Yo /b what's this on my dick

Yo /b what's this on my dick



Gay Aids



I'm only a medicine student but looks like symptoms of prostate cancer, should really get that looked at


RIP user.

what a carcass scoundrel loser shit


I'm not a doctor, but I have an std myself and my dick doesn't even have that shit on it. Go to the doctor dude.

Don't listen to any of these idiots, they're fordyce spots and completely fucking normal. Everyone who's trolling you has a few at the very least.

If it's itchy as fvck it's herpes
Def will spread too

it's braille, ask a blind girl what's written

shouldnt ve fucked that nigger in the ass w/o wraping it faggot

Papules. No reason for concern. They can be removed with a laser if you hate them

it actually looks similar

Nice picture, friendo :>)

this. i have the too

kek ill get blind chicks to read my cock

bait or stupid?

Is it a timestamp in brail?

looks like you got a bad case of fag there op, anhero and save yourself the pain


any niggers out there with this shit ,have any reactions from girls

Looks like Braille for the blind.

I'm legit dying man, that's some top kek worthy piece, holy fuck!

Show us your whole dick

Opposed to braille for the seeing.

ty my mate

Could be papillies or whatever there calles littke balls on the penis but Idk this looks different lol

it's written "don't suck or fuck this dick, i've got nasty STDs" in Braille.

Callouses from jerking it too much

you have?

Wanking nubbins, use your left hand instead, they'll soon clear up.

Just one girl asking me casually 'hey user, I've seen this on a couple of guys, do you know what it is?' Told her I dunno and we never talked about it again, just remembered it seeing this thread. Never heard anything from other girls I've been with...


it's repost



>medicine student
>prostate cancer
this post is cancer.




It's braille OP. If you translate it, it predicts the day you die of Aids

Pop it faggot


No u.

I thought I was looking at some sort of ice cream bar at first.

go on google, i think its something called freya spots or someshit , it will go away in like a year ,