Looks like Hillary's gonna get the nomination so Democrats for trump

Looks like Hillary's gonna get the nomination so Democrats for trump

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im not voting this election
all candidates are horrible

Yeah, except Donald Trump. Don't let the niggers win this one too, user.

I'm a Republican voting for Clinton. Trump is an idiot.

you really think trump is a good choice for being in charge of the US?

democrats for trump are fucking morons

Both are shit but I feel like Trump would be slightly better than Hillary

I'm a clinton voting for republican. Democrat is an idiot.

how? he really wont be

and more importantly, a trump victory sets a precedent in america that says that this type of out there crazy is okay and can win
im more woried about who comes after trump if he wins

you know you don't HAVE to pick any of them, right?

dont encourage him to waste his vote

voting is a sacred civil duty

Remove yourself from the gene pool please

Weak people are no longer welcome for reproduction

im the weak one? and you think trump and people like him are strong? pathetic


Basically this, cant even imagine how fucked things will be next election

it wouldn't be a waste if every registered voter chose not to vote. Or just voted for themselves if they were "worried" about breaking the law.

that will never happen

if it did it would be pretty epic tho

And if communism worked that would be pretty epic too

I'm an idiot voting for an idiot. Idiot is an idiot.

yes, indeed.