British Army

British Army.

Best in the world.

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That Fucking rifle. 9 years using that shitty fucking thing (still better than the M16.


not aiming at anything but has the finger on the trigger
undone strap on the helmet
no fucking clue how these undisciplined fags managed to fight of the glorious white defense of the Malvinas

Finger is on the guard.



That's a poster child to attract more women to the army so they can do HR and Desk while the blokes are out doing PT, Drill and Combat Exercises.

What's that one called in the picture, m8?


it is on the finger
zoom in
you can clearly see the guard covering part of the finger



Are you people really arguing over the trigger discipline of a stock photo model?

Why are there two Channing Tatums?


trigger discipline is for everyone at all times

Flaming kek, m8.

You mean, L98A1 Cadet GP Rifle.

And you also mean SA-80 A2.


once upon a all fairy tales.

That's what fetal alcohol syndrome actually looks like

My mother was an alcohol for the entire pregnancy term and I look nothing like that disgusting Russian child.

What's with the filename?
They're from Arkansas , they're brothers and both their names are Daryl.
Stupid is as stupid does Amerifags.

god I love these threads. I'm no history major. But didnt the british army lose to their own unregulated colonial militias? And I think they lost all their tea. Maybe thats why they lost. But wait, they were fighting their own people. Wtf britian beat britian? Hey the british intelligence units of the world wars are the ones that basically trained all of our intelligence units. I'm drunk. But I think the brits are cool. And I'm a yank.

Even people with fake guns?

We couldn't fight the French in the US when they had the Yank support and were practically on our doorstep. The French were very powerful at this time and The British Empire had it's fair share of enemies, all collecting their interest when The American Dream was becoming more of a reality.

>Even people with fake guns?
if they look realistic
because the proper response to someone with their finger on the trigger of something that looks like gun that appears to be aimed at you is to shoot the person holding the"gun"

Fake Guns are the worst. You don't want to get yourself shot over Trigger Discipline, do you?

Not really a problem in the UK with our properly trained police force

if your cops do not shoot a person threatening to shoot people with a gun
then your cops are not properly trained and/or equipped

It is where I live.

Any of the 25+ Paramilitaries can decide to shoot you over bullshit. We aren't allowed guns for personal protection unless we can prove our life is in danger, so it's only the gangs that have guns.

If we brought back guns for everyone over the age of 21+, we could identify any of the legally bought guns to commit crime. Not to mention it would destroy illegal gun trade and cut a good chunk out of the terrorism we still get.

>still beleiving muricafag dont sell guns to arabian pricks...

funny cop video

Britain was winning the colonial treason until the hypocrites in the colonial congress offered alliances to the actually tyrannical kings of France + Spain

did someone mention the british army?

>we got them on the run! tea, or something stronger?

Like john luther?

American soldier here. I was a grader for the expert field medical badge in Germany recently. We had brits there as well as a couple other countries. One of the females lost her weapon on land nav train up and claimed she had fallen down this huge ridge when she did it. We had to stop all training and search until we found it. After about 2 and a half hours and probably 200 people looking for it we found it 100 meters from her start point. She had lost it early on and lied about it wasting all our time. Retarded female brit.

get your filthy mortar pit cancer out of here

jk i do it too

>they're named Daryl

because of course they are


there's a rather splendid cromwell ready to go!

they lost to the french army.

mmmmmm gimme dat juicy crushwell.

just bought this game 3 weeks ago and i already know all the memes, am i cool yet guyz?

but seriously that game is a lot of fun, even when i'm losing most of my games because bad

>It's the fact it was a British soldier and not the fact it was a woman that made her useless

Wow, no wonder with intelligence like that you won Vietnam.

we did win vietnam faggot. we rekt their entire nation with our agent orange forever.

they will never forget us, the jolly green giants.