Kahoot incoming

Kahoot incoming

I need to get my Kahoot on!

Ok sir


Team Nigger checking in

Im in 6th place.
Post pictures of classroom pls

whitey mcwhite here

McLovin checking in

Aids reporting to duty

im in 5th, but walmarie and chels are cheeky cunts and 5k points above me.
OP did they react to anything yet?

+ 988 Points
Your team is now in 5th place.
4,199 points behind Walmarie& chels!

how many ?s


Op any reactions yet

dah fuq, my team name was nigger and it chagned it to trick

who are you behind now? cuz thats me and my name was niggastonedmyanus

Your team is now in 6th place.
1,048 points behind exchange!

+ 980 Points
Your team is now in 3rd place.
10,355 points behind BlacksUnite!

Fucking jewish teacher changed my name. but i almost got walmarie and chelsea

Changed name to barrenanus

Post classroom OP

Well that was an enjoyable waste of time
