Dubs decides what dat boi does for you

dubs decides what dat boi does for you

Oh shit waddup

dat boi is kill

put frog up ass

make him rub his stumpy frog dong

Let him crawl up your ass

dick pic with dat boi


Stabs op.



Vote for it fags.

It's time to take the meme one step further.
Dat Boi Space Program.

Shove it up your dick hole

stick your dick up dat boi and post a pic

Fuck him


suck op dick while watching streaming of pewdiepie

kek I won


Ride my dick like a unicycle.

put his head inside your ass


suck OP cock



Wasted dubs


shove him up ur dick hole

Do them both, faggot.

Don't puss out OP. What am I saying? Of course you will

Do it, faggot OP


let dat boi suck your dick

Bitch I already got dubs before that.
I refer you to Fucking dumbass faggot



trips and you burn it and toss it in the bin where it belongs

fucking shit meme


Now dickception this by putting the sculpture inside your human benis



Nice meme dude. Sick

Stick benis in butt

Split the milk


You are not dat boi

Rolling for 2mins in the microwave


69 get

It is very dangerous so ve must deal with it

dat boi has to burn

burn him

Roll for this



burn dat boi


This is cookable clay.

Sit on him

Give it a monocle and top hate please

Give a jewish hat to him

>under-rated literal interpretation

Roll: Tear off left foot and put on head.


Check em

WTF is that shit you pussy ass loser. Thats not dat boy in your dick hole you little bitch

Fuck I missed it

Then cum on it

Dat boy must an hero now.

remove head


you're talking to dat boi, retard


make him a nice hat


One more roll

fuck him

step on him

No I'm talking to a stupid faggot that pretends to be a shitty meme to escape his life as a fat ass fedora enthusiast. You disgust me.

pour gasoline over dat boi, put him on a cardboard unicycle, burn him the fuck down and upload it as a webm


You-- the human must cum on that green frog you made

Roll for this

dude, that time stamp is legit... why do want to see cock so bad, anyway? just go to one of your trap threads like usual ffs.


where's his unicycle faggot

enen though you didnt follow through this was still more creative then most of these threads so congrats OP you're a little less of a faggot then normally.

Roll 4 put in microwave for 30 secs




show us his heart


o shit topkek!!!

Roll: Sharpie in pooper.

sucks my pepe

wrap him in aluminum foil and put him in a microwave.

then start the microwave up you pedantic faggot

Stop trying to get around this. You knew the implications of posting this thread. Now that something happened that you don't want to do you just ignore it. You're a little bitch and thats all there is to it.

Finally.. we wait op

Preserve your creation, OP

eat the frog.

Not before this

