fucking bigoted racist piece of garbage.

I make 120k a year. I live in a 30k. House that is already paid off. I have good life, health, car, and home insurance. I own 1000 (roughly) acres of land. Valued at over 1 million USD. I also live in the Alaskan woodlands.......... Anything could happen.... And I wouldn't give a shit. . Only thing I need is my. Internet and food.