Does my throat look alright to you guys? DentFag opinion would be appreciated

Does my throat look alright to you guys? DentFag opinion would be appreciated

medfag here. testical cancer.

Have you been on anti notice? Looks like developing thrush

I don't think it should be as bump and shit as it is. thats fucked up. go to a doctor faggot

Don't know what this means

No, it's not
Go to the doctor!

Do you smoke? or snus?

why the fuck are your teeth so yellow? dont you brush your fucking teeth? that's what is wrong. Poor dental hygiene.

What's wrong with it? I think it's looked like this for a while, and I've had dentists appointments and doctors appointments months ago sometime in 2015 I think. I don't know if they really check though

Looks like some raging cock burn there.
You should try to cut back.

Strep with thrush need anti botics

Too much deepthroat and having loads of cum stuck to the back of your throat does that..

Used to

Only 20 years old

I've gone through periods where I only brush once a day, I still think I might be better than a lot of my friends with brushing but who knows maybe I'm playing myself

The cap on the Listerine is for measuring the dose. Try half a cup. Keep it swirling in your mouth until it stops burning then rinse and repeat. Gargle and brush your tongue as well, King Crimson.

its ur teeth u should be bothered about bud

I wonder what that smells like

That shit looks like goatsex. The throat does look a lot like the other end.

>>those teeth

You guys have no idea what your own mouth looks like do you?

It's acid reflux lmao don't waste your time at the doctors



what are you? a functioning human being?