I bet u can't roast us

i bet u can't roast us

Is that what you call Y-O-G-A-y ?

Betcha I can

this is a strange porn

nothing to roast here, homosexuality is celebrated and accepted here. Nothing to see here folks.

u look ok tbh

Is that a condom wrapped around the hand of the no-face guy ?

last time we roasted your type they world got all mad at us Germans

I was just looking for three fags to star in my adult movie - The good , The bad and the guy with no head

try roasting gays nowadays. the fucking /lgbt/ will be all over us

Cock or gtfo

i wonder what would be the raction if one of your parents walks in the room

>i bet u can't roast us.
It's like beating a dead horse. I almost feel bad for you guys.

nice shirt man

That zit, that is a mini everest, joins the two brows into a unibrow

you're just roasting yourselves. no effort needed.

>brb boys, gonna make out with my shotgun.

That's why Hitler did nothing wrong :@@@

whats to make fun of, y'all know where y'all bought them pants from and it damn sure wasnt the men's department.

I'm sure the right one is a pothead, the guy on the left smokes crack and the top guy is just there to train his splits

Only roast here is that photoshop job on the timestamp faggot

thre3 step daughters