Sup Forums is reverse racism real?

Sup Forums is reverse racism real?

Reverse racism? Niggers are the most racist fucks on the planet.

OP is a reverse hetero

What the fuck is reverse racism? Is it a new SJW meme to further try and divide societies?

No. Reverse racism is a bullshit term. It's just called racism.

>reverse rac

correct, calling it "reverse racism" implies that its somehow different from white peoples racism - which is the bad kind.

ebony fag here . U actually right. My mom is , my sister is , my auntie is . BUt youll never blame em and thats why you ll never notice

No its not real

You're not being "oppressed" if another group is doing better than you.

ebony fag here. They sure do have things to complain about , but the rights they have are not the main part of it. What i hear is more like: I got a bad grade cuz teacher is racist .
Lol . You ARE racist

>white peoples racism - which is the bad kind.
Anti-white racism is a greater threat than any other racism in today's society

threat to who?

No i am not. As I just said. Reverse racism is not real

By common sense, of course it doesn't exist. If you hate anyone for their race, even a white person, you're a fucking racist. Most black people I know share this view.

Academically speaking, it does exist because in sociology the term "racist" refers to systematic oppression. Therefor if the oppressed group discriminates against the oppressive group, it's the opposite ("reverse racism"). This view is held by ultra left wing kids in college, all of whom happen to be both white and very pasty, suggesting they don't go outside much.

In other words, anyone who believes in reverse racism should be dismissed, and anybody who hates white people for being white is a racist. But if you're trying to suck up to a liberal arts professor and get a good grade, you have to use this stupid term.

no, it doesn't exist.

>muh white feelings

>direct comparison between races
And as i just said (cant obviously speak for black community but i experienced recism towards caucasians from my own family

>implying any historical act that doesn't affect any people currently living counts as a reasonable support for "reverse racism"
I know you're a troll, but it's so incredibly stupid

Nit even white and this is bullshit. Whites are getting a lot of shit these days.
>hur you're saying that cause you white
I'm Latino.

>itt white male privilege runs rampant

Reverse racism? Is that like, where you say really nice things about a particular race?

lol . Im ebony .

Blacks are allowed to be racist to whites and get away with it

reverse racism is a bullshit term.
Racism is racism
BUT there is positive discrimination and negative discrimination.
All niggers have big dicks.
All niggers steal.

he s makeing fun of the term 'reverse racism' dude. it objectively makes no sence


Yeah right, black people don't refer to themselves as "ebony". Timestamp of skin or gtfo cracker.

That's racism.
Not reverse racism.
Racism is racism regardless of race.


Not if you're a part of an oppressed race.

>hurr durr white privilege doesnt exist

Yes, it's called racism

Its a bit weird yes, but im on his side even tho hes pointing it in the wrong way . Every race knew their place in nature between animal. they knew what life is and what it should look like. Caucasians did not . wether it is a good thing or not . the 'white men' are the only one 'playing god' . And i repeat : I didnt say if its good or not

No it's still racism.
The definition doesn't change.
See, if you had read the definition you wouldn't be so butthurt right now over whatever little episode in your life caused these paranoid delusions you call reality.

extreme islamites
*user was knifed for this post*

That pic is bullshit u know that right?


Anti-white racism is a threat to 'islamites'?

No its not

Ebony fag here . U r dumb , objectively

Umm. Learn2anthro

are we gonna ignore there that minorities get massive preferential treatment with the same grades




So sorry blacks are retarded

>black dad
Obviously photoshopped


Sure, if you follow outdated dictionary definitions then yes, you're right. Racism = discrimination + power. See, if you had a basic understanding of oppression you wouldn't be so butthurt right now over whatever little episode in your life caused these paranoid delusions you call reality.

ITT: Tumblrfags

White people are easily the least racist people on the planet and everyone but white people realize that also no, there is just racism.

No. Please end your life immediately.

I actually predicted your answer. Still. There are still people in africa , australia , america , south america , etc. who live in their place in nature , sure live is hard and on this one im the one sitting in a western country on a laptop but still. These people are not a threat to the world like caucasians are

No it's just racism. This whole "racism is about an institution blah blah" is just a pretty way to say that white people are still racist but it's no longer acceptable to be publicly racist.

The fact of the matter is that whites treat blacks different than they treat whites and the same is true vice versa. It's the same with every race.


