Fat hate bread ?

Fat hate bread ?

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actually, i think fat people love bread.

Is that a girl ? damn


don't hate fat people. hate the stupid and morbidly obese "person-esque mammal"

wait, what is up with the skeleton on the left

Prob a wedding ring on a chain




i've lost 60 pounds.
can confirm being thin is 100x better.
(i'm still slightly overweight kek)




Denial is a river in Egypt AMIRITE

Being fat is awful. Lose that fuckin weight. Unless you like being fat. But I assure you, those steps won't get any less steep.

I say this as a fatty.

Fat people are fucking disgusting. We should be exterminated once out weight goes above a certain BMI.



I was a fatty. Literally starved myself for a few months and now I'm healthy (was 240, am now 160)
500-700 calories a day
Daily Multivitamin
And see a doctor once a month.

This is the method I recccomend.

i watched this, i think it was my strange addiction. that landwhale doesnt eat anything but cheesy potatoes.

Fat guy AMA

I'm 30, I don't exercise, I smoke a pack a day, I drink soda and beer, I eat whatever I feel like and I'm only 200 lbs. I don't fucking UNDERSTAND how people get as big as the pictures in this thread. Just...physically...how do you eat that much? Or that fast? It's not just being lazy and not caring for yourself, no, there's some additional step to becoming this fucking blubbery. I mean I have seen fat people eat amounts and at speeds that I could simply not contain, I would vomit before I could do a third of what they could.

Seriously could a hugefatty just tell me how you phsyically even pull it off? How do you break 220 lbs? I can't do it man. Whiskey, pizza, hell sometimes I just make an entire package of bacon. Where's the beef? Should I not be fucking huge?

I'm a fatty too, I hate fat people. Not that fat people that say "hey, I've got to do something about my health" and they try, and fail, and try some more, and get help, and make little steps at a time but keep trying. No. I hate that fat people that want everyone else to accept them and their need for motorized scooters, half of your seat on a bus, and their need for government money to help deal with their myriad of health problems. Screw that. It isn't easy but ya know what...it's doable. Why is it doable. Because this fatty has lost about 120lbs, and could stand to lose another 40. Fuck. Under active thyroids...genetics....piss off. This concludes my rant.

Its not overeating a few times a day, its just eating at an above average rate all the time, I eat 3 meals a day with like idk maybe 5 snacks, whatever is around, chocolate chips soda whatever.

Self plug.

I'm actually just going to go with "an hero and take my nasty fat ass out of the gene pool"

Former huge ass fatty here, used to be north of 350. At that weight it isn't a function of not knowing about nutrition, it's a mental issue with using food to cope. Now, physically how does it happen. Really it's the amount of food, imagine what you described and double it...for me it was a constant stream of eating high calorie stuff. I really think your stomach stretches and you physically have more room. I know, hard to comprehend. But I can remember destroying 2 large pizzas, a 6 pack of beer, and a half dozen doughnuts. For one meal. Disgusting I know. But, after a month of eating normal portions I remember being sick after only 3 prices of pizza. Really beleive that the size of my stomach shrank. Is that medically accurate...I dont know...but I think it is. Oh, and I'm at 205 and pretty athletic now. Man I hated being fat. Hope that provides some insight.

Literally me in both these photos.
You can do it.

That is sad, those kids need someone to run around and play with them....

How tall are you user and what body type?

5 snacks per meal or day?
either way, it's still a lot. Never understood the desire to constantly snacking.

>I'm primarily a vegetarian

Snacks stimulate dopamine i guess? Some people find it easier to get it from food i guess...

I disagree about the psychological part of what you said, or atleast it is not my experience, I eat a ton because I enjoy it and there is no reason for me to be thin, also yes you are correct, your stomach stretches.

Yeah because all mothers run around and play with their kids, what the fuck

per day, and as I said, I like food.

I wake up at like 3 AM, eat whatever available, do whatever, sleep at 5-6, wake up whenever needed and have breakfast, do whatever for 1 hour then snack, and it goes like that for a while.

eating is a coping mechanism at that point. Similar to drinking, or gambling, or any other addiction.


The stay puft marshmallow man lives


So its a rare opportunity to see you posting here... Im glad i witness this today

>take my nasty fat ass out of the gene pool

It's not genetic. There will still be fat people.

The answer is better education. We need people to have better decision making skills and we need to have better health education because parents can't be relied upon to do it.

Also, physical education is a joke. It's basically recess for high school students.

her fats got fat.

Im surprised downloading this image didnt took all my HD space...


>Guise, I'm primarily a vegetarian

How so ?

would be cool if they combined it with home economics, and teach how to make proper meals at an earlier age

leg testicles?

Agreed it has to start from childhood and learn to moderate on snacks and have a varied diet. It doesnt have to turn into forbiding every snacks or fast foods, just have one every week or even once a month, just as a little treat... Cus thats what they are

Seeing your daily schedule of snacking and sleeping...

congrats looking good

I was this before I started dieting except I didn't smoke or drink.

