Usefull shit thread

Usefull shit thread

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You gonna post anything or are you just hoping some user with infographics will just dump and keep your shitty thread going?

Have some conspiritardary.

Gonna post



Does anyone who *isn't* OP want more infographics?


Doesn't work on my elevator

Works on mine lel


I'll post some


Last one I got



Wish we had a multi-image post system. Literally the only thing I liked about eight chan.

I assume that there are just 3 ppl in this thread, shit


If MODS are watching... can we have a multi-image post system? Also larger imagecaps? And maybe bring back ID tags?



Me! Keep posting


ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting.

Eventually im gonna make some


Oh hey found this


Pit is correct, only pit vipers have them and viper = venom.
Pupils don't matter one bit, king cobra has round pupils, as do other venomous snakes.
Not sure about the scales of the tail, but I doubt that's true either, and who the fuck is gonna get that close to look.




Idk my friend was that stupid tu get bitten by a snake, but unfortunatelly he menaged to survive it

ID Tags. Multi-Image Posting. That is all.

why were they rounded up into camps?


In my country i would just get beaten, but well

this doesnt work.

Ok found this


no it doesn't, no one is interrupting it, you're just not testing it.

Actually works on my elevator

Idk then, if 1 more user gonna report its not working, im gonna delete it








the true test of a venomous snake is how does it's tongue smell?

if its sweet = harmless
sour/bitter = venomous

>love, fun, freedom.

Mah feels.

Hitler recognized that it was a select small group of unscrupulous Jews who had fucked the German currency so hard after WW1 it actually collapsed and had to be replaced. He just extended that to ALL Jews and then also used the German people's hatred for them and the Gypsies and Blacks and pretty much everyone who wasn't "German". After that it was easy to just put all the political and criminal prisoners into work camps as cheap labor.

Mostly the camps were just an excuse to use all the people they didn't like to make the stuff they needed to conquer Europe and rebuild their nation. Remember that the German people are extremely thrifty and despise wastefulness. Do you really think they're going to just up and murder thousands of people who could instead be making them goods and building infrastructure?

Work camps really were the best option.

>So they could get bombed by the allies

Ye, good luck with chceking

Pro Ax You.
I think that pokemon is called Haxorus.


Yep yep.


This could not be more true

so jews could just walk out of the camps?


Sorry OP, I'm not a nigger.

love, experience, humour

Success, Health, ELELEMI

fine don't check and kiss a venomous snake, be my guess

traps, furries and condoms?







I am an elevator technician and I assure you this does not work lol

life's actually a lot easier if you're stupid





Don't delete, maybe it works on someone's elevator




Bs on the blacks as well as non germans.
I'll remind you of the muslim SS divisiond as well as balck soldiers in the wehrmacht + Afrikakorps

What's ironic is you noticed Intel before intelligence


dont do this or you will die, assholes

>thinking hyperventilation increases oxygen content


Whoops, meant to post this

What the fuck. Spark plugs can't hold a charge



Anyone who puts their forks on the left deserves a swift and ignominious burial. Alive. It's just not logical and the only reason faggots still do it is becuase Louis the goddamned 14th said that's the correct way.

I've done it. They do. It's not a lot but it's apparently enough.

>not keeping it in the left and using left hand for the fork and the right for the knife
Absolutely barbaric

My hand is too tired to post more.


If you are so inept that you require the use of your dominant hand for accurately cutting with a tableknife then you also deserve to be buried alive.

small amount of venom that goes to stomach harm you much, acid weakens it. bite is dangerous because it goes to blood.

Fun fact, thermites can be made with basically every metal+metal oxide mixture. Some burn better/hotter than others, some require a igniter, but they are all possible.