Ebony fag from germany ... Shut your god damn mouth stupid motherfucking dumbass cunt when u dont know what shit on earth u r talking about . lol

Nah, I'm chillin'.

puddin pops puddin pops!!

>see comic sans ms
>wanna kill a dude
stfu up and be kill

"It's never my fault!! It's the system, man!"
This is why things will never get better for "oppressed" minorities.

No. It's just racism.

So he's telling him to shoot authority figures?
Seems about right.

Implying there are black dads who haven't abandoned their bastard offspring

There is only racism, "reverse racism" is bullshit.

there are literally quotas for various minorities

being not white is a privilege at pretty much every stage in your professional life if you have the same grades/intelligence as a white guy

sometimes they re right , but most of the times its just excuses

>Outdated dictionary definitions.
Yeah... no.
The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
This is googles definition. See how easy that was? You could use this the next time someone oppresses you.
Oh and it's a topkek when white people(i'm white fyi) bitch this much and claim oppression when they fail to defend themselves from racists because of their own ignorance.

>anti-white racism
>threat to who?
Nice reading comprehension


if it needed to be called reverse racism the definition would have to mean that its specifically carried out by white people. So yes, I think racism exists.

There's the reaction of someone who doesn't have an argument.


My statement still stands in this one.

Black people and asians are also a threat to the world.
Are you saying black people don't drive cars or consume electricity? What about asians?
Those chinese don't use fossil fuels at all.
And the japanese don't consider dolphins "rats of the sea" and hunt them.

Dude its just , i really wanna swap with you right know . I read what u say and i just ... wanna show you the irony . Its simply not true man .


Yeah it's my fault that black people commit more crimes. Good one.

there s the reaction of someone whos always last on getting a joke . (little hint) this is not a joke

not shown: rate at which black people commit violent crime and resist arrest (SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER THAN ANY OTHER RACE)

what I am saying is 100% true

I am not mentioning any specific minorities

White privilege when it comes to colleges and jobs is working twice as hard for the same stuff

>The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities
But that's true. The races are different.

>the majority of other races really are bad
>it cant be that the system is biased


>question with an indirect statement
>how could i think user is smart ?

>reverse racism
apparently stupidity is real

If they commit more crimes, they are on average, worse.

There is one thing you could do that would reduce crime drastically though. Legalize all drugs.

saying reverse racism is racist dude

What if it's both?

>I criticize the relevance of dictionary definition
>You proceed to quote dictionary definition

You really are one dumb cracker, aren't you?

Ooh the 'c' word, that's racist dude. Not cool

lol. ok ... im talking about the achievements white men brought to us like 'cars and electricity' . These things are white faults/benefits . Mordern western live is fault/benefit of white men.

U cant talk for every one ! U dont know how it really is in your region/state/continent . U only have impressions . And i say : i do not expirience these benefits u r talking about in so many ways

That entire comic is a straw man. Nice try though.
If black people don't want to go to jail, they should stop committing crime. If they hate white civilization (the best the world has ever seen) they should kill themselves or get the fuck out. Blacks commit more murders than whites, not just per capita, but in raw numbers. Blacks kill whites more often than whites kill blacks.

I love that panel that says 'Shh! Censor all opposing viewpoints! Redefining words to suit our agenda while doxxing and harassing those who speak the truth is a-okay' because that is exactly what SJWs and race baiters do.

fucking idiots who don't understand a thing about probabilities and percentages, didn't even compare to percentages of whites and poc in the population and draw conclusion of "more likely" which is pure bullshit

we shouldn't be racist towards blacks or whites, we are all human. now piss off you fucking jewish cunt!

Shut up cracker. It's not racist.

Cracker=oppressive white

>anti-white racism
>being negative for people who aren't white
Are you retarded? Racism against a certain group is directed towards that group.

you are probably confusing rich privilege for white privilege

being poor and white (and male) is probably the worst possible situation

>Shut up cracker. It's not racist.
you're being racist retard!

This is a nice bait thread.

I guarantee you the black record is more likely to be a worse crime.

Gotta dig deeper man. Its still not what im saying . OK ill reveal it to you . Maybe whites deserve that backfire ... maybe there are reasons for that hatred .

You're criticism is irrelevant.
Regardless of how anyone else uses the words as soon as you quote the dictionary it's game over because, y'know it's kinda the authority on WORDS.
You can't fault an invention, you can fault is usage. Cars and electricity wouldn't be a problem to the environment if they were used intelligently. Which, as far as i know, no race has achieved.