Just eating whenever I felt like eating and however much I felt like and pretty much only drinking soda, I was stuck at ~220.

How do you become a blob monster?


at least you kept the ass, lost everything else that was good

Trying to get army fit D: so much work.

>Guise. Seriously. Vegetarian.


It's the reason I'm 160 and not 130.

I sleep about 4-5 hours a day so Id say that you misunderstood what I wrote, anyway I am here a decent amount of time :^)

Don't want to. Not worth the effort.

It's not genetic. It's because I eat garbage. Sometimes literally. I still need to be taken out of the gene pool, though.

Well then i did misread...


Guys, I'll lay it out like this. Both sides are right, you can have medical issues (I do) that cause you to store and hold weight, but it is not fucknig impossible to get it off. You just have to try and give up a lot of shit. If you honest to god have a medical reason that you gain weight you owe it to yourself to treat it like a fucking medical illness and eat less. Believe me, I know its hard and I'm still fucking fighting with it, but coming from a guy who was once 550 lbs. you can fucking get it off.

Is that a pack of Newports, or an insulin pump, stuffed in her sweatpants?


Effort? Effort? It's literally not getting up for a snack. It requires less effort than actually eating!!!
The doctor thing is give or take, I didn't see one until after my diet. It's been six months, I've not gained a single pound back.

I've lost 45 and nothing is better. (5'10 205 to 160)

I'm still a bit overweight too, but not much.

Yeah. Education really needs to change, but it's so political.

You end up with teachers unions getting pissed off, retarded parents getting pissed off, you have liberals who want to teach them to be fat cucks and you have conservatives who want to replace science education with bible study.

It's all so fucked.

>fat person being picky about food

Hm, I think you're right. I got up to 220 once when I lived with a girl, her cooking involved a lot of butter and I felt I had to eat a lot of it because people are offended on a weirdly deep level if you don't like their cooking. I later moved away and started cooking for myself again and I couldn't even eat half of what I was making myself all the sudden.

5'10, white, mesomorphic. Part russian or something and my features seem to be made for a very cold environment, small ears and mouth, small nose, short powerful legs, dense body hair everywhere but my chest I assume because if someone in that cold an environment didn't cover their chest they would just die.

I have a theory that my body fat, which is largely concentrated on my stomach, is distributed to be ideal for a cold environment and as such I'm keeping a lot of body fat internally. I have absolutely no butt and no jiggly shit on my limbs.

Me again.

I saw a picture up top that pointed out perfectly what any doc will tell you if you honestly have medical issues. Energy in, Energy out. If you want to eat something you honest to god need to work it off. My issue was and ofter is, I sit around playing games to much.

You really don't need to see a doctor to lose weight, kind of a waste of money.

I'm 225lbs but I'm 6'1 and do martial arts, so it's a mix of muscle and fat, not one or the other. I'd probably weight 190lbs or 200lbs naturally if I shaved off the junk and knuckled down on exercising.

But I agree. It's almost like you HAVE to be trying to get that large to get that large. It's mind boggling.

3-6 awake doing whatever.

10am - 10pm doing whatever

rinse & repeat.

not the guy you were talking to but it takes effort to not do something you enjoy.

Keep going, I hear its very effective if you lose a good amount of weight.


Not defending that guy, but why they would have a junk food trolley in a weight loss clinic?

It's like selling beer and cigarettes in a drug rehab clinic



my brain just cannot comprehend this



Some people do infact need to, but it doesnt mean they gain weight and cant lose it.

Still waiting for WW3.

>it takes effort to not do something you enjoy

It feels normal after about of week or two

You misunderstand. *I* am not worth the effort. I should have been a blowjob. I'm not going to bother putting forth the effort to save a worthless little microdicked fuckstick like me.

Sure but it takes effort to get there, I dont gain enough for me to consider it, so meh.



Yeah I doubled back on that. Right you are.
My bad ~_~
Yep, you clocked me.

Anyone got that greentext about the fat guy that tried to go up the stairs because the user said the elevator was broken, and then the guy started puking all over him self and almost had a heart attack? It's not exactly hate, but it always cracks me up

Or even if it's a normal hospital, you'd think someone would know not to give the turbo fat extra chips.

Obviously it doesn't excuse him from making his own choices, but still.

Fatties love anything they can catch and fit in their mouth

Is this the start of a universe?
I'm scared.


Look, it's okay to put yourself down. But don't use it as an excuse not to try.
It's either get thin or die of some obesity related death later.
Nice Satan trips, I guess that deserves another photo.

For the love of god this please!

at least she appears to be trying.
we can all hope she continues.

I feel this way sometimes.

Its fine mate.

Nah but I remember that, he stops mid way and buy a can of coke or something like that.

>some people find overweight people hot

