Debunk this

Debunk this

>you can't, because I literally just blew your mind

"How are we gonna justify arms dealing when we realize that we're all one?" - Bill Hicks

so it takes the amount of people who ever lived to mature enough for this universe? How does he play the roles of other people if hes jumping around time? Like the peasent girls friends? if hes never been one of her friends before then how can he interact with thme during his lifetime?

You're assuming that just because he experiences each life linearly that they must therefore exist linearly.

yes because this world is linear and so is interacting with other people in it.

>every time you fucked someone, you were really fucking yourself

pretty much


take some LSD mang

> you fucked a guy in the ass
> nohomo tho since it's yourself
> homosexuality is ok
> you're everyone = everyone was once gay
> or bi
> or a cute twink
> or a murderer

>used grammar school
>never actually encountered a grammer school irl, so God wouldn't use it as an analogy to explain something to me
Fuck you

i wonder why god still hasnt considered abortion
i mean i think we would make a great omelette

you have a very small mind

Possible but less likely than the christian version of the truth.

not really, christian side already has mistakes within, so it is almost a zero. this has some inconveniences but not as much.

We, the individual lives, experience the world linearly.
The god fetus is not constrained by our limited view.
If it helps, imagine it more like he's watching a replay.
He can pause and rewind and fast forward, swap between views.

When he takes over a life he gets swapped to their view and watches it to completion, his mind blocking out memory of any other. And when he finishes if he waits long enough to choose a new view he will start remembering all the other views he's watched.

Just because he hasn't watched the replay from that viewpoints best friend yet, doesn't mean the best friend view isn't there.

Obviously this is simplified, but that is the general idea/concept.

It is not possible for a human being to be this stupid.

>Stealing a short story called The Egg written by Andy Weir.

>the guy who wrote The Martian



Welcome to Sup Forums, new guy.

Except that, if time doesn't exist, then he's already lived all the lives of everyone ever, so he shouldn't be a fetus anymore.

>reads this mindblowing story
>first thing that comes to mind is gay sex


You sound about as high as I am. Decent explanation though

For those of you that believe this shit, take a look at what's to come in the Rekt threads.

Couldn't get past the first ten lines due to:
>I said adverb
>You replied
>I said
Ad nauseum

Terrible way to write dialogue